New Humanist

A quarterly journal of ideas, science and culture from the Rationalist Association


Editor's choice

Does literature help or hinder the fight for equality?

Today, the concept of human rights is being dangerously undermined. Does literature offer us a way back from the brink?

By Lyndsey Stonebridge
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Rationalism, Atheism & Humanism
book cover

Book review: To Be A Machine

Mark O'Connell's study of transhumanism is a portrait of a movement that believes death is our disgrace and technology our redeemer.

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Human Rights & Ethics

Does literature help or hinder the fight for equality?

Today, the concept of human rights is being dangerously undermined. Does literature offer us a way back from the brink?

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Science & Technology

Fighting the flu, a breakthrough on HIV treatment, and the uses of carbon

Chemistry, Biology, Physics: Three scientists talk through big recent developments in their fields.

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Rowson illustration

What makes maths beautiful?

For an experienced mathematician, the greatest equations are beautiful as well as useful. Can the rest of us see what they see?

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Science & Technology
Black hole

Primordial black holes and an unprecedented discovery

Is it possible that we have witnessed the merger of two massive black holes?

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How a history of conquest shapes the present

A century ago, European empires dominated much of the planet. Gurminder K Bhambra and Charlotte L Riley ask what we can learn from the past.

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Politics & Conflict

White power music and the changing face of extremism

Hate rock was a crucial part of previous fascist movements in the US and UK. But today’s populist far-right lacks a soundtrack.

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Could empathy do us more harm than good?

Today, it is taken as given that empathy is a driving force for good. But is reason a more useful and compassionate approach?

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Politics & Conflict

Echoes of history at Europe's borders

Almost a century after a mass “exchange” of Muslim and Christian minorities, the Aegean coast sees a new wave of refugees.

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