Saturday, July 16, 2016

Green Party of Canada Releases Statement on Monika Schaefer

UPDATE: Looks like the CBC picked up on the story as well.

Back in June we published an article about Monika Schaefer, a Green Party member and three time (at least) candidate in the riding of Yellowhead.

Or, perhaps it might be more accurate now to write that she is likely soon to be a former Green Party member:

The story has also been picked up by B'nai Brith Canada and by Ms. Schaefer's local newspaper:

Video denying holocaust causes uproar
Posted by: fitzhugh Posted date: July 13, 2016 In: Archive, Feature, News

A video shot by a local resident denying the Holocaust has been widely condemned by the community and at least one resident has filed a formal complaint with the Alberta Human Rights Commission.

On June 17, Monika Schaefer, a well-known Jasper resident and former Green Party candidate, appeared in a video on Youtube denying the Holocaust. The video was subsequently posted on her Facebook page.
Ken Kuzminski, president of the Jasper Royal Canadian Legion, described the video as hate speech.

“Monika has a right to say whatever she wants to say, but once she’s published it I feel that’s moved on to hate speech,” said Kuzminski.
He said he has written a formal complaint to the Alberta Human Rights Commission, contacted the local RCMP detachment and the German embassy.
The Alberta Human Rights Commission neither confirmed nor denied it had received a formal complaint.
Schaefer said she stood by her comments in the video during a telephone interview July 11.

“Right now the issue for me is freedom of speech,” said Schaefer. “Last I checked I thought we had freedom of speech in Canada and suddenly I’m the criminal.”

She confirmed she shot the video in Germany, where it is illegal to deny the Holocaust.
Schaefer was slated to perform during Canada Day, but was pulled from the schedule after the Canada Day committee learned a group of residents were going to protest her performance....

Of course, Monika does have her supporters, including Arthur Topaham who printed the aforementioned publication on his Radical Press website:

Of the 70+ comments left behind the following, while brief, basically encapsulates the views of Topham's readers and Schaefer's supporters:

There are also a number of threads on Stormfront, including one started by Paulie:

The final blurb in Paulie's post appears to be a brief commentary by former Canadian Aryan Nations leader Terry Long who still pops up from time to time. But Paulie himself made his views concerning the Holocaust clear when he tweeted the following upon the death of Elie Wiesel:

These are Monika Schaefer's supporters.

Talk about the company one keeps....

1 comment:

Green Anti-Fascism said...

Great coverage of Monika. With Elizabeth May's bringing of a 9/11 trth petition into the House of Commons and Schaefer's holocaust denial, it seems the Greens might have a bit of a problem within their party.

It's interesting however, that this is being published in a relatively close span of time to the release of news that the U.S. Green Party’s Ajamu Baraka associates with a holocaust denier, with the party itself responding to this revelation in a disturbing way: