Showing posts with label David Duke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label David Duke. Show all posts

29 April 2017

Canadian Soldiers of Odin Break With Finland

I've been away on vacation (thanks George Soros ;) and only returned to Canada yesterday, but I thought this would be an appropriate time to mention that ARC and are currently collaborating on a project:
We are partnering with the Anti-Racist Canada: The ARC Collective for the next #stophateca roundup to focus on the Islamophobic organizing in Quebec. Please send contacts and any information you think would be useful in regard to digging into Islamophobia in Quebec to #stophateca or to
To be fair, Ms. Bhullar is being very kind in characterizing this is as a partnership, as Rabble is in my view doing most of the heavy lifting and has already put together a valuable resource that will grow over time. I would ask ARC's readers to closely follow Rabble and the ongoing project.

In the meantime, while I was away this happened:
Man charged after windows broken at main Ottawa mosque, Islam centreThe Ottawa CitizenMore from the Ottawa CitizenPublished on: April 14, 2017 | Last Updated: April 14, 2017 4:38 PM EDT 
Police have charged one man after Ottawa’s central mosque on Northwestern Avenue and the Islam Care Centre were hit by vandalism this week.....Investigators were able to confirm that windows were broken at both the mosque and care centre and then arrested the man. Police allege that the man assaulted one of the arresting officers. 
Shawn Le Guerrier, 27, has been charged with two counts of mischief and one count of assault police.

ARC received information about Le Guerrier which suggests that he subscribes to white nationalist beliefs and runs in a crowd that advocates violent confrontations with antifa:

Of further note, Le Guerrier is a member or supporter of the Ottawa chapter of the Soldiers of Odin:

I should further mention that this is actually the second time Le Guerrier has targeted the same mosque in as many weeks. Interesting that the "law abiding" SoO didn't give Le Guerrier the boot the first time.... unless they perhaps tacitly approved of the vandalism? And perhaps not coincidentally, the same mosque was also the target of an attempted arson.

This isn't of particular surprise to those of us who follow the SoO in Canada. Members of the SoO in both Ontario (at least those who have attended the anti-Muslim events in Toronto), Calgary, and British Columbia have become increasingly aggressive and confrontational and the level of anti-Muslim vitriol is increasingly hysterical and unhinged. ARC and others have reported on the large number of white supremacists who have joined or who are supporters of the Canadian organization, as well as their refusal to disavow the Finnish parent chapter in spite of the founder's overt ties to a violent neo-Nazi group and his (and others) numerous arrests for racially-based assaults. 

Or, at least the once refused to disavow Finland. Seems things have changed:

Thus far we haven't heard anything from Joel Angott, but at this point there seems to have been a coup which has ousted SoO National President and founder Angott and has resulted in convicted grow-op operator with what appears to be a recent domestic violence charge hanging over his head Bill Daniels becoming the new Grand Poobah.

27 March 2017

A Closer Look At The WCAI Canada Chapter

Last week it was reported that a visiting Jordanian imam, Sheikh Muhammad bin Musa Al Nasr, conducted a sermon at the Dar Al-Arqam Mosque in Montreal in December 2016. Video of the sermon showed Musa Al Nasr calling for the death of Jews. Upon learning of the video, B'nai Brith Canada filed a complaint with the Montreal police's hate crime division.

The reaction to the video was swift. The sermon was condemned by Jewish, Muslim, and Christian organizations, municipal, provincial, and federal politicians, and most right-thinking Canadians.... the folks who post on Stormfront notwithstanding. The negative reaction to what seems to be a clear cut case of hate speech directed towards a religious minority is what we would expect in a civil society. In fact, it is what we would come to expect of a country who's political leaders, both in government and in opposition, unanimously passed a motion condemning antisemitism in 2015:
a) there has been, in the words of the Joint Statement issued following the meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on January 22, 2015, “an alarming increase in Antisemitism worldwide,” including the firebombing of synagogues and community centres, the vandalizing of Jewish memorials and cemeteries, incendiary calls for the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people, and anti-Jewish terror; 
b) this global anti-Semitism constitutes not only a threat to Jews but an assault on our shared democratic values and our common humanity; 
Therefore the House: 
a) declares its categorical condemnation of anti-Semitism; 
b) reaffirms the importance of the Ottawa Protocol on Combating anti-Semitism as a model for domestic and international implementation; 
c) reaffirms, in the words of the Ottawa Protocol, that, “Criticism of Israel is not antisemitic, and saying so is wrong. But singling Israel out for selective condemnation and opprobrium – let alone denying its right to exist or seeking its destruction – is discriminatory and hateful, and not saying so is dishonest;” 
And the House further calls upon the government to: 
a) continue advancing the combating of anti-Semitism as a domestic and international priority; 
b) expand engagement with civil society, community groups, educators, and other levels of government to combat anti-Semitism and to promote respect, tolerance, and mutual understanding.
There was nothing at all controversial about this motion. And yet, a similar motion regarding Islamophobia that passed last week, well....
That, in the opinion of the House, the government should:  
(a) recognize the need to quell the increasing public climate of hate and fear;  
(b) condemn Islamophobia and all forms of systemic racism and religious discrimination and take note of House of Commons’ petition e-411 and the issues raised by it; and  
(c) request that the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage undertake a study on how the government could  
(i) develop a whole-of-government approach to reducing or eliminating systemic racism and religious discrimination including Islamophobia, in Canada, while ensuring a community-centered focus with a holistic response through evidence-based policy-making,  
(ii) collect data to contextualize hate crime reports and to conduct needs assessments for impacted communities, and that the Committee should present its findings and recommendations to the House no later than 240 calendar days from the adoption of this motion, provided that in its report, the Committee should make recommendations that the government may use to better reflect the enshrined rights and freedoms in the Constitution Acts, including the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
.... lot's of people have lost their shit:

Demagogues such as Ms. Leitch as well as Canada's baby Breitbart, Ezra Levant's, "The Rebel" have been stoking the fears their base that this non-binding motion is merely the first step towards introducing shariah law into Canada. Some of these people have started protesting at mosques and have already organized two national protests, the first of which was less successful than the second (at least in the cities of Toronto and Calgary). Our reporting of the event's have brought us to the attention of the organizers who have a rather interesting take on this nearly decade-old blog:

That's right, we formed Anti-Racist Canada in November 2007 in anticipation of M-103 in 2017. We are crafty mofos, ain't we? George Soros is very forward thinking.

Which allows me to segue into the topic of the day:

WCAI, or Worldwide Coalition Against Islam, is an anti-Muslim Facebook group with over 65,000 members in Canada and internationally. The Canadian chapter alone has nearly 10,000 members at this point. Now, while only a handful of people seem to be particularly active on either page, these aren't numbers that we should discount, especially when it seems that some members of WCAI have decided to take their bigotry off social media and apply it to the real world:

14 March 2017

Rebel Media Loses Lauren Southern. Oh, And Gavin McInnes Is An Antisemitic Dick Too

Actually McInnes isn't a fan of Palestinians specifically and Muslims in general either, but we're sort of getting ahead of ourselves here.

We've written about Ezra Levant a number of times here on the blog, as well The Rebel which he started a few years back after SunNews collapsed. The Rebel is Canada's alt-right answer to Breitbart and Levant, as Rebel Commander, has used it as a vehicle to attack left-wing protesters, stoke the fears of his readers and viewers about Muslims and refugees, and celebrating far right political figures in Canada and abroad. The Rebel Commander also had a number of subordinates as well who have made names for themselves in alt-right circles as well. Among the more popular were Lauren Southern and Gavin McInnes.

Well, at least until recently.

4 December 2016

Andrew Benson Reappears With Interesting Friends

It seems that in addition to the Goudreau, who recently came to our attention after a lengthy absence, another character whom we had once been keeping close tabs on but whom we lost track of has reappeared on our radar:

Andrew Benson has been somewhat of a political chameleon over the years. He started out as a self-proclaimed Trotskyist....

.... followed by a lengthy stint as a bonehead:

The last time we heard from Benson, he had begun to style himself as a free market libertarian acolyte of Ayn Rand and Ron Paul, though his association with Richard Spencer's National Policy Institute certainly strongly suggested he retained his antisemitic and racist views:
“I am not a fan of political correctness,” said Andrew Benson, 28, who had traveled from Canada to attend. Wearing a black suit vest, red collared shirt and black cargo pants, he looked more like he’d come to his conclusions as part of a teenage rebellion. “I have always had an odd attraction to things that are taboo.”
No kidding?

It seems that Benson is still enamored with this particular brand of nationalism and like other members of the so-called "alt-right" (who are, at the core, neo-Nazis) is a supporter of Donald Trump:

Benson with Milo Yiannopoulos. Photo first posted on Benson's page July 2016.

We found Benson again quite by accident, but we immediately recognized him despite his Russified name as it now appears on Facebook:

6 March 2016

Three Canadian Racists Supporting Donald Trump: Sort of Funny

This past Saturday Republican primaries were held in Kentucky, Maine, Kansas, and Louisiana. Donald Trump managed to win both Kentucky and Louisiana by fairly comfortable margins. It was amusing then when we listened to the talking heads on MSNBC pontificate on whether or not the endorsement by David Duke would hurt Trump in Louisiana, a state where the former Klan leader was once elected to the state legislature and where he was the Republican nominee for governor.

Of course it wouldn't hurt Trump.

David Duke is only the most prominent American racist to come out in favor of Trump. Others include Jared Taylor of American Renaissance and  Matthew Heimbach who recently was caught on video assaulting a protester at a Trump rally. But Trump is also getting some love internationally from the far right including xenophobes in the UK, France, the Netherlands, and elsewhere.

Here in Canada, the folks with PEGIDA Canada and posters on the anti-Muslim/refugee/government sites we've started monitoring have come out strongly for Trump. So too have members of our racist movement including Paulie. From last month's London Forum where he was a featured speaker:


And a recent post:

On that note, we thought we would profile three other Canadians who support Donald Trump's race to the White House, though it could be easily argued that there influence in the Canadian movement, already on the fringes of society, is minimal to nonexistent.

We sometimes like to amuse ourselves.

23 January 2016

MSM Starting to Pay Attention to Anti-Muslim/Anti-Government Groups and Individuals

On July 15, 2016, PEGIDA Canada held what it referred to as a "flash demo":

The results were underwhelming:


The organizers did receive laudatory comments regarding the demonstration, but there was also some level of despondency as well:

In some ways this should cause us some degree of optimism. PEGIDA Canada's coming out party in Toronto was tiny and dwarfed by a much larger contingency of anti-fascists and progressives who opposed them (thus earning "antifa" the antipathy of PEGIDA Canada from that point on). Their subsequent two "flash" demonstrations have been pathetically small and even by their own accounts opposed by most of the people who came across them. Still, the violent rhetoric of groups like PEGIDA Canada and other similar anti-Muslim, anti-refugee, and anti-government groups is still of concern because of their online support. In the case of PEGIDA Canada at the time of the writing of this article the group has been "liked" by a little over 10,000 individuals:

That number, 10,135, may include people such as ourselves who are monitoring the group as well as some who were merely curious. It may also include individuals who are concerned about the refugee crisis but who don't actually look at the group page and are unaware of the toxicity of the rhetoric of PEGIDA as well as those who actively support it, though we are perhaps being kind. However, even the in the best case scenario, this number indicates that there are a number of people who may be and already have been radicalized by PEGIDA Canada's (and like-minded movements) message.

Yes, radicalized.

We understand that this term has been used almost exclusively when referring to Muslims radicalized by extremist interpretations of Islam, but it hold true for the individuals who have been fed a steady diet of fear and loathing directed at Muslims, be they Canadian born, immigrants, refugees, or Muslims living outside the country as well. They have been convinced to distrust any contrary information that does not conform to their pre-existing prejudices and those prejudices have been reinforced in an echo chamber that demonizes and dehumanizes Muslims and/or any who doesn't view Muslims with hatred. Once this happens, anything is justified as evidenced by some of the screen shots we've taken from PEGIDA Canada's Facebook page over the past number of months:

3 October 2015

The Company He Keeps: Meet Fromm's New Friend Brian Ruhe (UPDATED)

We briefly mentioned Ruhe a few weeks ago in reference to Paulie's horrible, rotten, no-good 2015, but didn't really talk much about the man himself other than posting a link to a recent article about Ruhe in the "Gerorgia Straight."

Brian Ruhe is was a continuing-education instructor at Capilano University teaching courses on meditation and Buddhist philosophy, however on learning of his other activities, some of which might have been taught in his classes according to one anonymous poster in the comments section of the "Georgia Straight" article, Ruhe's contract was not renewed.

You see Ruhe was also a UFOologist (which might be eccentric but otherwise harmless) and a proponent of antisemitic tropes (which was not harmless and would sort of damage the university's reputation if they remained associated with him) which he cloaks in eastern spirituality:


In short, Brian Ruhe is Canada's 21st century poor man's version of Savitri Devi, though he justifies his antisemitic Hitler worship based on a warped interpretation of Buddhism and, unlike Devi, Ruhe has the charisma of a lightly-used dish rag.

Ruhe is a prolific user of YouTube and so provides a great deal of material indicating what an odd duck he is, however we decided to profile one of his more recent videos (edited for length and cut into three sections) in which he discusses his own particular "solution" to the "Jewish problem":

22 March 2013

Doug Christie: The Truth Will Out (Part II)

Christie in his law kiosk
Not surprisingly, we've already been criticized for our focus on Doug Christie by our friends at Free Dominion, including what might be a veiled (and pretty ironic in light of their claim to be supporters of free speech) threat of, we suspect, future litigation for having the temerity to post and comment on what Christie himself published. But then this is all part of the whitewash of Doug Christie and his reinvention as a free speech hero who defended those who said or wrote quirky things about Jews and people of color. As a result, Christie has practically been deified while we and other Christie critics are vilified.

But then our Free Dominion friends might have a little bit of a problem. You see, while we are an easy target (they don't like us very much for some reason), it might be more difficult for them to vilify someone who leads an organization that recently hosted an event to raise funds in support Free Dominion (pictures here and here).

What does Meir Weinstein have to say about the passing of Doug Christie?

NOTE: While it might seem silly to black out the names of the other individual also involved in the conversation we decided that we would do so unless given permission to post his name here.

So why would the head of the Canadian branch of the JDL write, "let him rot in hell" regarding the passing of Doug Christie? Well, one thing we've noted here in covering JDL, the organization in general and Meir specifically, are pretty consistent when it comes to an understandable antipathy towards people who hold anti-Jewish or anti-Semetic views and who promote those views publicly.

Which brings us to the topic at hand. Was Christie, as Meir Weinstein appears to imply, deserving of such criticism?

20 March 2012

Talk About the Company He Keeps: Paul Fromm and Thomas Robb Part II

So KKK leader Thomas Robb appeared on Paulie's Internet radio program on March 13, the day after we mentioned the planned appearance here on this blog:

We haven't yet had time to listen to Paulie's programme (fyi for those who haven't listened in a while, he hasn't improved at all), but we do wonder if Paulie decided to ask Robb about some of his past statements, such as this one found here in "The Milwaukee Journal" from July 13, 1986:

12 March 2012

Talk About the Company He Keeps: Paul Fromm and Thomas Robb

We were sent the following by a friend:

Thomas Robb became leader of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (this version being founded by David Duke) soon after Duke's predecessor Don Black (who now operates Stormfront) was sent to prison for the "Operation Red Dog" and after Robb was able to wrest control of the group from Stanley McCollum.

He also has quotes attributed to him like this gem:

I hate race-mixing Jews. I hate Jews that are destroying our country! I hate Jews that spit on our flag! I hate Jews that rob our sustenance to support the state of Israel! I don't hate them just because they are Jewish. They have this power! (Vincent Coppola. Dragons of God: A Journey Through Far-Right America. Atlanta: Longstreet Press, 1996. p. 121.)

And Paulie and Thomas are buddies!

Here they are both at the Robb-organized European American Heritage Festival from October 22, 2011:

And here are a few other photos from the same event:

26 July 2011

Paul Fromm's Support For a Cause Makes His Friendship With Kevin Strom a Bit Awkward

Paul Fromm and Kevin Strom with other notables in the, "White
Nationalist" Movement. Would hate to be Nick Griffin. Who
Knows what Strom had been doing with that hand
earlier in the day?
Paul Fromm has known and worked with Kevin Strom, formerly of the National Alliance before he abandoned the racist group to form his own, the National Vanguard, for many years. For example, in 2004 both of them signed on to David Duke's New Orleans Protocol which attempted to mend the rifts that existed between, "White Nationalist" groups and aimed create a climate in which the various groups could work together for the common cause (how's that working out for you fellas, by the way?).

So it shouldn't come as a surprise that when Strom joined Facebook, one of the first he added as a friend was Paulie:

3 April 2011

Boneheadland Who's Who - Episode 1 - Paul Fromm

NOTE: This video was created by our newest contributor to the blog whom we are very pleased to welcome aboard. -- nos200

For your viewing pleasure, the first episode of Boneheadland Who's Who, featuring Paul Fromm.

9 February 2011

Still More Neo-Nazi Infighting

Last night we were scrolling through our blog, reading old articles and reminiscing about the work we've done thus far when we came across this poignant and powerful image depicting what was then the blossoming of a beautiful friendship:

Oh, those were such heady days in the lives of Kyle McKee and Dustyn Johnson, and such an unusual friendship, what with McKee looking like Gollum and Johnson one of the orcs. But the world was, for a short time, their oyster. A rancid, sickly oyster, but a shellfish of some sort nonetheless.

But sadly, it couldn't last. Too bad. Johnson could have been Spike to McKee's Chester.

Hardy to his Laurel.

Blaster to his Master.

Now, they simply resort to sniping at each other impudently online, such as when McKee, "talks smack" (the kids still say that, right?) about Johnson on Josh Steever's Facebook profile:

25 November 2009

Aryan Guard: Who Is Responsible?

We're under no illusions that just because the Aryan Guard has disbanded that this will spell the end of the neo-Nazi threat in Calgary and the surrounding area. Individual members may have scattered, but they're still a problem. Bill Noble is still free. John Marleau, likely feeling like a walking target, is still on the streets. Members of W.E.B. still need to be dealt with. And the teenagers and other young people drawn into the Aryan Guard still have to be addressed.

However, at this point we would like to ask the question, "who is responsible?"

When we decide to apportion responsibility for the growth of the Aryan Guard and the poisonous influence that it has had on youth within Calgary and the surrounding area, we can point to a number of individuals; the "adults" within the Aryan Guard such as McKee, Noble, Price, Marleau and others certainly are at fault for warping the minds of the youth who came under their influence. However, we would also suggest another individual as being responsible. A man, viewed with respect in the Canadian White Power movement, who was once a teacher and in a position of authority over teens.

We believe that Paul Fromm (pictured on the left alongside former Klansman, Louisiana State senator, and convicted felon David Duke) has a great deal to answer for. While perhaps not criminally responsible, his encouragement of the Aryan Guard and their tactics regarding the recruitment of children into the gang's ranks certainly makes him morally responsible for much of the chaos that has resulted from the gang's three years of existence. Here are but a few of the encounters that Paulie had with the Aryan Guard over the past three years of the gang's existence. We would ask our readers to consider they would want a man such as this teaching their own children:

Maybe his friends in the speechie movement might want to question Paulie's judgment?

We won't hold out collective breath.

Paul Fromm, you ought to be ashamed of yourself.