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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe you insulted that cute little emu by saying he looks like Boudreau. That emu did nothing to you and is probably crying into his wee emu pillow right now. Poor li'l feller.

9 January 2009 at 19:04

Blogger Marcello said...

Haha what a sorry sack of shit she is. She doesn't have any info on ARA anyways, she has not been involved in years. And everyone knows she is a traitor now, so what does she think she has? Names of people from like 15 years ago? lol

12 January 2009 at 07:43

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who said Alicia was trying to use any "info" she has? I agree that Goudreau is a parasite on a piece of shit, and she has clearly lost her mind to be with him. However, is there any evidence of her trying to sabotage her old crew?

14 January 2009 at 11:10

Blogger sigrune said...

Goudreaus only claim to fame, now, is Paul Fromm...Just imagine what will happen to Fromm when the mainstream racsits find out he's associated with a goof like Goudreau.

31 January 2010 at 09:01

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