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Showing posts with label Connor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Connor. Show all posts

Saturday, September 08, 2012

Calgary Movement From the Inside

We'll let the article speak for itself:

Brent Gundlock launches documentary project to understand extremist ideologies of white supremacists

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Aryan Guard Supporter Advocates Genocide

The membership of the Aryan Guard seems to change depending upon who you ask. Depending on the circumstances the Aryan Guard claims a membership of only 3 members, though on other occasions they've claimed as many as 15 active core members. We've narrowed the active membership down to the following individuals, in part as a result of a search of their Facebook group exclusively created for Aryan Guard member as well as additional research:

Kyle McKee  
John Marleau
Bill Noble
Jessie Lajoie

Tyler Lupkoski


“Jason Sturm”

“R.j. Mathews” (Justice)


*Robert Reitmeir

*Tyler Sturrup
(likely to have moved out of Calgary)
*Brent Goldring

Dustyn Johnson (seems to have left the group)

With the exception of member "R.N." those individuals in quotation marks are under 18 years of age and/or are using pseudonyms. "R.N." is currently 18, however as he is currently on trial for attacking a female Japanese immigrant in August of the past year which occurred when he was then 17, we will not publish his name. The remaining three Reitmeier, Sturrup, and Goldring are considered to be close associates (Reitmeier and Goldring appear to be very close friends while Reitmeier and Sturrup are members of what is likely a tiny offshoot of the Aryan Guard known as the White European Brotherhood, or W.E.B.).

Monday, January 12, 2009

Our Position on the Situation in Gaza, Then Our Comment on the Aryan Guard's Participation in the Gaza Rally in Calgary

Jewish Prayer for Peace

Come let us go up the mountain of the Lord,
That we may walk the
paths of the Most High.
And we shall beat our swords into ploughshares,

And our spears into pruning hooks.
Nation shall not lift up sword against nation--

Neither shall they learn war any more.

And none shall be afraid,
For the mouth of the
Lord of Hosts has spoken.