Well we've had about all the turkey and Christmas cheer we can stand. How about a few updates?
First, we mentioned in an earlier, though now archived, article how the Aryan Guard may have stolen their Activist Values from Volksfront International's Ideals and Values page which considering the hostility between the two groups is more than a bit ironic(see here and here). Well Bill Noble, who we have to mention once again has not yet been returned to prison for flagrant violations of the terms of his release, has an explanation:
Noble is walking a pretty thin line here. On the one hand while the Aryan Guard (or what is left of it) is engaged in a war of words with Volksfront, Noble himself is friendly with a number of people in or associated with Volksfront in one way or another (Todd Conroy, Ciaran Donnelly, Glenn Bahr). Trying to keep the peace between two angry pitbulls that hate each other. In fact, we wonder what the Aryan Guard members think of Noble's frendliness with members and/or associates of Volksfront, the "A" brothers notwithstanding (though one source close to both D.A. and E.A. say that neither are members or are linked to Volksfront). Add to this he had to make this post on the Combat18 message boards, a group violently opposed to Volksfront, and justify plagiarism. Finally, he casually throws RN, who was the first webmaster of the Aryan Guard website before his own legal issues under the bus. How quick these people are to pass the blame on to someone else.
First, we mentioned in an earlier, though now archived, article how the Aryan Guard may have stolen their Activist Values from Volksfront International's Ideals and Values page which considering the hostility between the two groups is more than a bit ironic(see here and here). Well Bill Noble, who we have to mention once again has not yet been returned to prison for flagrant violations of the terms of his release, has an explanation: