Showing posts with label Levant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Levant. Show all posts

5 July 2017

Gavin McInnes and Others Respond to Halifax Proud Boy Incident

Based on Rear Admiral John Newton's tone in during his press conference, I didn't hold out much hope that there would be serious repercussions for the "Proud Boys" who disrupted a Mi'kmaw memorial remembering MMIWG in Halifax.

I might however end up being pleasantly surprised:
Armed Forces members who disrupted Indigenous rally could get the boot 
'Their future in the military is certainly in doubt,' says Gen. Jonathan Vance, chief of defence staff 
The members of the Canadian Armed Forces who disrupted a protest organized by Indigenous activists in Halifax on Canada Day will be removed from training and duties as the military investigates and reviews the circumstances, says the country's top general. 
"We are the nation's protectors, and any member of the Canadian Armed Forces who is not prepared to be the defender we need them to be will face severe consequences, including release from the forces," Gen. Jonathan Vance, chief of defence staff, said in a statement Tuesday night.
It has been heartening to see that the actions of these five men (as well as a sixth individual whom I suspect but won't confirm unless I know for certain) has met with, in general, universal disgust:

Gavin McInnes, founder of the Proud Boys, correspondent for Ezra Levant's alt-right Rebel Media, and man who was not too long ago condemned for his antisemitic remarks (though he claims that he's not an antisemite) has rushed in to defend his acolytes:

Sort of. He kind of does it rather half-assed.... or maybe no chinned?:

And my favorite:

First, how was it their job to disrupt a memorial?

And second, McInnes' decision to start the Proud Boys and ramp up violent rhetoric directed at those beta cuck leftard snowflake sjw's is in part the cause of the mess these five are in now. McInnes owns this as much as the five who disrupted the ceremony.

Now while McInnes is trying to cram the genie he let out back in the bottle, other "alt-right" and over racists are celebrating the actions of these men.

Such as the folks at Stormfront:

Members of the anti-government III% militia:

New groups like the Worldwide Coalition Against Islam, including the Saskatchewan "captain" who was convicted not to long ago of threatening to harm the prime minister....

.... as well as Canadian Action Party Alberta "leader" (and WCAI ally) Devon Mannix who isn't even subtle in his racism:

Even old relics like Canadian Nazi Party founder John Beattie is excited:

So, word of advice to Gavin McInnes.

Stop trying to help.

You've already screwed up enough lives quite enough.

Oh, and on that note, more of McInnes' Kids in San Diego.

27 May 2017

Lindsay Thurber High School: WCAI and CCC Still Refuse To Accept Reality

This past Tuesday, members of the WCAI, Canadian Combat Coalition, Soldiers of Odin, III% members as well as a few local supporters protested outside of a Red Deer, AB school because they believed a fight that occurred there the week was before was evidence that Syrian refugee students were targeting children and facing no punishment; later they also claimed that there was mass sexual harassment and assaults being committed against the students of the school.

Later, the school principal and the superintendent went out to speak to the protesters, calmly explaining that all the students involved in the fight were suspended for five days each and that there has been no indication that the new claims about sexual assaults being committed by Syrian refugees against female students were occurring, however if such behavior was occurring that they would urge students to bring this concern to the administration.

The protesters, satisfied that their concerns had been addressed and, as reasonable people, all thanked the principal and superintendent and left knowing that the grainy video and the claims made that the Syrian kids were not punished were all false and that they needed to be more careful about believing anything they see on the Internet.


Just kidding!

No, they're still going ape-shit and are now supporting the harming of the principal because they didn't like that he didn't confirm their biases:

9 April 2017

Trump Supporters: A House Divided

Like most structures built by Donald Trump which outwardly appear sophisticated and finely constructed, but under the surface are primarily composed of particle board with a mahogany veneer and gold-colored paint, the coalition of alt-right racists, resentful whites frightened by changing demographics and a loss of power, and Republican supporters who support the candidate come hell or high water isn't looking so gilded as a result of his decision to reverse course and bomb a base in Syria.

In short, his alt-right supporters are losing their shit.

Richard Spencer who once literally hailed (or heiled) Donald Trump has denounced the invasion and held what he styled as an anti-war rally to oppose him.... and was glitter bombed  for his troubles.

Ann Coulter, always a nasty piece of work, is tweeting about how depressed she is about the attack and hoping that his supporters will reign him back in.

Frog faced (and you know I'm right about that description) Nigel Farage, Brexit architect and Trump's choice as UK ambassador to the United States, has spoken out against his actions as has fascist French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen.

The alt-right and conspiracy theory spreading news has also criticized Trump's decision to bomb the Syrian base. My personal favorite is Paul Joseph Watson, editor of who stated he was "off the Trump train" over this issue, then after being attacked by Trump supporters stated he was never off the Trump train and that such claims constituted fake news, thus impugning himself further in the process:

Fringe media personalities in Canada are also of a similar mindset. Ezra hasn't said anything specifically, though his re-tweets of Ann Coulter indicate displeasure:

Faith Goldy is similarly quiet herself, though her views seem fairly clear:

Formerly of The Rebel, Lauren Southern is willing to be a little bit more outspoken in her disappointment:

However, Rebel contributor and self-identified antisemite Gavin McInnes seems a little more forgiving (though coincidentally, he still wants Trump to get rid of his most prominent Jewish advisor and keeping a guy who also isn't a big fan of Jews):

But while many "alt-right" Trump supporters feel betrayed, many other Trump supporters are tickled pink as they believe that this shows, "America is back!" and further hope for an even more robust, interventionist, foreign policy.

Not one that involves any actual diplomacy and alliance building, of course. Just one that involves dropping lots of bombs on people because when you view your military as a hammer, every problem is a nail.

I see this struggle between Trump-supporters and erst-while allies on a number of social media sites. As is see it, those opposed to the bombing those who support it provide the following rationales:

  • Assad is our ally fighting ISSIS and is protecting Christians (a rather dubious claim, but there it is).
  • Trump was tricked. He's being manipulated by Obama holdovers or neo-cons such as his son-in-law (Kuchner's Jewish faith is often also mentioned.... I wonder why?).
  • It's a false flag. There was no chemical attack or, if there was, it was carried out by the jihadists.
  • Bombing the Syrian base might result in more icky refugees.
  • Assad targeted children! Of course he targeted them before and we didn't care, nor do we want them here now.... but think of the children!
  • 'Merica! Fuck yeah!
  • A Muslim is a Muslim so why bother making distinctions?
  • Kill 'em all and let God (our Lord and Savior all praise to Him and his mercy) sort them out!
Oh, and George Soros is also blamed by both sides. As are Clinton and Obama who are accused of either not doing enough to stop the horrors to supplying the bad guys to manipulating Trump. And Trudeau is a pussy and a Muslim too apparently because why not.

The clearest indications of these sentiments can be found on the main WCAI Facebook page. While the founder of WCAI and operator of the Facebook group Joey Deluca is fully on board the Trump train still....

.... there's a little bit more conflict within the membership:

Right. I'm not going to subject you to all 469 comments and additional responses, but here are a few representative samples:

18 March 2017

Gavin McInnes' Bad Week

I have to admit to the readers of this blog that I have derived from Twitter what might be considered somewhat of a perverse joy concerning this particular feature:

Yes, ARC has been blocked by Kevin "The Chairman" Goudreau. This occurred a few years ago after Goudreau realized that we were getting screen shots from his account and we were making fun of him and his obviously fake followers. At the time we guessed we hurt his feelings since he has continued to sporadically threaten to have the members of ARC killed.

Such thin skin.

Goudreau wasn't the last to block us. Connie Fournier blocked us for a time before unblocking us to send a message to relay to Richard Warman whom she believed we had contact with in some way (because reasons). And we were also blocked by this handsome fella a little over a year ago after sending a few tweets in his direction:

Later, Ezra preemptively blocked us from his other Twitter account:

There's actually sort of a club on Twitter of people Ezra has blocked without having engaged in any actual two-way exchange. That's certainly his right, though the practice does call into question Ezra's claims to be a courageous crusader for free speech.

Oh, we don't mean that he's denying us free speech by not allowing us to read or comment on his Twitter page. No, we totally mean the "courageous" part since he seems really frightened by being challenged with alternative viewpoints.

In any case, we can announce that as of today, we've been blocked by another individual of.... er.... courage. One might even say that this person is a very proud boy:

No! Really? Gavin McInnes?

Surely this prime example of a man's man wouldn't be so much of a "pussy" as to block lil' old me, would he?

Oh Gavin! My heart breaks! Whatever did I do to deserve your scorn?

Oh, right.

All those things I wrote about him earlier in the week.

Fair play Gavin. Fair play.

14 March 2017

Rebel Media Loses Lauren Southern. Oh, And Gavin McInnes Is An Antisemitic Dick Too

Actually McInnes isn't a fan of Palestinians specifically and Muslims in general either, but we're sort of getting ahead of ourselves here.

We've written about Ezra Levant a number of times here on the blog, as well The Rebel which he started a few years back after SunNews collapsed. The Rebel is Canada's alt-right answer to Breitbart and Levant, as Rebel Commander, has used it as a vehicle to attack left-wing protesters, stoke the fears of his readers and viewers about Muslims and refugees, and celebrating far right political figures in Canada and abroad. The Rebel Commander also had a number of subordinates as well who have made names for themselves in alt-right circles as well. Among the more popular were Lauren Southern and Gavin McInnes.

Well, at least until recently.

21 February 2017

The (Partial) Rise and Fall of Milo Yiannopoulos: With Canadian Content

Upon learning the news today regarding the Milo Yiannopoulos that came to light, we threw this together quickly, mostly because this writer is having fun honing the ol' video editing skills.

I think I'm getting better.

In any case, another shout out to Canadian Cynic who collected many of the screen shots found in the video.

19 February 2017

Rise Canada and Other Islamophobes Celebrate Their Islamophobia At Toronto Mosque

On February 17, Ron Banerjee, Eric Brazau, Sandra Solomon, and other Islamophobes protested in front of a mosque in Toronto. As of Saturday the Toronto Police Service claimed to be investigating the protest as a possible hate crime.

And since Banerjee was kind enough to provide video of the event, this writer decided to provide our readers with the pertinent excerpts interspersed with Banerjee's tweets and screen shots from the Facebook profiles of some to the other participants.

Yep, this writer made a video:

Yeah, it isn't great; poor production value, editing, and all that (including a rather unfortunate lapse in memory regarding the year that we are currently residing, as the first text page has the date that the rally took place as 2016 rather than 2017 UPDATE: fixed). It's my first time so cut me a little slack. But we think it provides our readers with the general tone of the protest as well as the bigotry of at least some of those involved in the protest:

Meir Weinstein and Ezra Levant, unsurprisingly, thought the protest was supper kool:

Though they wouldn't have needed the excuse be hateful towards Muslims, Banerjee and co. were reacting to M-103, a private members motion condemning Islamophobia.

Actually, lets, post the full text of the motion:
That, in the opinion of the House, the government should: (a) recognize the need to quell the increasing public climate of hate and fear; (b) condemn Islamophobia and all forms of systemic racism and religious discrimination and take note of House of Commons’ petition e-411 and the issues raised by it; and (c) request that the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage undertake a study on how the government could (i) develop a whole-of-government approach to reducing or eliminating systemic racism and religious discrimination including Islamophobia, in Canada, while ensuring a community-centered focus with a holistic response through evidence-based policy-making, (ii) collect data to contextualize hate crime reports and to conduct needs assessments for impacted communities, and that the Committee should present its findings and recommendations to the House no later than 240 calendar days from the adoption of this motion, provided that in its report, the Committee should make recommendations that the government may use to better reflect the enshrined rights and freedoms in the Constitution Acts, including the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
That's it. And it is similar to the wording of another Liberal motion condemning the rise in antisemitism around the world:
a) there has been, in the words of the Joint Statement issued following the meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on January 22, 2015, “an alarming increase in Antisemitism worldwide,” including the firebombing of synagogues and community centres, the vandalizing of Jewish memorials and cemeteries, incendiary calls for the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people, and anti-Jewish terror; 
b) this global anti-Semitism constitutes not only a threat to Jews but an assault on our shared democratic values and our common humanity; 
Therefore the House: 
a) declares its categorical condemnation of anti-Semitism; 
b) reaffirms the importance of the Ottawa Protocol on Combating anti-Semitism as a model for domestic and international implementation; 
c) reaffirms, in the words of the Ottawa Protocol, that, “Criticism of Israel is not antisemitic, and saying so is wrong. But singling Israel out for selective condemnation and opprobrium – let alone denying its right to exist or seeking its destruction – is discriminatory and hateful, and not saying so is dishonest;” 
And the House further calls upon the government to: 
a) continue advancing the combating of anti-Semitism as a domestic and international priority; 
b) expand engagement with civil society, community groups, educators, and other levels of government to combat anti-Semitism and to promote respect, tolerance, and mutual understanding.
That motion condemning antisemitism was, rightfully, adopted unanimously.

So it would make sense that M-103 would be similarly accepted. I mean, given that this motion will be voted on in the aftermath of what appears to be a likely Islamophobic mass shooting resulting in the death of six men as well as numerous assaults on Muslims and vandalism of their places of worship, who could possibly have a problem this this non-binding motion?


Nope. People are losing their shit. Or to be more specific, demagogues such as Kelly Leitch and some other Conservative Party leadership candidates as well as Ezra Levant and his merry band at "The Rebel" are ginning up fear that this, I once again stress, non-binding motion will take away people's free speech, become an anti-blasphemy law, and impose sharia on Canadians:

Except this happened in 2015.

And despite the efforts of reasonable Conservative such as Michael Chong and rather valiant efforts by some media outlets such as the CBC, "Globe and Mail," "The National Post," and Global to inform the Canadian public as to what M-103 is and what it is not, the folks who are inclined to believe Muslims are hiding under their beds and in their closets ready to jump out one day to dress their women up in niqabs and force feed them kabobs are having none of this rational discussion and have fully embraced the crazy:

In the meantime, Liberal MP Iqra Khalid who tabled the motion spoke about the death threats she has received ("The Star" also covers these threats and sexually demeaning insults) as a result of her motion as a reason why she would not remove the word "Islamophobia" from the motion as requested by the Conservative Party. She has since been offered police protection.

You know, threats (as well as other lovely comments) like these posted yesterday: