- published: 24 Jan 2010
- views: 7835541
The Kupa (Croatian) or Kolpa (Slovene, from Latin: Colapis in Roman times) river, a right tributary of the Sava, forms a natural border between north-west Croatia and southeast Slovenia. It is 297 kilometres (185 miles) long, with its border part having a length of 118 km (73 mi) and the rest located in Croatia.
The Kupa originates in Croatia in the mountainous region of Gorski Kotar, northeast of Rijeka, in the area of Risnjak National Park. It flows a few kilometers eastwards, receives the small Čabranka River from the left, before reaching the Slovenian border.
It then continues eastwards between the White Carniola region in the north and Central Croatia in the south. The Kupa receives influx from the river Lahinja from the left in Primostek, passes Vrbovsko, and eventually detaches from the Slovenian border having passed Metlika.
It then reaches the city of Karlovac, where it receives influx from two other rivers from the right, Dobra and Korana (which in turn is joined by Mrežnica). The Kupa continues flowing to the east, where it merges with Glina from the right as well as Odra from the left, and proceeds to the town of Sisak where it flows into the Sava River.
Gracjan Roztocki - Kupa
10 sportowców, którzy zrobili kupę w trakcie zawodów
Kupa w basenie
Actors: Armin Mueller-Stahl (actor), Avril Beukes (editor), Trevor Jones (composer), Anant Singh (producer), Wilson Dunster (actor), Helena Spring (producer), Paterson Joseph (actor), Darion Hing (costume designer), Sudhir Pragjee (producer), Sanjeev Singh (producer), Terry Fletcher (miscellaneous crew), Carol Kruger (miscellaneous crew), Rika Sennett (actress), Elize Cawood (actress), Sello Motloung (actor),
Plot: The Comrades Marathon is a 90-k race in South Africa. An aging running coach, Barry, wants to field a winner; he's working with four men from a factory, but when he's fired to make way for a smooth, corporate type, he's at loose ends. Then he sees Christine, a Namibian immigrant who runs to forget her troubles. He offers to coach her and soon she's living at his house, following his diet and training regimen. But his single-mindedness gets to her: she wants a job and a place of her own. Plus, the man who replaced Barry likes her and wants her away from Barry. Can runner and coach (woman and man, African and European) sort out their complex relationship before the race?
Keywords: coach, ethnic-conflict, father-daughter-relationship, female-athlete, fired-from-the-job, illegal-immigrant, independent-film, marathon, obsession, race-relationsGracjan śpiewa swoją piosenkę o kupie. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone! Mój blog: http://gracjan.pinger.pl/ https://www.facebook.com/GracjanRoztockiOK Kupę sobie strzelę z rana, potem jeszcze na spacerze, no i pod koniec dnia, kupę sobie strzelę ja. Kupa śmierdzi, bardzo śmierdzi, kupa śmierdzi cały czas. Kupa, kupa, nie pachnąca, nie pachnąca lecz śmierdząca. Czy coś jest w tym złego? Pytam się Ciebie no kolego. Kupę robią przecież wszyscy i dalecy oraz bliscy. Ja wiem kupa to temat wstydliwy. I nie miły i drażliwy. Lecz bez kupy, nie możliwy byłby ten świat. Więc ja o kupie sobie śpiewam tak. Kupę sobie strzelę z rana, potem jeszcze na spacerze, no i pod koniec dnia, kupę sobie strzelę ja. Kupa śmierdzi, bardzo śmierdzi, kupa śmierdzi cały czas. Kupa, kupa, nie pachnąca, nie pachnąca lecz ...
★Film spodobał Ci się? Zostaw kciuk w górę!★ ★Chcesz zawsze być pierwszy? Kliknij: http://bit.ly/jestempierwszy★ Modyfikacja: http://bit.ly/2uuDjua Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/GPlayPL Texturepack: http://bit.ly/2qNLFJi Koszulki: http://gplaysklep.cupsell.pl/ Poprzedni film TWÓJ PRZYJACIEL W MINECRAFT: https://youtu.be/qgD1ugtDpvU Seria DOM vs DOM: http://bit.ly/2tVOpF4 Seria FABULARNA z modami: Playlista FABULARMOD: http://bit.ly/2uws0An 1. Much More Spiders: https://youtu.be/Auc9x48fdwk 2. Barier Mod: https://youtu.be/nOczrpwUUkQ 3. Poop Mod: https://youtu.be/xFphafsClUE 4. Dirt VS Bieda https://youtu.be/YOls_jmt0PI 5. Spin to Win Mod: https://youtu.be/SAihBuSSAVU 6. Binocular Mod: https://youtu.be/cmFNXOhWoOE 7. Creeper Drops: https://youtu.be/MA7k_4ywW0Y Modyfikacje mi...
Amerykańscy naukowcy wyliczyli, że człowiek w ciągu całego swojego życia spędza średnio prawie 240 dni na samym robieniu kupy. Prawie 6000 godzin spędzonych na rozciąganiu zwieracza. Tak więc nic dziwnego, że przysłowiowa „kupa” może dopaść nas dosłownie wszędzie, a jeszcze gorzej jeśli będzie to niesforna „kupa”. Czekoladowe tsnami przed którym nie ma ratunku. A wiedzą to nie tylko zwykli ludzie, ale i sportowcy. Ludzie, na których patrzą nawet tysiące osób równocześnie. Jak zachować się w takiej sytuacji? Jak wyjść z twarzą? Być może odpowiedź znajdziecie w dzisiejszym odcinku. Zapraszam Was na 10 sportowców, którzy nie wytrzymali do końca zawodów. Drugi kanał Planeta Faktów 2: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTGCgpV66UqFnlftnJd6bDA?sub_confirmation=1 Kanał z animacjami Polish Sausag...
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★Film spodobał Ci się? Zostaw kciuk w górę!★ ★Chcesz zawsze być pierwszy? Kliknij: http://bit.ly/jestempierwszy★ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/GPlayPL Texturepack: http://bit.ly/2qNLFJi Koszulki: http://gplaysklep.cupsell.pl/ Link do moda: http://bit.ly/2tMBbhl Poprzedni film JAK WYKORZYSTAĆ SMOCZE JAJA?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Th8R9qWEaQU Seria FABULARNA (FABULAR MOD - Much More Spiders): https://youtu.be/Auc9x48fdwk Modyfikacja miesiąca (WOLF ARMOR AND STORAGE MOD): https://youtu.be/bhfPuxdz6nA Muzyka: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0"
Seria krótkich filmów animowanych emitowana w paśmie po 15.00. Serial opowiada o historii pewnego kurczaka o imieniu Pindol i jego przyjaciół oraz różnych sytuacji związanych z jajkiem. Głównym bohaterem filmów jest kurczak Pindol, stąd większość odcinków opowiada o nim oraz jego perypetiach. Producentem filmików jest GIT Produkcja. Głosu wszystkim postaciom użycza Bartosz Walaszek. Bohaterowie * Kurczak Pindol główny oraz tytułowy bohater, większość odcinków stanowią jego historie. * Ojciec Pindola występuje w kilku odcinkach. W jednym z nich zgubił telefon komórkowy, w innym pobił Cyrkowca. * Matka Pindola występuje w dwóch odcinkach. * Dżin pojawia się w kilku odcinkach. Zawsze spełnia jedno życzenie Pindola. * Cyrkowiec występuje w jednym odcinku. Poło...
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A walking tour around the city of Vancouver, in the Province of British Columbia, Canada. Official website and blog: http://globetrotteralpha.com/ Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GlobeTrotterAlphaTravels/ Check us out on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/globetrotteralphatravels/ Help me create the next travel videos by showing your support: https://www.patreon.com/globetrotteralpha The film chronologically progresses from morning to night, showing daily life around Vancouver. For those planning on visiting, those who’d like to visit but cannot or those who might be nostalgic and want to re-live their past visits / life there, hopefully this film shall satisfy, time and time again. Filmed at the end of April - early May 2015. For more information on Vancouver: ht...
My trip to Bali was amazing, I'm so grateful to have had the chance of visiting one of my dream locations. BALI VLOG PART 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5F8bfsHZhM TMI TAG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eu_JKVfUmvw LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE & Subscribe for more... Thank you for all the love and support!! xxx FOLLOW ME: PERSONAL ACCOUNT: Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/kupamatondo/ SNAPCHAT: @Kwasheretro FASHION ACCOUNT: INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/kwasheretro/ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/kwasheretro FACEBOOK PAGE: Kwasheretro
Some inspiration for your holiday, 10 things to do and see in rijeka Subscribe for more, active videos! :) For copyright matters please contact me at: thetoptarchives@gmail.com Check out our twitter: https://twitter.com/TopArchlves things to do and what to see in Rijeka, what to eat in rijeka, travel guide tour guide tourist attractions Visit Crnojevica what to eat in rijeka what to see in rijeka exploring rijeka croatia what to eat in croatia central market rijeka river rafting croatia top 10 things to do in croatia rijeka cliff diving croatia cliff jumping rijeka best beaches best beaches in croatia trsat castle krka national park croatia beautiful croatia tourism saint vitus church molo longo croatia rijeka rijeka green water islamic center rijeka governors palace rijeka rijeka thin...
National park Risnjak is located in hinterland of the city of Rijeka and Kvarner Gulf, in the north-western part of Gorski Kotar. The basic phenomenon of the Park are forests and hydrogeological nature monument – the Kupa river spring. There are more than a dozen of different forest communities and around thirty other types of plant communities. The Park is characterised by different karts phenom ena and forms so the rich vegetation hides many potholes, sinkholes and grykes. The wealth of vegetation and extensive geomorphological diversity provide shelter to a large number of animal species, especially birds. It is also a habitat of three large carnivores: lynx (Croatian: Ris) by which Risnjak was named, wolf and brown bear. Pointers Travel takes you in a tour of a National Park Risnja...
Kolpa River has become Slovenia's EDEN 2010 (European Destination of ExcelleNce). This is short presentation video of destination made by EU. for more information visit www.belakrajina.si
Some inspiration for your holiday, 10 things to do and see in Croatia Subscribe for more, active videos! :) For copyright matters please contact me at: thetoptarchives@gmail.com Check out our twitter: https://twitter.com/TopArchlves croatia bosnia tourism top 10 things to see visit hvar the plitvice waterfalls beautiful sveti klement heart island croatia velebit croatia nature krka national park brac island hotels exploring croatia zmanja croatia vis island crete river rafting croatia river kupa Croatia things to do and see 10 ting at lave i croatia cose da vedere a 東西可看的 Dinge auf zu sehen nähtävää dingen te zien in stvari za vidjeti u saker att se i
Gerry Ross gave a farm tour at the organic, sustainable Kupa'a Farms in Kula at the Kupu Maui pop up dinner hosted at his farm. Highlights include Gerry talking about growing coffee in Kula, nitrogen fixing glyricidia trees, composting, deer, dragonfruit, dust control, pvc chicken tractor, etc. There is also a brief description of one of the lamb dishes served at the alfresco, locavore dinner. www.kupumaui.com. www.kupaafarms.org. Footage and rough edits by www.mauijungalow.com, a blog about authentic Maui life.
Budapest Local & Infinitum Films present Faces of Budapest featuring tour guide Mátyás Szira from Conquer Budapest. http://conquerbudapest.com Conquer Budapest specializes in high quality walking tours for small groups of people who are interested in Budapest and want to participate in one that is interactive, informative and gives a cozy atmosphere. Mátyás is part of our Travel Massive Budapest series, in which we showcase some of the players within the tourism industry in Budapest. http://travelmassive.com For more interesting local stories from Budapest, visit http://www.BudapestLocal.com Music featuring Chapter 15 by Eldienne Productions Film by Infinitum Films http://infinitumfilms.com
you gotta burn that building down i would love to see
that world come crasing down then the people under could
come crawling out see the sun for the first time
it would burn them without a doubt but that burn would feel so good,