15 November 2012

Terry Long Comes Out Of Seclusion; Supports Topham

Arthur Topham had an arraignment hearing Tuesday where he pleaded not guilty. He is enjoined from contacting Richard Warman and Harry Abrams but otherwise has no restrictions on his use of the Internet. For now at least. A few interesting points that critics of sec. 13 (human rights code) might consider:

1. A sec. 319 (criminal code) charge appears to compel the respondent to attend quite a few hearings, likely more than anything resulting from a sec. 13 complaint.

2. Failure to appear at one of these hearings may very well result in an arrest warrant, unlike a sec. 13 complaint.

Sec. 13 doesn't look so bad after all, eh?  We suppose this is yet another case where one should be careful what one wishes for.

Paulie has been dutifully updating everyone about the status of Topham, including re-posting Topham's most recent update on Radical Press. We won't include that part since it's really just echoing what he always writes, however Paulie does include a "forward" which really is a blast from the past:

Terry Long was the leader of the Canadian branch of the Aryan Nations' back in the 1980s. He dropped out of the public eye not long after losing a lawsuit brought about by Keith Rutherford; Long's vitriolic rhetoric resulted in a vicious assault on Rutherford by three of Long's bonehead followers which cost Rutherford his sight in one eye. Long fled to British Columbia after a warrant for his arrest was issued in relation to his refusal to hand over the membership list of the Aryan Nations to the human rights tribunal. He has, with a few exceptions, stayed pretty quiet, though he has been in contact with a number of the boneheads we've covered here on this blog.

But Terry Long's entrance into this little saga makes this all just a little more interesting. Our readers will remember that Topham is being supported by the fine folks at Free Dominion. Connie and Mark of Free Dominion are supported by the Jewish Defence League which, in Canada, is headed by Meir Weinstein (who once went by the name Meir Halevi). And now we've learned that Terry Long has come out of his self-imposed exile to voice his support to Arthur Topham.

We wonder what how a strong JDL activist might feel about Terry Long?

Actually, we don't have to wonder:

And in a recent post by Free Dominion JDL supporter (and, if memory serves us, we believe he once wote he was a member in the past):

Might we also remind our readers how well Paulie, who posted the Terry Long forward, and the JDL get along?

Oh, and what do our friends at Free Dominion say about Paulie?

What a wicked web.... indeed.

1 comment:

Abba Kovner said...

I never could see much difference between Meir the Kahane Chaiist and Ernst Zundel - 2 sides of the side coin!