Showing posts with label Kulbashian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kulbashian. Show all posts

Friday, February 20, 2015

Elisa Hategan Comments on Danger of Giving More Power to CSIS

We posted an article on the blog earlier this month where we suggested that government legislation that would provide CSIS more powers wasn't in the best interests of the Canadian people. We based that conclusion on the role CSIS and their mole Grant Bristow played during the early years of the Heritage Front. It was during the years that Bristow was involved (1989 - 1994) that the Heritage Front was at it's most dangerous.

We later received the following comment:

Personally, I don't think that Heritage Front has anything to do with CSIS. The Heritage Front was a Canadian neo-Nazi,white supremacist organization founded in 1989 and disbanded around 2005.

That isn't an entirely accurate sentiment unfortunately, and Ms. Hategan goes into a great deal of detail outlining the role CSIS played in the first five years of the Heritage Front. We'll provide the link to Ms. Hategan's here and at the end of our part of the article. First, we need to make the following points:

Monday, November 04, 2013

Reitmeier Murder Trial Begins

Photo likely taken around
January 2012 while in remand

We had been looking up old websites using the handy tool that is the Wayback Machine last night when we decided to take a look back at one of the sites Kulbashian used to host, Given that Robert Reitmeier's trial began today, we found this part (saved by someone who took over the site and wished to provide evidence to the violent motives of boneheads) to be especially salient (photos were added from our collection):

Lets now talk about the essence of a skinhead; tenacity and violence. How many of you reading this
have been in a fight in the last five years? How many have ever been in a fight outside of high school. You need to ask yourself these questions, and ask yourself if you really have what it takes to call yourself a skinhead. As a skinhead, you should not take shit from anyone. I do not care if there are multiple people, you simply do not take shit from them. So what if you get your ass kicked? So what if you get killed? If you have the aggressive spirit I, and numerous others have, neither of the above will happen to you. How violent are you? How much do you believe in our cause? If some asshole at the grocery store makes a comment such as "Seek Help", do you immediately beat him to the ground? Do you have the animal inside you? Can you do anything it takes?
Remember, the reason niggers are so violent is that they still have the ability to tap into animal instinct, and somewhat lack the ability to turn it off. This is a product of natural selection, and results because niggers are so far behind whites, and every other race for that matter, in an evolutionary sense. Whites can turn on the inner animal, although it takes a bit of practice. It's essentially what the military does to all of its infantry and spec ops. They simply train the soldier until the beast can be turned on. This is the same reason that many of you have never met a "normal" marine, and why most of them act like murders. You, as a skinhead, must turn on the inner animal in order to do what other may deem as impossible, sickening, depraved, and insane. 
Could you claw out an opponents eyes and scrape the pink muscle of the eye socket while optical fluid pours over your hands. Could you stand the "underwater popping sound" as the eye is torn from
the optic cord? 

Could you bash, stab, kick an opponent until their head caves in, their brains varnishing the floor, as their eyes are displaced from their sockets? 

Could you kill thousands of people with an explosive device?

Essentially, I am asking, have you ever seen a body? Can you stand to see the mutilation of the human body without going into shock? Can you inflict the above damage on another's body without going into shock, freezing, or being hindered because of psychological preconditioning? If the answer is no, you can not yet tap into the inner animal, nor will you survive long in what the future will surely bring. If the answer is yes, you will most likely never loose another fight, and you will indeed be an asset to our cause.  

At least whoever wrote this was being honest when compared to other groups (Aryan Guard, Blood & Honour, Tri-City Skins, Heritage Front, etc) who publicly disavow violence but who amongst their fellow travelers both glorify and revel in it.

When the arrests originally took place, the media noted the racist graffiti as evidence of White Supremacist involvement of the crime. A lot of people suggested that such evidence was very weak and at best circumstantial, and we agreed. However we posited that there must be other evidence, such as video surveillance, that ultimately made the arrests possible. Based on the information below, it would appear that we weren't all that far off:

Family fears reason for deadly attack may never be known

By Jason van Rassel, Calgary Herald November 4, 2013 6:03 PM

The jury trial of a man accused in the beating death of Calgarian Mark Mariani may bring about a resolution to the case, but the victim’s sister isn’t sure her family will ever know why he was killed.

Robert David Reitmeier is accused of beating 47-year-old Mariani to death with another man, Tyler Sturrup, in a northwest Calgary alleyway in 2010.

Sturrup pleaded guilty to second-degree murder earlier this year, but went to prison without ever explaining why.

Monday, May 17, 2010

An Examination of Marc Lemire: Part V (You Mean There's More?!)

Okay, so we admit now that it looks like we're beating a dead horse. There's nothing wrong with supporting the message even if you find the messenger to be a reprehensible human being but when people are trying to turn Marc Lemire into a sainted free speech martyr, well, we think that a bit of exposure of his real views might be a good thing. In the spirit of free speech and public dialogue, of course.

We've already discuss Lemire's views on race and ethnicity in our first article on this subject. Our second deals with his involvement in the Heritage Front. A third refers to his close relationship with Ernst Zündel. And, to our surprise, we were able to find the transcript of an online chat that Lemire had with James Richardson (posting as "WPCANADA"), a leader of the Canadian Ethnic Cleansing Team and member of the Tri-Cty Skins which became the subject of our final article. Well. at least we thought it would be our final article.

Turns out, there is more. Much more

Friday, December 18, 2009

Don't @#$% With Richard Warman: Part IV

It's been a while since we've posted anything in our, "Don't @#$% With Richard Warman" series, but we figured this one would drive his fans on Stormfront absolutely wild:

White guilty on four counts, not guilty on three 
A federal jury has found William A. White guilty on four counts and not guilty on three counts. 
The jury found White guilty of: threatening Jennifer Petsche, a Citibank employee in Kansas City, Mo.; intimidating several residents of a Virginia Beach apartment complex with the intent to prevent their testimony in a housing discrimination case; threatening Kathleen Kerr, an administrator at the University of Delaware; and threatening Richard Warman, a human rights lawyer from Canada. 
The three counts that resulted in acquittals were: threatening Petsche, the bank employee, with the intent to extort; threatening Leonard Pitts, a nationally syndicated columnist in Bowie, Md.; and threatening Charles Tyson, the former mayor of South Harrison Township, N.J. 
White faces a maximum of 40 years in prison on the four convictions. The lawyers involved are given 10 days to file post-verdict motions and to note appeals. After that, White will be sentenced.

So don't @#$% with Richard Warman.... and a bunch of other people for that matter.

And just to rub a little more salt in the wound, Melissa Guille's constitutional challenge has been rejected:

Happy holidays, everyone.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Melissa Guille Grasping at Straws

Usually we make fun of the posts boneheads leave on our moderated blog, but here we all have a chance to laugh at Melissa Guille's efforts vise vi her request for subpoenas for all the people named within for her Lemire carbon copy "constitutional challenge":

Now we're not legal experts here, but this strikes us as an, "everything and the kitchen sink" approach. We may very well be surprised and that Ms. Guille's request could be granted, but we wouldn't put a hell of a lot of money on it happening.