Showing posts with label Heritage Front. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heritage Front. Show all posts

26 February 2017

Paulie and Kyle McKee: Together Again

When Kyle McKee formed first the Aryan Guard, which morphed into Blood & Honour, Paul Fromm was a regular attendee at a number Calgary events organized by McKee and his fellow boneheads:

Paulie was a very vocal supporter of McKee for years, especially when the latter was facing his numerous criminal charges over the years, such as Paulie's commentary on the outcome of McKee's 2010 trial concerning his "alleged" involvement in the pipe bomb incident in 2009 (McKee was arrested in December at Bill Noble's residence after a month on the run):

But then something happened that caused a rift that lasted several years. We can speculate as to what the reasons were, but we might just let McKee and his supporters speak on that issue themselves:

Hmmmm, I wonder what the issue could have been?

It seemed that the rift wouldn't be healed any time soon, however the relationship between Paulie and McKee (and by extension Calgary B&H) has, as of now, at least achieved a state of détente:

What's Paulie's cut of the admissions fee going to be, Kyle?

That's right. For the first time in three (perhaps four) years, Paulie and McKee are back together again, though perhaps the real draw will be Ms. Chabloz.

Still, this happy reunion between Paulie and McKee is one I simply couldn't let pass without commemorating it in some way. And what better way than to utilize my newly learned video editing skills?

Be sure to turn on the closed captions for the pithy commentary.

I think I did quite well on this one.

4 September 2016

Ezra Levant Not Entirely Certain Soldiers of Odin Are A "Thing"

While we were working on our commentary yesterday on Mack Lamoureux's CBC story covering the  activities of the Soldiers of Odin in Edmonton, we were also following an interesting exchange between Mr. Lamoureux and Ezra Levant on Twitter. Sadly, as Ezra isn't a fan of ours....

.... we may have been only able to see one side of the discussion.

Unless we had a second Twitter account. Which, of course, we do.

Now, from this part of the exchange, Ezra seems to be suggesting that the Soldiers of Odin are actually a figment of Mr. Lamoureux's imagination. However, Ezra does clarify his position that he believes the SoO are exist, but only as a vehicle to entrap poor, dumb, disenfranchised, "old stock" Canadians:

20 March 2016

Canadians United 4 Canada Founder and Paul Fromm Meet

Hot on the heels of our last story detailing Canadians United 4 Canada and their ties to Canadian neo-Nazis, we see have a related update further cementing the group in the "White Nationalist" camp.

Yesterday Ms. O'Farrell, founder of Canadians United 4 Canada, alluded to some meetings that were taking place soon:

And now thanks to Paulie, we know a little bit more about one of those meetings:

4 August 2015

August 2015 Bits and Bites: Horribly Belated Edition

I know, I know.

This writer just got out of the bush a few days ago after several weeks of camping. Unfortunately, I forgot to let our friend who fills in when I'm (a) on vacation, (b) sick, (c) burnt out, or (d) hung over. But as he was gone as well as it turns out, it wouldn't have mattered anyways.

Soooo, what's happened since our last update?

First, we are working on gathering details for an upcoming article. Won't tip our hand too much yet, but I will mention that it involves a person based in Toronto we've discussed with some frequency in the past and some rather interesting associations that individual turns out to have. Stay tuned.

Second, we have two good news stories and one not-so-good story we would like to share, though even the latter doesn't put it's subject in a particularly positive light.

We start with the good news.

At the beginning of July, the New Brunswick Court of Appeals reserved judgement in the case of Robert McCorkill, who's will leaving his estate to the American-based hate group the National Alliance was challenged by his estranged sister, the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, and the government of New Brunswick. Paulie suggested that, "experienced court observers predicted a six month wait for the decision."

In the end, it didn't even take a single month:

20 February 2015

Elisa Hategan Comments on Danger of Giving More Power to CSIS

We posted an article on the blog earlier this month where we suggested that government legislation that would provide CSIS more powers wasn't in the best interests of the Canadian people. We based that conclusion on the role CSIS and their mole Grant Bristow played during the early years of the Heritage Front. It was during the years that Bristow was involved (1989 - 1994) that the Heritage Front was at it's most dangerous.

We later received the following comment:

Personally, I don't think that Heritage Front has anything to do with CSIS. The Heritage Front was a Canadian neo-Nazi,white supremacist organization founded in 1989 and disbanded around 2005.

That isn't an entirely accurate sentiment unfortunately, and Ms. Hategan goes into a great deal of detail outlining the role CSIS played in the first five years of the Heritage Front. We'll provide the link to Ms. Hategan's here and at the end of our part of the article. First, we need to make the following points:

6 February 2015

Give CSIS More Powers? Sure! What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Artwork by Nina Bunjevac

Back in November, two Canadian soldiers were murdered by individuals who may have been radicalized by an extremist interpretation of Islam, but who most certainly were not right in the head. The two incidents were horrible tragedies and, for a time, most Canadians were able to put aside petty, partisan, bickering.

In response to these two murders as well as the real or perceived threats posed by extremists (particularly those associated with ISIS, or ISIL, or EIEIO, or whatever the hell they are referring to themselves as now), Harper's Conservative government proposed a new law that would give sweeping new investigative powers to CSIS, Canada's spy agency. Justin Trudeau has suggested that the Liberals will support the legislation. Mulclair has said the NDP will oppose passage of the bill.

We say, good for you Mr. Harper!

These are dangerous times and we need to do everything we as a nation can do to protect the citizens of this country from fanatics who would harm us all. CSIS should be given every tool it can to stop the maniac before they can act.


Sure, there are people who suggest that the current laws are perfectly fine as evidenced by the arrests of suspected extremists that have already take place without the use of the advanced tools that the proposed law would give to CSIS. Oh, and there is concern that the wording of the legislation is so broad as to encompass any group the government decides is a threat:

.... On close inspection, Bill C-51 is not an anti-terrorism bill. Fighting terrorism is its pretext; its language reveals a broader goal of allowing government departments, as well as CSIS, to act whenever they believe limply defined security threats “may” – not “will” – occur. 

So why does this bill exist? What is it fighting? And why is it giving intelligence officers powers that are currently reserved for the RCMP and other police forces? 

CSIS is an intelligence agency. It is secretive, and it is supposed to be. Why does it suddenly need police powers to do its job? Until now, police powers were reserved for the police – an organization that is public, and which in a democracy must be. 

Have you ever met a CSIS agent? Was he out in uniform, walking the beat? No. CSIS works in secret. It is furthermore immune from Parliamentary oversight. 

And now, if Bill C-51 passes, CSIS will be able to disrupt anything its political masters believe might be a threat. As the bill is currently written, that includes a lot more than terrorism.

And of course there those who foolishly worry that CSIS might, through the use of an informant, infiltrate a group of people who have extremist views but who haven't the tools or the wherewithal to act on those views, but then go on to encourage members of the group to act in such a way as to become a threat and thus justify their investigation of the group.

Well that is just speculative crazy talk! That could never, ever, happen. CSIS would never endanger Canadians by making already dangerous individuals far more dangerous by organizing them and providing with resources and training.


Uhm.... right?

There was a lecherous old newspaper man from Pennsylvania who once said that people who would give up their essential liberty for a little bit of security deserve neither freedom nor security. This seems to be an especially pertinent sentiment now.

If our readers would like to know more about the potential dangers of giving CSIS the new powers proposed by the government, you need to go no further than Elisa Hategan's Race Traitor, a first hand account of Hategan's recruitment into the Heritage Front. More relevant to this discussion though is how Hategan explains how a group of already dangerous boneheads were provided with the organizational structure and resources that made it significantly more dangerous than it would otherwise have been by Grant Bristow who was credited as one of the founders of the Heritage Front while also on the payroll of CSIS.

3 August 2014

Southern Ontario Skins: A Cast of Stooges Part VI (Greatest Email Exchange Ever!!!)

You know, there are times when we have to wonder what good karma we have amassed for fortune to fall into our laps.

Ladies and gentlemen, might we introduce you to the newest member of the Southern Ontario "Skinheads", Jeremy Crawford:

We should at this point provide a little background. Crawford actually contacted us in May thinking that either we were the SOS or that we could hook him up with the SOS:
my name is jeremy crawford when u here the name u say skinhead thats feared and well respected im friends with brodie walsh anyways i lead small skinhead groups in london and sarnia ive been through thick and thin being a skinhead but i always come out on top because were more intelligent than the others [emphasis ours] i want in im 32 and i want in i want a group to call my family that i can trust with my life im 220 pds and covered in white power tattooes covered. im the poster child for skinheads im purebred german blonde hair blue eyes etc please get back to me. WPWW
Jeremy Crawford 32 220 pds pure german and life long skinhead i want in i have ran little clicks and iam well respected i want in the southren ont skins get back to me at ************ or ************ get ahold of me please i would be an incredible asset to the group and i know brodie walsh
This in and of itself wasn't actually a surprise. It actually isn't all that uncommon for ARC to receive messages from boneheads who are either functionally illiterate or who neglect to actually read our stories (or the rather large Anti-Racist Canada banner) and who believe we are a racist group. So it was with Jeremy Crawford. As he also provided his email, we decided that we would get in touch with him to see if we could extend this little dialogue. However, we didn't hear back from Crawford so we published an article making fun of him for contacting an anti-racist organization to request membership in a racist organization.

We knew this would likely result in the SOS reaching out to Crawford, an assumption that soon proved correct:

Later, on June 28, Walsh posted a follow-up on his wall:

That, we figured, would be the nail in the coffin. No chance that Crawford would reply to our email.

Then, on July 4 (which ironically turned out to be Crawford's birthday) we received this:

29 June 2014

Sec. 13 Dead.... For Now

NOTE: This is a little screen shot heavy. Be forewarned.

On June 26, Sec. 13 of the Human Rights Act cease to exist. As our friend BCL noted however there is no reason why Sec. 13, which was ruled constitutional by the Supreme Court, can not be brought back by a more enlightened government in the future. In the meantime the good folks at the now moribund Free Dominion have decided to post (a now rare) comment to celebrate the demise of Sec. 13:

It it isn't surprising that Connie would give props to Marc Lemire as Free Dominion had been on the forefront of the effort to rehabilitate Lemire's reputation, characterizing him as a free speech martyr. In fact, they went beyond this and engaged in a little bit of historical revisionism. Not only did they deny his role in the leadership of the Heritage Front from 2001 to 2005, they have all but denied that he had any significant history with the hate group. We have attempted to show them the error of their ways, but it seems they have decided to believe him rather than us. But then they aren't the only ones who have tried to help Lemire cover up a very shady past. Ezra Levant, in two interviews with Lemire, asked about the Heritage Front and did not challenge this response:

Uh, the Heritage Front uh, was active back in, uh, the the 90s and I was a young kid at the time. I had some, uh, interest in some of the things that they were doing in particularly thing like uh opposition to employment equity, things like reducing immigration. So I uh, listened to some of what they were about, and uh, I went away from it. I mean I was involved with them peripherally in my teenage years.

Well, that is partially true, as these articles indicate he was active with the Heritage Front in his teen years (he would have been 18 at the time of the 1993 photo and 19 when they were published):

24 April 2014

Jon Latvis: "I Saved Your Life Man!"

It seems like only yesterday that former Rahowa lead guitar and songwriter Jon Latvis gave mayor Ford a bit of indigestion:

When this picture was made public, Latvis tried to disavow his Nazi past and even threatened to sue Warren Kinsella which would have been awesome!

Because, you know, we would have been able to share with Mr. Kinsella, in addition to ALL of the other evidence out there, this post Latvis made a few months later:

And we would have been able to share these screen shots as well:

19 April 2014

Frazier Glenn Miller: Two Coinicidences

Well, one coincidence and one, perhaps, not so coincidence.

Boneheads are big on numerical symbolism and dates. The number "88" stands for "Heil Hitler." If you see a bonehead post the number, "14" he is likely referring to the "14 Words" coined by David Lane, a member of the terrorist group The Order. Tomorrow some boneheads will be celebrating 4/20 in a very different way than other people will be celebrating the day as Western rite Christians will be celebrating Easter.... oh, and of course marijuana aficionados have been been commemorating the day since 1971.

As a result we also pay attention to numbers and dates as they relate to boneheads. In most cases they mean nothing, but there are a few times where our interest is piqued. Here are two cases in point.

We already mentioned The Order above, and some of our readers will know that Frazier Glenn Miller (or Cross apparently) was associated with the terrorist group. In fact, Miller agreed to testify against members of The Order as well as other White Supremacists in a 1987 sedition trial as part of a plea agreement; he was facing 15 years for weapons violations as well as ordering a hit on some prominent civil rights activists but as a result of his plea he served only 3 years in a federal prison.

What some of our readers might not know is that Heritage Front founder Wolfgang Droege was also associated with The Order:

So what?

10 April 2014

April Legal Notes

This really isn't in any way intended to be a comprehensive article. We just thought we would share some information on the legal front.

First, the deadline for Marc Lemire to seek leave to appeal to the Supreme Court (re: the Federal Court of Appeal's decision) was on April 1. However, word is that he hasn't filed anything and that it appears that he has given up. We suppose he may have forgotten as he has been busy live blogging the most recent Free Dominion defamation suit. On that case we also see that Paulie is shilling but he received a response from one of his Facebook friends who we have discussed in previous posts which isn't exactly a ringing endorsement:

On the same day, Toronto nutter Eric Brazau was convicted for wilfully promoting hatred and for harassing a Muslim family. He was sentenced to 9 months, however as he spent 9 months in pre-trial custody he was ultimately sentenced to time served. In order to protect Brazau's right to free expression the judge refused to ban him from distributing flyers, so we might not be too surprised if we find that him in the news again for similar reasons. We perhaps shouldn't be surprised either that when Brazau was arrested, Ron Banerjee was his wingman.

We also received notice concerning another appeal that is going ahead. Terry Tremaine's appeal is to be heard on May 28 in Regina at the Court House on Victoria Avenue. We actually haven't heard much from Tremaine in a while, and we can't say that we are all that disappointed by this fact.

Finally, two quick updates on Arthur Topham from the horse's mouth.... so to speak:

Topham followed his post on April 8 with the one below posted yesterday:

So we guess we'll find out in 5 days or so?

30 March 2014

The Heritage Front: The True Story in Race Traitor

Amazon (Digital):
OCTOBER 2014 UPDATE: Now for purchase at Amazon as a paper back: 

A few years back, we posted a link to Elisa Hategan's novel, Race Traitor. While it was a work of fiction, it was still very obviously based on her experience in the Heritage Front as well as her subsequent defection and testimony that ultimately helped take down the group. Many members of the Collective purchased the novel. One question that we often discussed was which parts were true and which parts were fictionalized for the sake of a compelling thriller? We all really enjoyed the novel, but we still hoped that one day a definitive history of the Heritage Front might actually be written (the closest thing that was currently in existence was Warren Kinsella's Web of Hate). Not knowing if there would be anything published, we started our own project, attempting to document the history of the racist movement in Canada (this includes our "History of Violence" which has become by far the most viewed article on the blog) paying particular attention to the Heritage Front. We thought this was a period in Canadian history that needed to be remembered, however we knew that what we could compile would be insufficient.

Thankfully, Ms. Hategan did continue her writing in this area and has, as of a few days ago, published her story about the Heritage Front. We downloaded it on KOBO two nights ago and completed it this morning. It is an incredibly compelling story and one that we think needs a wider audience.

Artwork by Nina Bunjevac

We'll provide the blurb from Amazon (links added by ARC):

4 March 2014

Ezra Levant and the Fine Art of Astroturfing....

.... allegedly.

We've written posts about Ezra Levant sporadically throughout the history of this blog, most recently concerning his racist stereotyping of the Roma people for which he eventually apologized (though only because Sun News was trying to get mandatory carriage at the time). He has championed bigots such as Geert Wilders and Anne Coulter. He has tried to help former Heritage Front leader Marc Lemire whitewash his past on his program not once but twice. He has engaged in character assassination of people he has decided he doesn't like for whatever reason.

Really, what we've written about Levant on the blog really doesn't begin to cover what a nasty piece of work the man is.

Oh, and he gets sued. Quite a lot actually. And many of those suits are successful.

We were reminded on the most recent lawsuit against Ezra Levant when we visited BCL's blog yesterday. In this case, Levant is accused of libelling a then law student (Khurrum Awan) who, along with three law students (all Muslim men), filed a complaint with the Human Rights Commission in both Ontario regarding an article in "Maclean's" regarding an article they believed was Islamophobic. The Commission in decided that the article did not constitute hate speech and thus the case went no further. However, Levant himself jumped into the fray calling Awan a "liar" and an "anti-Semite."

One can imagine given the number of defamation suits against Levant that it must be getting pretty expensive. But Levant, who does have a following of like-minded individuals, can be thankful that there has been a groundswell of grassroots support for him:

"Stand With Ezra" claims the following:

Well that's lovely. It's important to have friends and allies who will support your cause, especially when they are willing to set up a slick looking website to solicit contributions to fight the good fight.

That being said, we became curious about just how "grassroots" his support is, at least with regard to the website.

So we decided to do a WHOIS search.

28 February 2014

It's All Over But the Crying: Lemire Loses Appeal

We at ARC believe in serendipity.

Earlier today, a new friend who's interest in the history of the far right perhaps surpasses out own sent us a link to this document:

The above Masters thesis, published in December of 1997, focuses on the Canadian racist right's use of the Internet in the 1990s. And featured prominently within the text is Marc Lemire, the Freedom-Site, and some earlier projects of Lemire's (such as The Canadian Patriots Network):


Even as early as 1997, those who were studying the racist movement in Canada noted some disturbing documents on the Freedom-Site:

One of those documents was written by Kevin Strom, a leader in the virulently racist National Alliance:


Nearly eight years later, this particular document resulted in a protracted legal struggle before the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, the Federal Court, and most recently the Federal Court of Appeals lasting an additional nine (roughly) years.

Today, it would appear that it is now all over.

8 February 2014

(Aryan) United Front Führer Responds to ARC Article

On January 24, we posted an article on Luke Northmore's efforts to convince his fellow travellers that he is a player on the racist scene in Canada. We MAY have made light of his efforts.

It looks like he wasn't particularity pleased with our characterization of him and his "group" because he decided to respond to us in a video:


Does that seem a little whiny? It seems a little whiny to us.

Yeah, we do make a lot of funny comments. And no Luke, we aren't scared. Not in the least.

6 February 2014

Lemire Appeal: Federal Court Fallout

We've been watching how some of folks our readers are familiar with are dealing with the failed Marc Lemire appeal. Take Lemire's former Heritage Front compatriot Louis Morin:


However it didn't take too long for Marc Lemire himself, the subject of Morin's concern, to comment on the Federal Court's ruling on his appeal himself.

Suffice it to say, he isn't dealing with it well:

31 January 2014

Marc Lemire Goes Down in Flames and Paulie Comments on Free Dominion Suit

Back in November, our favorite misanthrope announced former Heritage Front leader Marc Lemire's appeal of his Sec. 13 conviction:

Today the Federal Court of Canada made a decision regarding Marc Lemire's appeal of the Sec 13 ruling against him (he had previously had another related appeal dismissed).

Lemire not only lost his appeal, but the Federal Court also reinstated the constitutionality of the penalty clause of Sec 13.

To see the complete ruling, we suggest our dear readers click here.

We'll await the crying and gnashing of teeth from the usual suspects. Fromm himself is a little behind as he has only started to complain about the costs awarded to Mr. Warman in his libel case against Free Dominion:

Free Dominion Silenced -- Richard Warman Cannot Be Criticized on their Site

Richard Warman seems to do very well in Ottawa with defamation suits. The courts there seem to like him and he pockets fat awards, plus costs. He's a hometown boy. His wife too works in the legal system. It's tough for outsiders like the Fourniers or CAFE/Fromm or others who have not had the home town advantage. On January 23, a provincial superior judge, Robert Smith, slapped the Fourniers with a crushing Singapore-style $127,000 judgement -- damages and costs for Richard Warman in a six-year long defamation suit. The Fourniers are shutting down their website Free Dominion, at least as a discussion board.

24 January 2014

Big News From the Aryan United Front of Kingston, Ontario!!!

Yeah. We've never heard of 'em either.

Be that as it may, earlier in the year they made a triumphant announcement on Facebook (yeah yeah we're trolling Facebook let's move on):

You know, when you're struggling to type the name of your own racist gang, you might want to consider taking some sort of remedial English class. Or, barring that, just change the name:

Yep. That was the big announcement.

So who is is the leader (and likely sole member) of this dynamic new organization?