Showing posts with label Combat18. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Combat18. Show all posts

19 April 2017

ARC's Response to Outing of "Nazi Mom"

We're sure that by this point, talk about ARC's communication with the woman referred to as the "Nazi Mom" has become fairly wide spread within the bonehead community in Canada and elsewhere as a result of poor security on her part. There is no indication that ARC email accounts have been compromised.

To address the elephant in the room, I will admit that ARC is guilty as charged.

"Nazi Mom" (and she will continue to be referred to as such given the legal issues related to the child custody issue that has been going on for close to 10 years now) contacted ARC in the middle of 2014. While still associated with the movement, she provided information about those individuals that she felt were not of moral rectitude. Eventually, and over the years, this writer began speaking to her on a more human level as I thought that perhaps I might be able to lead her out of the movement that she had been a part of for much of her adult life; those efforts may or may not have been naive on my part, but as I have found some success in the past, I figure that it was worth a try.

In any case, a former friend of the "Nazi Mom" who found himself with access to her email account sent information to myself and others concerning allegations of theft and prostitution, as well as evidence that she had been in contact with ARC for a number of years. One of the individuals who received the information was Bill Noble who promptly posted some of her contacts with ARC on the hate site Stormfront. Among those who replied was Kevin Goudreau who posted messages threatening the "Nazi Mom" and demanding that she reveal more of the identity of your's truly. That thread on Stormfront was either removed or moved to a members only part of the forum before I was able to get any screen shots, though I did manage to save part of the text of one of Noble's posts which will be discussed later.

In response to Bill Noble, I have the following question:

Do you really think that she is the only informant within your movement that ARC has?

19 December 2016

More Activity from B&H; in Calgary

A heads up from a friend in Calgary:
More stickers found this weekend. This time around Bowness High School in Calgary's Northwest.
More as information becomes available.

17 December 2016

Soldiers of Odin: Strike Three

In a recent article published here in which we briefly discussed the resignation of former national vice-president and Quebec president of the Soldiers of Odin, it was clear that there was (and likely has been for some time) a bit of an ideological struggle within the movement in Canada. One faction of the SoO wants to disassociate itself from the overt racism of the gang which was started by a well-known Finnish neo-Nazi while the other faction wishes to strengthen the connection to the Finnish movement and the core raison d'etre of the Soldiers of Odin which is anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim in nature:
But as Tregget was busy building the group's membership he was also running afoul of the national leadership as well as the movement's international leaders in Finland. 
According to his one-time second-in-command, Tregget gave a series of interviews in the fall in which he downplayed the links between the Finnish and Quebec branches of the group. 
He also insisted on patrolling the "political correct" areas of Quebec City, like St-Roch, where the group was less likely to confront the city's immigrant population, said Katy Latulippe, who is now the acting president of Soldiers of Odin-Quebec. 
There are conflicting accounts of what, precisely, happened. Latulippe said Tregget was suspended. Tregget said he quit: "Finished with the racist image of Finland," he later told CBC News in a Facebook message. 
Regardless of the details, what is clear is that with Tregget out, and Latulippe in, the group's Quebec chapter will undergo a reorientation....."Dave avoided that, on patrols, we go into areas where there are a lot of Muslims or Islamization," she said during a recent phone conversation.

We should stress that we believe that much of this soul searching is primarily one of optics and how the SoO desire to perceived by the public rather than a disagreement about the fundamental nature of the gang's motives:
SoO, which has chapters across Canada, denies, on its public Facebook page, any accusations of being racist or anti-immigrant and claims to exist to primarily protect women and children by keeping the streets safe.  
However, it’s been alleged the group’s private Facebook page is filled with racist and xenophobic comments, mainly directed towards Muslims.
However there might also be an element of self-delusion as exhibited by Regina, Saskatchewan president Ryen Ward who was interviewed by Paul Dechene for "Planet S":
“I am not accusing you of being a racist,” I explain at one point. “I am saying that this is the cultural context in which the Regina chapter of the Soldiers of Odin swims, and I’m curious as to why you would want to carry all this cultural, racist baggage if you’re really serious about being seen as welcoming and helpful?” 
But as far as Ward is concerned, his group’s negative image has nothing to do with its founder, its connections nor its imagery. It’s all the fault of the lying media. 
“The danger lies in the lies printed about us and the fear you evoke into your readers,” he writes. “For the last time, we are not racist.”
Ward contradicts himself later on though he clearly doesn't see it that way:
When our conversation moves to politics — specifically, Trump — Ward raises his concerns about immigration. 
“Our problems occur with a lack of proper vetting system in which people coming into the country should receive a face to face interview. Very similar to Kellie Leitch’s idea,” he writes. 
And when I press him on this, and on Black Lives Matter, this happens: 
“I would like them [new immigrants] to be interviewed to [ensure] that they do not have anger or hatred, as ISIS [has] stated [that] they have infiltrated the refugee camps and [they’re] sending terrorists to North America through such lame processes that we just believe everything. I would like them to be interviewed on their beliefs of Sharia Law, and other such ideologies that do not fit into our Canadian laws or way of life. 
“Black Lives Matter are not the only protestors/rioters that have caused discord in the USA. I am talking about all of the hate groups. From the KKK all the way to the Black Panthers and every group in between that calls for the death to another race.
Further indication of Ward's apparent difficulty in engaging in self-reflection can be found on social media.

Uhm, no. No it wasn't.

17 July 2016

Wildrose Party Leader Brian Jean Photographed with Aryan Guard/Blood & Honour Associate

Okay, the title of this article could rightfully be accused of being click bait and of being  unfair to Brian Jean, but it is also an accurate title.

Much like the late Rob Ford was photographed a an event with an individual well known to those familiar with the racist movement in Canada, so too was Brian Jean, leader of the Wildrose Party of Alberta who posed for this photo with Jonathan Besler we presume at the Calgary Stampede:

Given Besler's attitude toward the current NDP government in Alberta, perhaps we shouldn't be too surprised that he would gravitate towards the Wildrose Part as an alternative....

8 May 2016

Neo-Nazi Members/Supporters of the Soldiers of Odin

Back in March we ran an article linking Canadians United 4 Canada to the Soldiers of Odin, a movement that started in Finland but which has spread to a number of other countries including Canada.

Among those Finnish members are this guy:

Mr. Johansson's friend list might be of interest to readers on this side of the Atlantic:

Our original article on the SoO focused specifically on the Quebec wing and noted the Quebec group consisted of a number of overt neo-Nazis. Not surprisingly SoO members and supporters denied being members of an overt hate group, going so far as to print leaflets promoting their non-bigoted bona fides:

Later, a journalist writing for VICE picked up on the story (while also kindly linking to our article on the SoO) resulting in some concern from at least one provincial SoO wing:


Btw, if Blake Cunliffe is concerned about how SoO might be portrayed in the media, he might decide to desist advocating political assassinations:

While we are no longer privy to the Soldiers of Odin's BC wing as they appear to have removed our dummy Facebook profile, we did notice that no one really ultimately challenged the underlying claims made in the article. Had they done so though, they might have had to explain this fella:

20 March 2016

Canadians United 4 Canada Founder and Paul Fromm Meet

Hot on the heels of our last story detailing Canadians United 4 Canada and their ties to Canadian neo-Nazis, we see have a related update further cementing the group in the "White Nationalist" camp.

Yesterday Ms. O'Farrell, founder of Canadians United 4 Canada, alluded to some meetings that were taking place soon:

And now thanks to Paulie, we know a little bit more about one of those meetings:

23 June 2015

Paul Fromm and the Council of Conservative Citizens: Canadian MSM Makes Connection

In the early hours of June 22, we published a story that reminded our readers that Canada's own Paul Fromm is closely associated with the Council of Conservative Citizens (CoCC) as both a board member and as the international director. The CoCC is in the news as a result of their connection to the Charleston killer and, falling from that, the financial contributions made by the CoCC president to a number of high profile Republican politicians. At the end of our article, we made the following comment:

At the end of the article we posed the following question:

Well, it looks like Paulie has had just that opportunity:

16 November 2014

Fromm Picks Up Levant's Islamaphobic Batton and Runs With It

On November 11, Ezra wrote an article accusing the Essex Board of Education in Ontario of exempting Muslims from participating in Remembrance Day and questioned the patriotism of Muslim Canadians. He suggested people who he outraged sign a petition that condemned the board's decision on a website his article linked to (Canada: Love It Or Leave) and, while there, to maybe purchase a charming t-shirt.

The problem with all of this is that none of it was true. Yes, there was a memo that went out from the school board which suggested alternative Remembrance Day commemorations, but the memo was directed at those schools where parents might have safety concerns as it had only been a couple of weeks since the murder of an honor guard at the Canadian War Memorial. The story was debunked as the product mainly of Levant's fevered, Islamaphobic, imagination, though he did do quite a good job of appealing to his xenophobic base of support.

One of those xenophobes though likely hats him as much as any Muslim though:


Yep, Paulie:

Really, it's not as if we should be surprised. Paulie might be an anti-Semite in addition to a racist, but he is also an opportunist and if there's any opening for him to inject his particular brand of Nativism and bigotry into the public sphere, he'll be in like Flynn.

Now, after a lot (and we mean a hell of a lot) of criticism, Levant backed down and even.... begrudgingly,... admitted he was wrong in the passive-aggressive way we have come to know and love from him. He also changed the website to omit mention of Muslims, though he still takes a crack at the school board:

He also noted that no parent in the entire Essex County School Board area had asked for an exemption for their child. In short, everyone participated.

So, the story ended in a bit of a whimper.

Except if you're Paulie Fromm and you want to continue to flog a dead horse:

Paulie posted the following video Sunday, a full 5 days after the original story Levant published was thoroughly discredited:

30 October 2013

Andrew Benson: “I am not a fan of political correctness”

During the summer when we wrote about a far-right and antisemitic Catholic organization's list of speakers at an upcoming event in Canada we noted that one of the speakers was American libertarian and frequent presidential candidate Ron Paul. We also noted in one photograph that standing beside Mr. Paul was an individual well known to our readers:

Andrew Benson, who had tried to ingratiate himself to Marxists before sliding into fascism, seemed to have shed another skin and had repackaged himself as a disciple of Ayn Rand as further indicated by his other photographs:

"Rub a bald Ludwig von Mises for luck?"

9 March 2013

Another Former Aryan Guard Member Arrested

In a February 22 post concerning violence in the racist movement, we also included an article and suggested that we would soon be learning more about the assault and it's link to some of the people we cover here on this blog. On March 4, while we were focused on Tyler Sturrup's guilty plea in the murder of Mark Mariani, we failed to also note that arrests had been made in the assault in Kitchener, Ontario:

CTV Kitchener
Published Monday, Mar. 4, 2013 1:45PM EST 

Three people are facing charges in connection with an attack at Victoria Park last summer.

On Aug. 24, 2012, a man was assaulted in the Kitchener park.

At the time, police said he was attacked with an unknown edged weapon and hard, metal object. He received cut to his head and abdomen.

22 September 2012

State of the Movement: Canada's Blood & Honour Part 3

NOTE: As this article is pretty screen shot heavy, we decided that we would divide it into three parts. This article is Part 3.

Noble doesn't spend as much time online as in the past (though given the terms of his release, he should have been arrested when he first began posting online again). In fact, other than his reply on the thread discussing his attendance at the Pride Week events, it had been some time since he had logged in to write anything on the Blood & Honour International forums.

Our readers could imagine his surprise when he found that he had been banned. But at least he dealt with his banning with class and dignity:

Wait. We mean he threw a hissy fit.

Now, we've since learned that the above post has now been deleted or hidden and the link he provides no longer brings up anything of particular interest. If only someone had taken the appropriate scr.... oh just get to the screen shots and stop being so coy!!!

State of the Movement: Canada's Blood & Honour Part 2

NOTE: As this article is pretty screen shot heavy, we decided that we would divide it into three parts. This article is Part 2.

We may very well have as many boneheads reading our blog as we do anti-racists, so we were not at all surprised when Jessie Lajoie commented on our article on the Blood & Honour International forums:

What resulted included statements of denial and disbelief, anger, disgust, bemusement, resignation (to the fact that the Canadian B&H members were embarrassments), and righteous indignation:

State of the Movement: Canada's Blood & Honour Part 1

NOTE: As this article is pretty screen shot heavy, we decided that we would divide it into three parts. This article is Part 1.

Since most of the, "important" players are currently in jail and/or awaiting trial, both factions of Blood & Honour are in a bit of flux. And though things seem to be quiet, we thought it might be interesting to take a look at one of those factions to determine how healthy it is as an organization and if there's a chance it might survive it's current downturn.

When it comes to the Calgary-based Blood and Honour faction aligned to Combat 18, the prognosis isn't good which just tickles us pink.

Our long time readers will remember that we had posted an article regarding Bill Noble's attendance with his new girlfriend at Pride Week events back during the summer. We even held out some hope that Noble might even be having a change of heart, though we were realistic enough to understand that he is one of those who may never change.

Our article did result in a response on Noble's own webforum. Although we haven't had access for the better part of a year (mostly because nothing much ever seemed to happen when we did have access), someone was kind enough to send us the relevant screen shots.

Suffice it to say, Billy's friends in the movement found his actions to be rather curious:

27 August 2012

Video from the BC Humanist Association

We were sent a link to the following video on YouTube. It is a presentation from August 17, 2012 by Edwin Hodge concerning white supremacy in the digital age.

Overall, this was a very well done presentation. Any issues we have are relatively minor:

  • "88" does not refer to Hitler's birthday, but is the numerical symbol for "Heil Hitler."
  • The photo of the 2011 police raid is not of the Calgary-based Blood & Honour faction, but the Hammerskin-aligned faction in British Columbia.
  • The hategroup, "BC WHITE PRIDE" disappeared in large part because of the work of the Center for Research-Action on Race Relations.
Overall though, the presentation was pretty solid and reinforces our message that we do need to be concerned about white supremacists because of the violence much of the membership engages in.

27 June 2012

"Not a Nazi" Willis Cleared in Assault Case

First of all, holy crap! You mean to tell us that it took this long to come to trail and reach any kind of verdict?
William "Willis" Miettinen is the shirtless dude (hell,
he's pretty much always shirtless for some reason) seig
heiling with Robert Reitmeier, Terry Tremaine,
John Marleau, Chris Waters (big guy wearing the
white tent) and other assorted boneheads in a photo
taken after the 2008 "White Pride" march in Calgary
Second, "suspected white supremacist"? Oh, we do believe we've cleared that one up on a few occassions already (such as here, here, here, and here).

Alleged cameraman attacker cleared

By ,Calgary Sun
First posted: | Updated:

24 June 2012

Interesting Bill Noble Update

ARC hasn't spoken much about Bill Noble, though we have noted that he has left his son and that son's mother back in Calgary when he relocated to Winnipeg. He's still active in the movement, if operating a mostly moribund webform for a group who's leader is currently in jail is active. But he's still giving young up-and-comer "boneheads" advice:

But there has been something interesting that has happened.

Bill has a new girlfriend who seems to be exercising some level of influence on him.

For example, between May 25 and June 3, Winnipeg celebrated it's 25th annual Gay Pride week. One wouldn't expect a well known (at least in our world) neo-Nazi to attend a Gay Pride event, but that's just what Bill did.

And he seems to have had a good time too.

I can't blame him. I've had a blast at every Gay Pride event I've ever attended. Great music, wonderful people, and at least the one's I've gone to have had great street food.

But it will be interesting to see how Bill, if he still claims to be an active, "bonehead" will explain his attendance to people less open-minded than we here at ARC.

29 May 2012

White Nationalists Are Hurting in Canada

So, question for our dedicated readers.

Have you noticed how little activity there has been online when it comes to Canadian boneheads?

The Internet was a boon to "White Nationalists" in Canada and around the world. Up until the mid 1990s, boneheads were relatively isolated in places outside big cities, and even there you really had to know someone if you wanted to be a part of the Movement. However, when sites like Stormfront was started by Don Black (and Freedom-Site by Marc Lemire in Canada), these isolated misfits found a community of like-minded racists, anti-Semites, and bigots. The Internet became a potent tool to recruit boneheads and was used to organize in ways not possible before.

Our membership has watched this develop since the early days of the Internet (don't think for a moment we've only been around since 2007 when this blog went online). We watched hate groups proliferate online to the point where they began marching on the street. We watched as hate groups grew increasingly bolder and more brazen.

We watched. We learned.

30 April 2012

The Reality of the 14 Words

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children"

The quote above is from convicted terrorist, the late David Lane. One can't swing a cat by the tail without hitting a bonehead who hasn't committed this line to memory or who hasn't signed a letter, email, blog post, greeting card, etc with "14" at one point. Every bonehead knows what it means.

Which isn't the same as actually believing or living it.

We alluded to this before and though we had considered including again when we posted Kyle McKee's Facebook comments on Sunday, it just didn't seem to fit.

So we thought we would post it here now as a reminder of what the "WN" movement is really about.

We would like you to keep in mind that at the same time he posted this on his Facebook profile, it had been something like 2 years since he had any contact with his daughter (we might also assume then that he didn't contribute to her welfare financially either).

The reality of the "White Nationalist" movement in a nutshell.

We have another reason for re-posting this.

There is a person who has been leaving comments alluding to McKee's parenting (or lack of it). We think we have an idea who you are and would be interested in corresponding with you. Our email address can be found on the blog on the left hand side under the profile picture.

29 April 2012

Secret Facebook Posts: A Disturbing Glimpse into the Thoughts of Kyle McKee

Although we are troubled (an understatement) that Kyle McKee's actions harmed more people, we are cautiously optimistic that these same actions, as well as the weapons charges, will result in a lengthy prison sentence this time.

Over the course of the past year and a half, we have been privy to McKee's activities on Facebook. And while we've always known that McKee was a dangerous individual, his posts on his own Facebook profile have resulted in some significant actions on our part which we will not discuss at this point in time.

However, as he is now in remand and likely to remain there and, if found guilty of the most recent charges levelled against him, will remain in custody for a significant amount of time, we have decided to share some of the screen shots that we were able to grab.

We first start, as we often do, with McKee's relationship with Paul Fromm:

30 March 2012

Hey, How DID Things Go in London, BTW?

We received a note concerning the events of last Saturday in London, ON where Blood & Honour attempted to hold a march.

Max Hynes, "Wes Smith" and Amanda Jackson
Suffice it to say, things could not have gone more poorly for them.

From one of the organizers: