- published: 08 Jun 2011
- views: 662776
Börek (also burek and other variants) is a family of baked filled pastries made of a thin flaky dough known as phyllo (or yufka), found in the cuisines of the former Ottoman Empire. A börek may be prepared in a large pan and cut into portions after baking, or as individual pastries. The top of the börek is often sprinkled with sesame seeds.
It may have been invented in what is now modern Turkey, in the Anatolian Provinces of the Ottoman Empire in its early era, to become a popular element of Ottoman cuisine, or it may date back to the Ancient Roman cuisine of the region. (cf. Baklava)
Börek may have its origins in Turkish cuisine and may be one of its most significant and, in fact, ancient elements of the Turkish cuisine, having been developed by the Turks of Central Asia before their westward migration to Anatolia. A competing theory is that it is the same as the local Byzantine dish plakountas tetyromenous, itself a descendant of placenta, the ancient baked layered dough and cheese dish of Roman times.
Balkan Burek Party
Kako napraviti burek - how to make burek pita
Dino Merlin - Burek
Ali En - Sirni Mesni (Burek)
Miki Milanov---burek majstor :D
Bosanski Burek - recept za sva vremena
Rolled Burek Recipe | Turkish Food with Ground Beef
kako se pravi burek,how to make burek 2-stanic-0301@hotmail.com
Marka Žvaka - Najluđi burek u Srbiji
Borek with Ground Meat | Phyllo Pastry Burek with Beef | Borek Recipe
Make Burek
Remember the Cost
Micah (Trailer)
A fun how-to video about making burek, a specialty food of the Balkans.
Danas pravimo burek kod kuce kao onaj iz burekdžinicei! Recept je za motani burek (sa mesom) za napraviti kod kuce. Rezultat je bas onakav burek koji se nekada mogao kupiti u Bosni. Prijatno!
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, in a few seconds we will be landing in the most peacefull country you have ever seen In preparation for this experience we ask you to fasten your seat belts and try to relax Please note that enter to this country is on your own risk. Thank you for flying with us and enjoy the music Neko eko ima penziju a neko eko, bogami, i platu sta to, zato, ima mujo nas Mujo i dalje ima svoju Fatu Neko eko, neko eko ima penziju a neko eko, bogami, i platu sta to, zato, sta to zato ima mujo nas Mujo i dalje ima svoju Fatu Ref. Burek, pita zeljanica janjetina i lukmira izasla mu na nos dusa ko u moju pjesmu dira Neko eko neko eko ima parlament neko cara i carevu krunu sta to, zato, sta to zato ima mujo nas Mujo i dalje ima dobru cunu Neko eko, neko eko ima ...
BOSANSKI BUREK - Brand No 1 in B&H; Bosanski Burek Sarajevo Burek za 5-6 osoba Sastojci za tijesto; 1000g brašna ( je 1500g tjesta ), so i mlaka voda mesna smjesa : 1500g mljevenog mesa, crveni luk, bijeli luk, biber i so Burek für 5-6 Personen Zutaten für den Teig; 1000g Mehl (Teig 1500g), Salz und lauwarmes Wasser Fleischmischung: 1500 g Hackfleisch, Zwiebel, Knoblauch, Pfeffer und Salz Burek pour 5-6 personnes Ingrédients pour la pâte; 1000g de farine (pâte est 1500g), le sel et l'eau tiède Le mélange de viande: 1500g de viande hachée bovine/boeuf, l'oignon, l'ail, le poivre et le sel
We made this super delicious borek using filo pastry, you can find recipe for filo pastry in our channel. Cut each filo in half and spread a line of ground meat on each one, than roll the pastry. This borek is also called as Rolled Borek or Kol Boreği. This is probably one of the most traditional Turkish food. Please don't hesitate to ask us any questions about the recipe. See our list of ingredients below. Bon Appetit! Roast chopped onions in vegetable oil Add ground beef to the roasted onions When it is cooked season with red pepper flakes, black pepper and salt Let it cool down Beat and egg with yogurt Add vegetable oil Cut filo in half Brush some of the egg-yogurt mix on filo pastry Transfer the borek into a large round tray you greased For the top of the borek, mix an egg with yogurt ...
Najluđe kombinacije. Najluđe pite. Najluđa pekara. Najluđi kečap koji se služi uz burek. A gde je kečap? Sa sirom Sa krompirom Sa jabukom Sa višnjom Sa mesom Sa mesom i gljivama Sa trapistom i gljivama Sa šunkom i trapistom Lazanja burek Pizza burek Sa pilećim mesom Sa kulenom i trapistom Sa čokoladom i keksom http://markazvaka.net/ https://www.facebook.com/pages/Marka-%C5%BDvaka/211438765541616 https://twitter.com/MarkaZvaka http://mondo.rs/marka-zvaka
Thanks for watching, subscribe if you like my channel. Turkish Recipes | How to make Burek | Borek Recipe | Learn how to cook Burek | Recept za burek | Bourekas Recipe | Fillo Pastry Recipe | Ground Meat Pastry Learn how to make the most famous Turkish pastry! Borek! This is very healthy as well, if you choose very low-fat ground meat and keep the oil as less as possible! You can use any other meat product or vegetable instead of ground meat! Ingredients 5-6 big phyllos (fillo dough) 350 g. (0.8 lbs) ground meat Half a cup of cooking oil (corn oil) 2 eggs 2 teaspoon of red pepper flakes 1 teaspoon of black peper 1 teaspoon of salt 1 cup of yogurt 1 big onion Preparation -Pre-heat the oven to 200 C (400F) -Chop an onion finely, and start roasting it in a big pan. Add the groun...
Stepping away from our Cafe shoot (@aljazeeracafe) near Morica Han in Baščaršija, Sarajevo, I stumbled into an alleyway kitchen, where two seasoned lady chefs were making some traditional Bosnian goodness... Love Burek, love life.
A young boy's plea with the hollywood celebrities to stop using drugs such as cocaine because the younger generations look up to them and idolize them. ©LIVEproductions 2009
Ryan, captain of his football team, is the most sober of his friends and forced to drive them all home from a party. He ends up crashing his car, killing all his friends, and now must live with that burden for the rest of his life. Logo Music by: Nicholas Megalis
http://www.micahshortfilm.com "Micah" is a heart-wrenching story that will give you a new appreciation for life. "Micah" (Billy Stipetich) doesn't see the world, he sees through it. After being diagnosed with a terminal illness he finds a new passion in life and a project to keep him busy. Directed by Matthew Burek Produced by: Ryan Cunningham, Aaron Kleiber, Matthew Burek Live Productions & Quanti Studios
Priznam, zadeva me je zintrigirala takoj, ko sem videl razburjena medijska poročila in predvsem odzive na Twitterju, ko je zadeva prišla v javnost. Diploma kulturologinje Bojane Rudovič Žvanut je poleg potrditve teze o vpletenosti bureka v samo bistvo naše družbe prinesla še bolj umazano razkritje - da slovenska javnost ne spoštuje družboslovnih znanosti.
Original track from Nouvelle Vague's album "Bande à Part" released in 2006. Edited by Best Burek - home made video
Tofi and Miha www.shajbaco.com camera: luka karlin
Lighthouse Festival (24th-26th May 2013) is an underground electronic music festival in Croatia/Porec created by Pratersauna (AT) in collab with Hive (CH), Harry Klein (D), WupWup (IT/D) and Burek Label (HR). http://www.lighthousefestival.tv/ Credits: Produktion // Kaiserschnitt Film Idee & Konzept // Markus Gasser / Axel Walek / Hennes Weiss Kamera // Schnitt: Matthias Papst Animation // Compositing / Effects: Florian Grünberger Music // Kollektiv Turmstrasse / Flaschenpost
More nightmares
Someone wake me when they're through
Stop my lover's ghost from trying to protrude
(You're burning, you're burning)
It's chaotic, but I've got it
You're letter scratched across my throat
Like some painter's ink, spilled the canvas soiling parts of me
Cover up, cover up, all the fusion's lost
I know this sucks but one day you'll meet up
I miss the softness of your sound
The taste of you left in my mouth
Is Mississippi done yet burning?
Sick sounds like stomach's stinging
I search out, but you cannot be found
A red horizon in the south
Is Mississippi done yet burning?
Most nights bleat every feeling
I must get back to you somehow
I must get back to you
Your shadow
Now lies against the moon
The skin I touched that once
Kissed has come unglued
(You're burning, you're burning)
It's chaotic, but I've got it
More screams than anyone should hear
The voice of you stabs in my chest
Forged and faithless
Cover up, cover up, all the fusion's lost
I know this sucks but one day you'll meet up
I miss the softness of your sound
The taste of you left in my mouth
Is Mississippi done yet burning?
Sick sounds like stomach's stinging
I search out, but you cannot be found
A red horizon in the south
Is Mississippi done yet burning?
Most nights bleat every feeling
I must get back to you somehow
I must get back to you
Darling boy
Lift your chin up for me now
For my face to see
And I am smiling looking down
I know you're out of breath
You're hit by the way I've left
Just hold me tried and true
For I'll be waiting
Waiting here for you
So dim these lights, I won't be found
This haunting stops right here and now
There's pain and in his eyes of fixed dreaming
I'm tired without you, so let it be
So dim these lights, I won't be found
This haunting stops right here and now
There's pain in his eyes of fixed dreaming
I'm tired without you, so let it be
Is Mississippi done yet burning?
Most nights bleat every feeling
I must get back to you somehow