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Showing posts with label Western Business and Taxpayers Association. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Western Business and Taxpayers Association. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Response to David Crutcher

We received the following message from someone claiming to be David Crutcher, the leader of the Western Business and Taxpayers Association which advocates the separation of the Western provinces from Canada:

"...organizers have to know that the participation of...any other hate that group absolutely unacceptable"


Looks like racists hang out at Anti Racist Canada.

Bigots! Christophobes!

Calling Christians a hate group is wrong and just shows how racist you are!

This messages was in response to our article stating our position on Gaza and the involvement of the Aryan Guard in the rally for Gaza this past Saturday. Crutcher posted the same message on BigCityLib's blog as well.

It would seem that Mr. Crutcher is both dishonest and an idiot.

Friday, December 19, 2008

More Concerns About the WBTA

The WBTA continues to roll out their list of members on their executive council. And there continue to be concerns about members of the executive when it comes to their views on minority rights as mentioned here and here.

The following comes from an August 8, 2007 posting on the blog of John Nesdoly, leader of the Western Independence Party of Saskatchewan and the Saskatchewan Chair on the WBTA executive council:

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Message From the Western Businesses & Taxpayers Association Regarding Ernie Slump

Yesterday we updated our article relating to a WBTA member's relationship regarding Doug Christie. In that update we included our additional concerns about Ernie Slump, also a leader in the group. Today we received the following message:

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Doug Christie and Western Independence

So it would look like our favorite go-to lawyer for Canadian neo-Nazis, real Nazis and Holocaust deniers is trying to take advantage of the current 'consitutional crisis' even though things have calmed down and it appears less likely that the government will fall when it reconvenes in January. Douglas Christie writes: