Showing posts with label Northern Alliance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Northern Alliance. Show all posts

20 February 2015

Elisa Hategan Comments on Danger of Giving More Power to CSIS

We posted an article on the blog earlier this month where we suggested that government legislation that would provide CSIS more powers wasn't in the best interests of the Canadian people. We based that conclusion on the role CSIS and their mole Grant Bristow played during the early years of the Heritage Front. It was during the years that Bristow was involved (1989 - 1994) that the Heritage Front was at it's most dangerous.

We later received the following comment:

Personally, I don't think that Heritage Front has anything to do with CSIS. The Heritage Front was a Canadian neo-Nazi,white supremacist organization founded in 1989 and disbanded around 2005.

That isn't an entirely accurate sentiment unfortunately, and Ms. Hategan goes into a great deal of detail outlining the role CSIS played in the first five years of the Heritage Front. We'll provide the link to Ms. Hategan's here and at the end of our part of the article. First, we need to make the following points:

15 February 2015

A Response to Fromm's Condemnation of the Canadian Flag

Fifty years ago today, the Canadian Parliament adopted this as our nation's national flag:

While there certainly was a significant debate at the time, since the adoption of the current flag most Canadians surveyed have supported it as an appropriate symbol for the country.

Well, not everyone:

This isn't exactly new. Paulie has this particular bug up his ass for the better part of his career as a figure in the Canadian White Nationalist movement in Canada. His followers certainly support his position for, what is to them, the obvious reason.

They don't like da' ethnic folks:

It might come as a surprise to Mary to know that the maple tree is not in fact found all over the place. It might also come as a surprise to Mary that the maple leaf has been a national symbol since before Canada became a country. Paulie in fact used to play "The Maple Leaf Forever" before the beginning of his Stormfront radio program, and that song was at the time of  Confederation.

Things also got a little weird in the comments....

....but that is neither here nor there.

What is important is that Paulie insists on the return of Canada's REAL national flag!

This begs a further question. Which of the post-Confederation flags does Paulie want?

20 May 2014

Fromm Supports Gary McHale. Again.

NOTE: Thanks to our friend for sending us the link to the McHale video. Very much appreciated.

Back in October when Gary McHale (he of Caledonia infamy) threatened to sue him because he published accurate information about the man, Warren Kinsella decided to crowd-source his defence. Specifically, he was looking for the following information:

that McHale is anti-Native
that McHale is anti-police
that McHale has spent time in jail
that Paul Fromm showed up to express support
that the Northern Alliance showed up to show support

As we have some background knowledge about the latter two, we were eager to share some of what we had. For example here we have not only Dave Ruud of the Northern Alliance (and his lovely bride), but also Melissa Guille of the Canadian Heritage Alliance at the October 15, 2006 Caledonia protest:

Love the "Urban Terrorist" t-shirt, Davie.

And in January 2007, Paulie decided that he would show some love to Mr. McHale:

We're not sure if Mr. Kinsella ever received the files we sent to him. In fact, the lawsuit was eventually thrown out of court and there didn't seem to be as much of a need for the documentation. Still, one thing that bugged us is that we knew that Ruud had done an interview while he as at the 2006 protest and that there was video. Unfortunately, we didn't think to save the video and all we have as evidence of it's existence now it this link here.

Cut to this past weekend. Apparently the Caledonia outrage machine that McHale helped stoke isn't doing the job of keeping McHale's name in the public as well as it used to, so McHale has decided to hitch his wagon to this particular cause now:

 Legal battles proliferate as Trinity Western goes to court 

McHale has taken it upon himself to speak for the oppressed Christian community. Not all Christians, mind you. Seemingly just the ones who have decided to discriminate against homosexuals which sort of puts McHale's "champion of the downtrodden" shtick into perspective. Anyways, on May 16, 2014, Gary McHale and his merry band protested outside the Law Society of Upper Canada. And at the 2:41 mark, look and see who shambles into focus while McHale speaks:

1 September 2013

Paulie and (Southern Ontario Skin Member) Yordi Sitting In A Tree....

.... H. E. I. L. I. N. G.

Before we get the the reason for this post, we have to thank Paul Fromm. You see Paulie has been very generous regarding some of the gifts he's been giving us lately. For example, there's this little gem from a week or two back:

Hitler as Jesus. Seems a little blasphemous for someone who claims a devout Christian and which I'm sure would be offensive to a lot of people for a whole lot of reasons. But maybe we aren't being fair? Some of the words have been cut off. Perhaps there's a reasonable explanation?

Uhm, nope. But it does hit all the bonehead themes. Accusing the Jews of deicide, deification of Hilter, and denying the Holocaust while at the same time accusing Jews of being liars, all wrapped up in the abysmal spelling, punctuation and grammar we've come to know and love.

But we digress.

In a previous post we noted that Paulie had a new Facebook friend:

"Yordi" here is a member of Max Hynes bonehead gang, Southern Ontario Skins (SOS). "Yordi" who is pictured below has gone by a few names on Facebook, including "Odin TheCelt" and most recently (before his most recent name change) "Itsoktobe White":

21 April 2013

Southern Ontario "Skinheads": Who's Who?

It isn't a surprise that the boneheads read this blog. In fact, since we were the only media that even wrote anything about their little march in London last weekend, some have been paying close attention:

But then again they might not always be pleased with the coverage we provide:

While we didn't see any evidence that Winnicki attended the march, we thought that it was time to take a look at those individuals who are known to have attended (both SOS members and their supporters) as well as some of support that didn't make it to this event.

14 April 2013

Paul Fromm, the London March, and the Fine Art of Turd Polishing

First, let us begin by stating if the boneheads in London, ON wish to hold another march and rally in the same manner that they did yesterday, we unreservedly support their efforts.

No, really.

We will explain, but first we should note that Paulie provides his account of the march yesterday:

Why don't we first examine the claims Paulie makes in this account?

13 April 2013

London, Ontario: Today's Bonehead March in Perspective

They had been planning this for a while (goodness knows they had to make up for the disaster that happened last year) and though we expected it soon, we didn't know when it was going to happen. But today, Max Hynes and others associated with the Southern Ontario Skinheads (as well as Paul Fromm) held a march and rally in London, Ontario.

But there were not any dramatic confrontations despite the claims of the boneheads they would, "smash" the anti-racists next time they met.

As one of our friends noted, they decided to keep the march and rally a secret, then rallied in front of a closed government building and empty street while most people were at home eating dinner. And all the while, most had their faces covered.

"White Pride" indeed.

30 March 2012

Hey, How DID Things Go in London, BTW?

We received a note concerning the events of last Saturday in London, ON where Blood & Honour attempted to hold a march.

Max Hynes, "Wes Smith" and Amanda Jackson
Suffice it to say, things could not have gone more poorly for them.

From one of the organizers:

7 January 2012

An Examination of Marc Lemire: Part VII

This extension of the Lemire articles is in direct response to the statement made by Lemire in August (repeated in December) when asked by Ezra Levant about his involvement in the Heritage Front:

Uh, the Heritage Front uh, was active back in, uh, the the 90s and I was a young kid at the time. I had some, uh, interest in some of the things that they were doing in particularly thing like uh opposition to employment equity, things like reducing immigration. So I uh, listened to some of what they were about, and uh, I went away from it. I mean I was involved with them peripherally in my teenage years.

Now, for someone who claims to have only been peripherally involved with the Heritage Front in his teenage years, it is interesting that he has surrounded himself with people who were members of the Heritage Front.

In the last post on the subject, we included a newpaper article from July 21, 1998 which provides information concerning Heritage Front activities in Kingston, ON.  At this point the Heritage Front was still active, but it is pretty clear that the Bristow affair had resulted in a precipitous decline in the fortunes of hate group (there would be a brief resurgence in 2001, though this too would be short lived), but it is clear that Droege and the remaining chapters across Canada were still trying to make conversions.

When we looked at the article again, one name (other than Droege) jumped out at us:

13 November 2011

Occupy Movement: Free Speech For Me, But Not For Thee

Oh, how we loves us our Free Dominion!

The folks at Free Dominion present themselves as principled defenders of speech. This is, on the surface, a noble sentiment. Principled men and women from Voltaire to Gerry Spence have defended speech that they personally found abhorrent, but that they still believed was necessary to defend for the sake of everyone's freedoms.

The folks at Free Dominion are not Voltaire or Gerry Spence. They aren't even a poor man's Lenny Bruce or George Carlin (NSFW, FYI), though the members are often inadvertently funny.

4 August 2011

September 2011 Bits and Bites: Blasts From the Distant Past, the Recent Past, and Current News Sandwiched in the Middle

Sometimes we like to revisit some older stories, some of which are so old they predate this blog by close to four decades.

For example, here's a name we haven't heard about in years:

Well, it's not entirely true that you were the provincial Socred leader, is it Paulie?

27 October 2010

We Haven't Forgotten About You, Terry.

Hey, with all the focus on the civic election in Ontario this past Monday, we almost forgot that Terry Tremaine, who is pictured above (second from the left) with Paul Fromm (far left), Dave Ruud of the Northern Alliance (in the black, "Punisher" t-shirt) and Tomasz Winnicki (far right) would soon be tried on contempt charges:

This is all related to Tremaine's refusal to abide by a CHRT ruling, but he's also facing criminal charges for some of his writing as well.

November always seems to be an interesting month.

27 August 2010

Does Paulie Fudge His Numbers?

Paulie has been a busy boy, traveling around Canada promoting nativism and xenophobia regarding the Tamil migrants. And Paulie, the self-promoter that he is, has been tooting his horn all over Stormfront. Says Paulie of his Hamilton rally:

Two dozen concerned Hamiltonians and supporters of the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee gathered today in the late afternoon at the War Memorial in Gore Park (King and John Streets) to gather signatures on a letter to the Prime Minister to protest the government’s decision to allow a boatload of illegals to enter Canadian waters last. This was part of a nation-wide series of such rallies.

And here they are:

Hmmmm, that doesn't seem like two dozen people. Well, perhaps they weren't all photographed, just as the 20 people he claims attended his and the Northern Alliance's protest in London didn't all make it into the photograph) Still, given the report we received about his efforts in Ottawa, we have to question the numbers he's claiming:

Today, August 25th, around 12:30:

Paul Fromm and two racist supporters were confronted in Ottawa today as they tried to hold a (tiny) protest against rights for the Tamils of the MV Sun Sea. They were shouted down and promptly scampered away before a larger crowd of anti-racists had time to arrive at the scene of their (tiny) protest.

Their (tiny) protest was to be held today, two days after No One Is Illegal Ottawa held a much larger demonstration in favor of letting the Tamil migrants stay on Monday August 23rd.

"from one community of resistance to another, we welcome you" said one Anishnabe member of NOII-Ottawa, speaking at the pro Tamil rights protest of monday.

“To those who say that immigrants are a burden, we ask you: Who cleans up after you? Who picks your fruit and vegetables? Who serves you food? Who drives you around? Who builds your houses, your schools, your hospitals? Time and time again, immigrants are scapegoated for the problems of capitalism.” said another NOII spokesperson to the enthusiastic crowd that had assembled in front of the Citizenship and Immigration Canada offices downtown Ottawa.

As NOII and other migrant justice groups continue to fight to dispel racist and xenophobic myths about Tamil migrants, it is important to keep the pressure on, especially when we are up against known Nazi supporters.

For more info on No One Is Illegal:

So we can't help but question if Paulie is being honest about the groundswell of support that he's receiving, or the claims being made about the numbers signing his petitions:

A similar rally in Calgary netted several thousands of signatures, “a hell of a lot of sheets filled,” said organizer Kyle McKee.

Still, if this were true, we wonder if those who signed are aware that the Aryan Guard is spearheading this effort in Calgary. But back to Hamilton:

Residue of both drugs and explosives were found on their clothes.

Well, that's a bit of a lie at this point as well. Back in November 2009 when a group of Tamil refugees made it to Canada, the government claimed that two articles of clothing tested positive for chemicals that could be used in the making of explosives. Then again, if you tested the clothing of the average Canadian farmer, there's a good chance that you would find residue of chemicals that could be used in making bombs... or fertilizing their fields. Either way, right?

Paulie is using something that occurred in 2009 and trying to say it applies to this case as well. Right now there's no indication that this claim is true at all (and, like the claim that the ship was filled with people infected with TB, may prove to be absolutely false). Besides, Paulie himself associates with people convicted of possessing bomb making materials.

Then again this refugee case is rife with lies and half truths. Not long ago, a "Toronto Sun" article claimed that most Tamil refugees returned to Sri Lanka for vacation during the civil war, calling into question their claims of persecution. Paulie jumped on it immediately:

However, as the fabulous Kady O'Malley pointed out on her blog, context is pretty damn important:

First of all, what exactly is a "secret government survey"? Does that mean a poll? A focus group? A voluntary questionnaire? Were respondents randomly selected from the total Tamil immigrant population - not that I'm sure how, exactly, one would do that -- and then weighted so as to be representative of the whole? How was it conducted -- and by whom? What was the margin of error?

According to the Sun, CBSA refused to release the full study, although it did confirm the numbers obtained by QMI. The story did not, alas, provide any further detail on the methodology, so I sent a query off to CBSA to see if they'd be willing to give me a little more information. Less than two hours later, I received the following response:

Per your request: travel patterns of Sri Lankans returning to their homeland after being granted refugee status in Canada, we can confirm that a small sampling was done (50 persons) and here are the results:

Of the 50 files reviewed the following information was identified:

*Number of sponsors not previously deemed Convention Refugees - 19
*Number of sponsors formerly deemed Convention Refugees - 31
*Within the aforementioned subset of 31 sponsors formerly deemed Convention Refugees who, according to the FC1 applicant, had subsequently returned to Sri Lanka - 22

As this review was done based on statements applicants made during their immigration interview and not based on any formal entry control system, this information must be considered anecdotal in nature.

Numbers were counted within the sample group and no statistical modeling or statistical process was applied. As such, CBSA has no ability to state that this sample is statistically representative of any pattern that may or may not exist beyond this sample. Rather, these numbers are solely indicative of an observed pattern within the small sample reviewed.

Since there has been no analysis beyond what was on the immigration file in Colombo, these findings should be considered as context only.

Additionally based on the size and statistical validity of this sample, it should be noted that no conclusions should be reached on the comments/observations made on this file.
So it seems that this was not, in fact, a "secret government survey," but a review of a sampling of files from Sri Lankan nationals, some of whom were formerly found to be Convention refugees, who now want to sponsor family members to come to Canada. No weighting was done, and no claim has been made that the findings are representative of the total population. In fact, as far as CBSA is concerned, it "must be considered anecdotal in nature."

All of which may not make for quite as snappy a headline, but does, at least, provide some much needed context -- and when it comes to a public policy debate as emotional as this, it's hard to see how that could be a bad thing.

Our friend BigCityLib also provides further context by providing information from the Canadian Tamil Congress which indicates the trips back to Sri Lanka likely occurred during the four year cease fire.

“Send the illegals back!” shouted one young unemployed man from Hamilton as he grabbed a sign and joined the protest.

Perhaps this young man wouldn't be unemployed if he didn't stop to protest. Get a job you long-haired hippy!

See what we did there? You see, it's funny because when we protest, they tell us to get jobs. Funny, right? No? Oh, well, we'll move on (though we do have to wonder how Terry Tremaine, for whom Paulie cries poverty, managed to foot the bill to attend a protest in at least Hamilton and London).

Okay, while that might have been funny, this is hilarious:

Foreign ships engaged in human smuggling operations should not gain admittance to Canadian waters on principle: human smuggling is illegal. Other grounds include what is in the best interest of Canadians - what is in the best interest of human cargo destined to be utilized as sweated labour, or more chillingly, as operatives - and what is in the best interest of an ethnic community that has long endured Tiger fundraising shakedowns without recourse to Canada's legal remedies.”

Right. Paulie is deeply concerned with the welfare of the Tamil community in Canada. And we have a bridge to PEI we'd like to see you.

23 August 2010

Paulie Protests in London

We don't think that it's too much of a stretch to suggest that some boneheads and their enablers are using the current anti-refugee xenophobic hysteria in an effort to drum up some mainstream public support.

Not long ago Paulie marched with the Calgary-based Aryan Guard (who's leader Kyle McKee was released from the Calgary Remand Centre a few months ago after pleading guilty to possessing bomb making materials but after attempted murder charges were dropped) to protest the then upcoming arrival of Tamil refugees. Then he was of to BC where Paulie and about a dozen people, some of whom look like they might have been alive to protest the MS St. Louis, protested the arrival of the refugees and demanded that they be kicked out of the country. While in BC he was afforded the uncritical attention of the media who failed to mention his long, long history with racist extremism in this country.

Thankfully, some of the media has made a point of examining the views of Paul Fromm as well as the people with whom he shares an ideological home with:

Yesterday, Paulie was back at it in London, Ontario and boy, oh boy, was the cast of characters (though small in number) ever a motley crew:

Hmmmm. Terry has really let himself go.

So we now have Paulie with:
Wow, talk about the company you keep.

26 July 2010

London Pride Parade Goes On Without A Hitch

Earlier this month we wrote about David Ruud and the remnant of the Northern Alliance effort to stage an anti-Pride protest this past weekend.

By most accounts, it went pretty much as we expected.

Now this isn't to say that no one showed up. Perhaps they did, however no one we've spoken to or who have contacted us saw hide nor hair of them, which sort of misses the point of a public protest.

Of course the usual suspects did show up with their poorly made signs quoting biblical texts condemning homosexuality. At this point they're just a part of the spectacle right now and are as entertaining as the parade itself. Still, there were those who did confront these protestors in a manner that we in the Collective can respect and would hope others would emulate.

Derisive mockery.

The following were borrowed (shamelessly stolen without asking permission but hoping that the subjects and photographer don't mind because they're really funny) from some of those protesters. We especially like the look of anti-pride protester who doesn't quite seem to get what's going on in the last photograph:

Other photographs from another person attending the event can be found here.

12 July 2010

Putting Things in Perspective For Our Neo-nazi Friends

You know that you're on the lowest rung of the social acceptability ladder when even outlaw biker gangs don't want to demean themselves to be seen with you.

The following excerpt is found in The Bandido Massacre by Peter Edwards (also author of One Dead Indian which is about the death of Dudley George):

Chapter 6: No Surrender Crew reads as follows:

Despite Weiner [Kellestine's] strange and violent ways, Boxer [Muscedere - head of the Canadian Bandidos] wasn't about to abandon the man who had brought him into the outlaw biker fold. During Kellestine's frequent stays behind bars, Boxer would pass a hat for donations to help pay the mortgage and utilities at Weiner's farm. Others in the club grumbled that they weren't entitled to such largesse when they were in custody, but they didn't dare challenge Boxer on it, more out of respect for his hard knuckles than for Weiner's financial well-being. For his part, no one gave more to Kellestine than Boxer, so he didn't see why his other brothers shouldn't help out too.

As Boxer assumed the Bandidos' top Canadian post, he found he was always defending his old friend to other members. There was the embarrassment about the time that Weiner crashed a gay pride parade in London, flanked by white supremacists with shaved heads and black T-shirts with a clenched white fist logo on their backs. It was a public display by the Bikers Against Pedophiles group founded by Concrete Dave Weiche, the biker son of local Nazi Martin Weiche. In a symbolic message that only he could understand, Kellestine waved a Confederate flag in front of the news cameras and made a great show of moral rectitude. Toronto-area clubmates shuddered at the unseemly media freak show of Kellestine attempting to mock gays. There is an understanding that a one percenter club shouldn't get involved in any political cause, unless it was something that directly affects them, like motorcycle helmet laws. The idea is that they are supposed to be freedom-loving rebels, not bigots who try to impose their values on others. The Greater Toronto Area Bandidos worried that things like the Pride Parade debacle only destroyed whatever mystique they might have built up, and would inevitably make them targets of jokes themselves. "It makes you look like small-town hillbillies," one former Toronto area Bandido grumbled. "If you keep your mouth shut, you keep some mystique." Boxer also veered away from gay-bashing, just as he made it clear he wasn't a racist or anti-Semite. For someone who looked like a good old boy, he could be surprisingly liberal and tolerant. "They all have a mother," Boxer told a club friend. "People are who they are. They just have to be given respect. Look at how people look at us."

Keep this in mind as the Northern Alliance show up to protest the Pride Parade in London this July. Even the Bandidos want nothing to do with them.

6 July 2010

Ruud Plans On Protesting Gay Pride Parade In London

The folks in London, Ontario celebrates their Pride Week a little later than most cities, but by all accounts it's a rocking affair. Of course it does attract it's fair share of protesters, but they've sort of become part of the show as they stand along the side of the street with their homemade signs that contain some well used rhetoric (i.e. wages sin yadda yadda yadda) calling on the parade participants to repent of their wicked ways.

In our experience, the parade participants are usually either quite pleasant to the protesters or mercilessly mock them because, well, they are sort of funny in their impotence.

One of the groups that has protested the parade in the past have been our good friends in the Northern Alliance and the Canadian Heritage Alliance, as well as some of their hanger-ons. Last year, they didn't show up. Couldn't get the numbers they wanted we guess, though they really have never been a large group at these events.

This year however, Stormfront user and Northern Alliance member, "For Honor" promises a return performance in the protester sideshow event:

Perhaps it would be useful to remind our readers who, "For Honor" is:

Yep, it's Dave Ruud. This picture was from a few years ago during another Pride Parade protest. He's also the go to guy in the Northern Alliance now that Jason Ouwendyk has dropped out of public.

Some of Ruud's fellow travelers aren't comfortable with his public announcement on Stormfront however:

Yep, Tom Winnicki, pictured at yet another Pride Protest in London, feels that Ruud has said too much:

But that hasn't stopped Ruud from providing other useful information:

The people involved in organizing the protest (i.e. getting people to show up and hold a sign while helplessly being the subject of pity and ridicule) are at great pains to stress that those who do participate are to leave their Nazi flags and symbols at home:

But we thought you were PROUD to be white? And by saying that this is a, "clean protest" is that a tacit admission that there is nothing, "clean" or particularly honest about, "White Nationalism."

Well we are shocked! Shocked we say!

But then considering the affinity of the Northern Alliance to Nazism, that might be more a self-reminder than anything:

That last picture includes Canadian Heritage Alliance leader Melissa Guille who has also attended the London protests in the past.

In fact, Ruud has a rather odd obsession with the London Pride week parade. We could post dozens of screen shots, but we'll limit it to a couple:

The protests also have attracted an odd group of people. Sort of like this guy:

So, who is Wayne Kellestine? We'll let Ruud explain:

Wow. Talk about the company you keep.

So who's going to be coming out? We think that we could start with those who attended the last protest in 2008. Ruud will be there of course and maybe Winnicki. We think that Guille might make an appearance as well:

Perhaps Randall Linton will show up:

It wouldn't be a protest without Tyler Chilcott:

And finally, this Northern Alliance member who's name we still aren't sure of (but would love to know):

As for this year's events, if you bring a camera, be sure to keep this humble blog in mind when you consider sharing.