Showing posts with label Rupert Murdoch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rupert Murdoch. Show all posts

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Providing Back-Up

Inspired by the common sense approach of fellow WSP'er, Jason, who has set up the The World Socialist blog, and fearful that the unofficial Socialist Standard page on MySpace could be deleted at any moment by some minion at Murdoch Inc, I've decided to provide a back-up with the Socialist Standard@MySpace blog.

Sadly, I can't carry over/transfer the comments from the MySpace blog - over a thousand and rising - at the same time, and I can't be arsed to make a note of all the splendifirous music that I've listened to whilst maintaining the page, but hopefully over the next few weeks/months, I'll be able to transfer all 475+ articles, book reviews and glorified links to pump up the sitemeter on this blog from the MySpace page over to the blog. *Gulp* . . . only 350 to go.

It's not some maniacal attempt on my part to duplicate unnecessary work, but the recognition that in amongst the articles, book reviews and glorified links that can be found elsewhere on the web, there are a number of excellent articles on the MySpace page that appeared there on the net for the first time, and if the page suddenly got dropped-kicked into a cyberspace black hole one morning a lot of that good stuff would be unnecessarily lost. For that reason alone, it makes sense to provide the back up.

As I've been doing the cut and paste in the last couple of days, I thought I'd use it as a cheap excuse to point people in the direction of a number of recommended articles amd reviews that have already been posted on the blog back-up.

  • Orwell's Nightmare
  • Class War No More?
  • The Beauty Trap
  • Oscar Wilde and Socialism
  • The Wobblies
  • What Marx Should Have Said To Kropotkin
  • The Most Dangerous Song in the World - A Rewrite
  • Xmas Eve at the Grotto
  • Class Politics in the USA - Interview with WSPUS and Union Activist
  • Is The Socialist Party Marxist?
  • Socialism in the 21st Century
  • Brendan Behan's 'Borstal Boy'
  • More links to follow when the mood takes.