Showing posts with label National Alliance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label National Alliance. Show all posts

19 April 2017

ARC's Response to Outing of "Nazi Mom"

We're sure that by this point, talk about ARC's communication with the woman referred to as the "Nazi Mom" has become fairly wide spread within the bonehead community in Canada and elsewhere as a result of poor security on her part. There is no indication that ARC email accounts have been compromised.

To address the elephant in the room, I will admit that ARC is guilty as charged.

"Nazi Mom" (and she will continue to be referred to as such given the legal issues related to the child custody issue that has been going on for close to 10 years now) contacted ARC in the middle of 2014. While still associated with the movement, she provided information about those individuals that she felt were not of moral rectitude. Eventually, and over the years, this writer began speaking to her on a more human level as I thought that perhaps I might be able to lead her out of the movement that she had been a part of for much of her adult life; those efforts may or may not have been naive on my part, but as I have found some success in the past, I figure that it was worth a try.

In any case, a former friend of the "Nazi Mom" who found himself with access to her email account sent information to myself and others concerning allegations of theft and prostitution, as well as evidence that she had been in contact with ARC for a number of years. One of the individuals who received the information was Bill Noble who promptly posted some of her contacts with ARC on the hate site Stormfront. Among those who replied was Kevin Goudreau who posted messages threatening the "Nazi Mom" and demanding that she reveal more of the identity of your's truly. That thread on Stormfront was either removed or moved to a members only part of the forum before I was able to get any screen shots, though I did manage to save part of the text of one of Noble's posts which will be discussed later.

In response to Bill Noble, I have the following question:

Do you really think that she is the only informant within your movement that ARC has?

28 June 2016

Former Green Party Candidate and 9/11 "Truther" Also Denies Holocaust

We would like to introduce our readers to Monika Schaefer, a three time (and perhaps four time) federal Green Party candidate in the Alberta riding of Yellowhead:

We first came across Monika Schaefer a few years back when Arthur Topham published an open letter penned by Schaefer to Green Party leader Elizabeth May regarding Schaefer's belief that the 9/11 attacks were a "false flag" operation:

Now, anyone being promoted by the likes of Topham in regards to this particular conspiracy theory is likely going to have some other suspect views. Ms. Schaefer confirmed this when she referenced, "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" as if it is a legitimate primary document rather than the plagiarized fraud it has been proven to be time and time again:

4 August 2015

August 2015 Bits and Bites: Horribly Belated Edition

I know, I know.

This writer just got out of the bush a few days ago after several weeks of camping. Unfortunately, I forgot to let our friend who fills in when I'm (a) on vacation, (b) sick, (c) burnt out, or (d) hung over. But as he was gone as well as it turns out, it wouldn't have mattered anyways.

Soooo, what's happened since our last update?

First, we are working on gathering details for an upcoming article. Won't tip our hand too much yet, but I will mention that it involves a person based in Toronto we've discussed with some frequency in the past and some rather interesting associations that individual turns out to have. Stay tuned.

Second, we have two good news stories and one not-so-good story we would like to share, though even the latter doesn't put it's subject in a particularly positive light.

We start with the good news.

At the beginning of July, the New Brunswick Court of Appeals reserved judgement in the case of Robert McCorkill, who's will leaving his estate to the American-based hate group the National Alliance was challenged by his estranged sister, the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, and the government of New Brunswick. Paulie suggested that, "experienced court observers predicted a six month wait for the decision."

In the end, it didn't even take a single month:

18 June 2014

Southern Ontario Skins: A Cast of Stooges Part IV

Because the Southern Ontario Skinheads give us so much material, we decided that, "A Cast of Stooges" will be a regular feature here on the blog. But before we begin with the actual SOS members, we thought we would start with a prospective member:

my name is jeremy crawford when u here the name u say skinhead thats feared and well respected im friends with brodie walsh anyways i lead small skinhead groups in london and sarnia ive been through thick and thin being a skinhead but i always come out on top because were more intelligent than the others i want in im 32 and i want in i want a group to call my family that i can trust with my life im 220 pds and covered in white power tattooes covered. im the poster child for skinheads im purebred german blonde hair blue eyes etc please get back to me. WPWW

Now, you might be wondering by what black magic we managed to obtain this, for lack of a better term, "application" to the Southern Ontario Skinheads. We wish we could tell you that it was as a result of hard investigative work and an inside mole feeding us information, but the reality is, Mr. Crawford left it as a comment on our blog. Honestly, it is still surprising how often this happens; a semi-literate bonehead is unable to understand the "anti" part of "Anti-Racist" and sends us queries as to how to join a particular hate group. Really, it is the lowest of the low hanging fruits, though we still really enjoy the irony found in this part:

ive been through thick and thin being a skinhead but i always come out on top because were more intelligent than the others

You don't say?

To be absolutely clear that he wants to be a member, he sent a second message five minutes later:

Jeremy Crawford 32 220 pds pure german and life long skinhead i want in i have ran little clicks and iam well respected i want in the southren ont skins get back to me at ************ or ************ get ahold of me please i would be an incredible asset to the group and i know brodie walsh

Now we debated whether or not we should publish this message since we really don't want to add anyone to their numbers, especially when they are such an, "asset." But we figure that if they want someone as blisteringly stupid as Jeremy Crawford in their ranks, they really do deserve him. Besides, given the current membership, he really does fit in quite nicely:
Now, since his name was brought up, why don't we now move on to Brodie Walsh? He too has decided to start leaving messages on the blog, though he at least knows what "anti-racist" means, though does seem to think we value what he thinks about us:

9 June 2014

Moncton Tragedy: The Racist Movement Response

We understand that many of our supporters have.... we'll say complicated relationships with the police. Regardless of how one feels about the police, we hope that our readers will at least agree that what happened on Wednesday was wrong.

On June 4, 2014, a 24 year old man who appears to have acted on his hatred towards authority figures, police in particular, is alleged to have murdered three members of the RCMP while wounding two others. He was captured a few days later. Looking at his Facebook profile, one would note just how steeped he was in the paranoia of the gun-rights extremists:

Added the day of the shootings.

One of the images he posts however was of particular interest to us:

5 June 2014

Decision in McCorkill Case: Paulie is Going to Be Pissed

Begin the crying and gnashing of teeth from the usual suspects.

Shout out to BCL who posted first.

UPDATE: Yep, he's not happy. Which sort of makes us happy. A lot.

Wait, Paulie is actually equating a loss in
civil court with the murder of three people?
That's a new low, even for Paulie.

28 February 2014

It's All Over But the Crying: Lemire Loses Appeal

We at ARC believe in serendipity.

Earlier today, a new friend who's interest in the history of the far right perhaps surpasses out own sent us a link to this document:

The above Masters thesis, published in December of 1997, focuses on the Canadian racist right's use of the Internet in the 1990s. And featured prominently within the text is Marc Lemire, the Freedom-Site, and some earlier projects of Lemire's (such as The Canadian Patriots Network):


Even as early as 1997, those who were studying the racist movement in Canada noted some disturbing documents on the Freedom-Site:

One of those documents was written by Kevin Strom, a leader in the virulently racist National Alliance:


Nearly eight years later, this particular document resulted in a protracted legal struggle before the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, the Federal Court, and most recently the Federal Court of Appeals lasting an additional nine (roughly) years.

Today, it would appear that it is now all over.

20 January 2014

National Alliance Hits a Snag

Haven't been updating much due to the business of the other members and the illness of the lead writer. However we shall, as always, preserver. 

We wrote about this case some time ago. Robert McCorkell left his estate to the American-based hate group the National Alliance in his will. Of course one could understand there might be a bit of a concern about a hate group, some of who's members have been connected to and convicted of racially based crimes, receiving that kind of scratch. So a few interested parties, not the least of whom is Robert McCorkell's estranged sister, have challenged with will in court. The National Alliance and their supporters have been crying and gnashing their teeth claiming that challenging the terms of a will is without precedent.

They are, of course, incorrect as wills are challenged all the time and those challenges are sometimes upheld (one such example would be Dian Fossey's mother who challenged her daughter's will and won).

Paulie has been, perhaps not so surprisingly considering his own ties to National Alliance members, one of the more histrionic of the McCorkell advocates. A few days ago in anticipation of an upcoming hearing Paulie posted the following:

Back to Court Monday to Try to Get Isabelle McCorkell on the Witness Stand

Fredericton, NB. On Monday, John Hughes, lawyer for Fred Streed, executor of the Estate of Robert McCorkill, will appear before the New Brunswick Court of Appeal here to seek Leave to Appeal from a December 17, 2013 decision by Court of Queen's Bench Justice William T. Grant denying him the right to cross-examine Isabelle McCorkell (yes, different spelling), the sister of the late Robert McCorkell.

Mr. McCorkell who died in St. John in 2004, left a substantial collection of ancient coins and artefacts to the U.S.-based National Alliance. The will received probate in May, 2013. Almost immediately the Southern Poverty Law Center of Montgomery, Alabama denounced the bequest and said it should be stopped. he was echoed by Richard Warman in Ottawa. Soon, after, Isabelle McCorkell who lives in Ottawa and is the long estranged sister of Professor McCorkill, announced she was seeking an injunction to freeze the estate until she could bring an application to have the bequest reversed as it was contrary to the public interest. Miss McCorkell had shown no interest in the estate through the nine long years it too to probate.

4 September 2013

Of COURSE Paulie is Getting Himself Involved in the McCorkill Case

Really, was there ever any question?

And why might the Southern Poverty Law Center be concerned about the National Alliance getting a hold of a potentially substantial wad of cash?

Oh. Right. The violence stuff.

30 August 2013

Paul Fromm: Summer Instructor at Kamp Klan

Clockwise: Paul Fromm, Billy Roper,
Rachel Pendergraft, Thomas Robb
Some time ago we reported that Paulie, who lost his job as a teacher in 1997 and later had his certification stripped from him, would be in Arkansas in August 2013 to, in his words, teach a course to "students" attending a Ku Klux Klan seminar. Well, we suppose he didn't actually refer to it as a Klan seminar (the name given is the SOTC Training Institute), but given that it was organized and hosted by Thomas Robb, a man described as the national director of the KKK (at least the faction that David Duke organized in the 1970s who's leadership was followed by Don Black, a man with his own link to Canadian boneheads including Fromm) we think it's fair to refer to it as a Klan event. We actually like what others have described the event as though: Klan Kamp.

Paulie has been attending Klan events for a number of years now, though again he has always seemed to have been careful not to actually refer to these events as being hosted by the Klan. However since Paulie has become an active user of social media, that veil of respectability he has attempted to cultivate for himself since he became active in right-wing fringe politics in the late 1960s has crashed and burned, a fact that becomes readily apparent as one peruses the pages of this particular blog.

Regarding the Klan itself for example, Paulie has very nice things to say about the founder of the racist terrorist organization:

1 August 2013

McCorkell and Love Update

A week ago we published an article noting the link between Malcolm Ross and the late Robert McCorkell (McCorkill), at least regarding the estate. The main focus of the article was the injunction obtained by Isabelle McCorkill (Robert's surviving sister) which has temporarily blocked the distribution of the estate outside New Brunswick; the sister is challenging the bequest, which extends until the trial, on policy grounds. It seems likely that other interested parties will intervene in support of Ms. McCorkill's efforts. Below is a copy of the injunction:

Also, a few days ago Brad Love's bail was revoked and as a result was sent back to jail. Paulie's take on the matter seems a bit melodramatic:

Malevolent State Revokes Brad Love's Bail -- Letter Writing Political Prisoner Heads Back to Prison

So what's the deal?

Earlier this week, inveterate letter writing Brad Love flew back to Ontario to turn himself in -- on Thursday. His bail has been summarily revoked after the death of his mother, who was his surety.

Mr. Love is appealing his conviction last year and 18-month sentence for "breach of probation." The lengthy probation gag resulted from his 2003 conviction under Canada's notorious "hate law", Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code. At the culmination of a series of escalating conditions, Mr. Justice Hogg (no kidding) forbad him to write to anybody, without their consent. In 2009, Mr. Love sent four packages of writings and clippings to a number of Toronto Jewish groups, having phoned and obtained their consent. This was not good enough, Last year for Ontario Court Justice Kelly Wright who said that their had not been informed consent convicted Mr. Love and sentenced him to a further 18 months in prison.

We should note that this issue appears to be separate from his more recent legal problems in Fort McMurray.

The rest of Paule's missive contains the usual rhetoric, including the claim that the letters were not of a violent nature and that Love is a political prisoner.

Given what we've learned about the letters Love has sent, Paulie and we have very different understandings about what, "not violent" means.

25 July 2013

Update on McCorkell Case Reveals Links to Malcolm Ross

Sister gets injunction temporarily stopping $250K estate going to National Alliance

By Bobbi-Jean MacKinnon, CBC News Posted: Jul 23, 2013 6:04 AM AT

The sister of a New Brunswick man who left a collection of coins and artifacts worth an estimated $250,000 to a neo-Nazi group in the United States has obtained an injunction.

The court order temporarily blocks any distribution of Robert McCorkill's estate or transfer out of New Brunswick, Ottawa-based lawyer Richard Warman stated in an email.

McCorkill, who also went by McCorkell, left his collection to the U.S.-based National Alliance when he died in Saint John nine years ago, but the estate has remained unsettled.

The ex parte injunction was obtained on Monday on behalf of McCorkill's sister Isabelle McCorkill, who will be challenging the bequest on public policy grounds, Warman said.

"I anticipate that other groups will intervene in support of the application in the coming days," he said.

Anti-racism groups had planned to try to stop the National Alliance from receiving the items, fearing they could be sold and help spark a rebirth of the neo-Nazi group that has been in decline since its founder died more than a decade ago.

1 July 2013

McCorkell's Corpse Finds Ally in Paulie

Back from vacationing in the Argentinian Pampas. Suffice it to say the gaucho life is not for this writer, though the wine in the Medanos region is really first rate.

We would like to present a scenario for our readers. Imagine if you will that a Canadian academic who had collected ancient Greek artifacts and coins has died. Now, imagine that same academic willed his collection, valued at perhaps $1,000,000 to a group involved in terrorism.... let's say Al-Shabaab. You know that conservative bloggers and website operators would demand that the Canadian government prevent Al-Shabaab from getting their hands on that collection.

And those right wing bloggers and website operators would be 100% right. Hell, we here at ARC would agree with the demands.

But we don't have a scenario in which the Al-Shabaab terrorist organization is heir to a million dollar inheritance. Instead, we have an American-based neonazi organization, the National Alliance, that could be the recipient of this financial windfall unless something is done to prevent it.

UPDATE: Yeah, a few of our readers caught that we frequently used the Northern Alliance name instead of the National Alliance. No excuse. We just dun f'd up.

We had been aware of Robert McCorkell and his will for some time and had been trying to dig up more information when the story broke in the msm. Some of our friends have been doing a very good job of covering the story while we were away so it might be best to provide those links:
While the National Alliance is no longer considered to be the most powerful and best organized neonazi group in the United States, it does have long history of being connected to violence. Founder William Pierce's The Turner Diaries alone has been linked to a number of terrorist attacks, murders, and attempted murders in the United States. Below is a partial list of some of those incidents:

26 July 2011

Paul Fromm's Support For a Cause Makes His Friendship With Kevin Strom a Bit Awkward

Paul Fromm and Kevin Strom with other notables in the, "White
Nationalist" Movement. Would hate to be Nick Griffin. Who
Knows what Strom had been doing with that hand
earlier in the day?
Paul Fromm has known and worked with Kevin Strom, formerly of the National Alliance before he abandoned the racist group to form his own, the National Vanguard, for many years. For example, in 2004 both of them signed on to David Duke's New Orleans Protocol which attempted to mend the rifts that existed between, "White Nationalist" groups and aimed create a climate in which the various groups could work together for the common cause (how's that working out for you fellas, by the way?).

So it shouldn't come as a surprise that when Strom joined Facebook, one of the first he added as a friend was Paulie:

22 May 2011

Revisionism: It Ain't Just For the Holocaust

Any new photos of Paulie, you ask? Take a gander at this one:

Why, oh why, do you make this so easy for us Paulie?

Now while we might think that this is yet another picture of Paulie trying, and failing, to pull off the rugged outdoors man look, he does have a new friend who thinks he embodies all the mythic hero of a Joseph Campbell archetype:

Well, Kevin Strom, formerly of the National Alliance and, after a huge falling out with the new leadership of the NA soon after the death of William Pierce founded National Vanguard, isn't exactly a new friend of Paulie as they have a pretty long history. And we actually are less interested in making fun of Paulie than we are addressing some revisionist comments made by both, er.... men.

23 September 2009

Paul Fromm and His Neo-Nazi Body Guards

Earlier this week (September 21) in Kennsington, Maryland, a meeting of the Council of Conservative Citizens took place. For a brief background on this hate group in suits:

The roots of the CCC rest in white opposition to integration during the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s. The group is a successor to the Citizens' Councils of America (originally configured as the White Citizens' Councils), an overtly racist organization formed in the 1950s in reaction to the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision outlawing school segregation. Trumpeting the "Southern way of life," the CCA used a traditionalist rhetoric that appealed to better-mannered, more discreet racists; while the Klan burned crosses, the CCA relied on political and economic pressure. 

You'll notice when you click on the link that one of the extremists associated with the CoCC is none other than Canada's own Paul Fromm. Guess who was one of the keynote speakers?

Paulie did have a welcoming committee. A number of anti-racists protested his presence and the CoCC meeting itself. Our friends with the One Peoples' Project and Lady Liberty's Lamp covered the story (there is also a video included with the article):