Showing posts with label Hall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hall. Show all posts

12 September 2015

Kyle McKee A Little Fuzzy On Definition Of Freedom Of Speech Part II

So by now some in the msm have written about McKee's expensive misadventure last weekend. The two stories that we first saw (here and here) were both sufficiently mocking of his efforts to crowdfund his fine. The boneheads, on the other hand, seem to think that it's all a great conspiracy to silence them:

Sure, the fine COULD be, "for protesting the homosexual agenda" (hint: it isn't).

OR is might have to do with violating a clearly printed bylaw for which the minimum fine is $2500 and the maximum $5000:

2 July 2015

July 2015 Bits and Bites: Canada Day Edition

Well, belated Canada Day. Or perhaps Canada Day +1.

We understand that some of our readers have a complicated relationship with Canada Day considering the treatment of First Nations people over the centuries and Canada's past retrogressive immigration policies that excluded people on the basis of ethnicity from coming to Canada. But do you know who shouldn't have any ambiguity about Canada Day?


Our bonehead friends more often than not refer to themselves as the much more innocuous sounding "White Nationalist," the emphasis being on the "white" part of course, but the "nationalism" portion is no less important to their identity. One of the criticisms of immigrants, First Nations peoples, and non-white Canadians (many of who's ancestors immigration histories predate those of the boneheads by decades) is that these group don't love the country like they do. The "White Nationalists" complain that the immigrants, First Nations, and non-white Canadians didn't do anything to build the country and are just here as "takers" with no fundamental loyalty to Canada:

Putting aside the fact that "RIP Canada 1867 to 1965" likely hasn't picked glacial stones out of a field or cleared brush in his entire life and is assuming the credit due his betters, this is a fairly typical missive. So, we can expect that "White Nationalists" in their zeal to show just how better they are than the unwashed hordes battering down the gates at proving how much they love this country:

Or not.

28 June 2015

Canadian Bonehead Response to Charleston Church Murders

When the "National Post" published the article focusing on Paulie's involvement with the Council of Conservative Citizens (CoCC), the hate group that inspired the murder of 9 men and women at Mother Emanel, his friend and fellow CoCC supporter Jared Taylor noted that the story wasn't so bad:

This led to one of the more "out there" exchanges on Facebook that we've experienced in a while:

While it is pretty funny to witness just how disconnected with reality that boneheads can be, the murders in Charleston really did bring out the worst in a lot of those who we cover here on the blog.

3 June 2015

Southern Ontario Skins: A Cast of Stooges Part XII

It has been a while since we last wrote about London's Southern Ontario "Skinheads." In truth, they had been rather boring of late which isn't necessarily a bad thing since that generally means they aren't getting into trouble. We've heard rumors that some of the members had moved on and that the group was rife with infighting, but then that's all standard fare. However there have been a few things that have occurred that have warranted our attention and which we think befit the honour of being entered into our award winning "Stooges" series.

We actually have Dan Hall to thank for prompting us to write this article. You remember Dan Hall, aka: "Odin TheCelt", aka: "Yordi JewKiller", aka: "David Lawson", aka: "Buddy Hall", aka: "LastofaDyingBreed", aka:.... well, we could go on. If you don't remember him, we have a photo handy for quick reference:

15 February 2015

A Response to Fromm's Condemnation of the Canadian Flag

Fifty years ago today, the Canadian Parliament adopted this as our nation's national flag:

While there certainly was a significant debate at the time, since the adoption of the current flag most Canadians surveyed have supported it as an appropriate symbol for the country.

Well, not everyone:

This isn't exactly new. Paulie has this particular bug up his ass for the better part of his career as a figure in the Canadian White Nationalist movement in Canada. His followers certainly support his position for, what is to them, the obvious reason.

They don't like da' ethnic folks:

It might come as a surprise to Mary to know that the maple tree is not in fact found all over the place. It might also come as a surprise to Mary that the maple leaf has been a national symbol since before Canada became a country. Paulie in fact used to play "The Maple Leaf Forever" before the beginning of his Stormfront radio program, and that song was at the time of  Confederation.

Things also got a little weird in the comments....

....but that is neither here nor there.

What is important is that Paulie insists on the return of Canada's REAL national flag!

This begs a further question. Which of the post-Confederation flags does Paulie want?

27 December 2014

Southern Ontario Skins: A Cast of Stooges Part XI

Our readers have likely noticed that our output has been rather limited of late. In part that's due to not having as much to cover here as we rework some of our intel gathering strategies.

The other reason is we just haven't felt like writing all that much. And a lot of what has been published has been really labored (to those who have made mention that we have been phoning it in, it's not as if you're telling us something we weren't already well aware of ourselves).

Hey, everyone goes through lulls. 

Regardless of our current state of ennui, we thought that it would be appropriate before 2014 ends to include one more article in our long running series on a very special group of boneheads.

More on Dan Hall another time, but he does bring up a pertinent question. What IS up with Brodie Walsh?

13 October 2014

October 2014 Bits and Bites: Thanksgiving Edition

As today is a day where people will be getting together to spend time with their loved ones, we thought we would give some attention to those bonehead, who will be spending this day alone, perhaps eating a can of corned beef over the sink while blaming the Jews for their social isolation.

Our first lonely shut-in is Tomasz Winnicki of London who has been mentioned on a number of occasions on this blog.Truth be told, we think he likes the attention since he frequently tries to get our attention. His efforts are usually for naught and that sort of frustrates him a little bit, however we do throw him a bone sometimes. For example, here is one of his comments concerning our posts on the Southern Ontario "Skinheads":

Yeah, in case it's unclear Tomasz is suggesting that he is the worthy opponent we should be engaging. Have we mentioned that he has a very high opinion of his intellect?

Okay, will give you a shot Tom. Call it an audition for the position of our foil. We'll take a look at one of the comments you made on "The London Free Press" concerning the recent election in Sweden to determine if you are a worthy opponent:

24 August 2014

Southern Ontario Skins: A Cast of Stooges Part IX (Aftermath)

It really is funny how things can turn on a dime. As early as August 18, Brodie Walsh was a member in good standing of the Southern Ontario "Skinheads," posing with his fellow boneheads as they model their latest t-shirts:

How come so many bonehead think that vacantly staring at
a camera is intimidating?
Oh, those were among the salad days of the SOS, a time when they were hopeful, naive, and ready to change the world. Or get drunk and beat up random people of color and excuse it as revolutionary activism. Either way, right?

But only two days later, things went a bit south. Very, very, south.

The reality is the SOS were, and still are, comprised of a bunch of ex cons and general fuck-ups so it isn't exactly a surprise that they would continue to fuck up. We have, however, been enjoying the very public nature of the implosion.

Our readers will have noticed that Max "Come At Me Bro!" Hynes posted the following two comments under the article in question:

brodie is out of the S.O.S, i fucking hate race traitors. i can deal with prior drug convictions but this is way over the line. That fucking piece of trash is out! He talked so much shit about how he was done with that life but i guess you can only go so far. that fucking goof is outof S.O.S!!!! 

brodie walsh is so stripped its not even funny!!

No Max, it is actually very funny.

The action wasn't confined to our little corner of the Interweb however. Walsh posted a comment on Facebook complaining about the article which he soon removed for what we think our readers will determine is an understandable reason:

10 August 2014

Another White Nationalist Running For Public Office: Jeff Goodall in Oshawa

We've gotten a lot of positive feedback regarding our SOS Stooges series. However, we have discovered that not all of our readers are fans:

We first wrote about Goodall when BCL noted that Ontario MPP Randy Hillier posted a link to an article on Goodall's blog. BCL further observed that Goodall had made some rather bigoted comments about African-Canadians while we couldn't help notice his shout-out to Kyle McKee's Blood & Honour out of Calgary suggesting they were classier than the Calgary Police.

Oddly, Goodall didn't seem to appreciate our observations.

An examination of Goodall's blog quickly indicates the sort of person he is. Anti-immigrant, anti-Jew, anti-LGBTQ, anti-Black.

And now he wants to be an Oshawa city councilor:

18 June 2014

Southern Ontario Skins: A Cast of Stooges Part IV

Because the Southern Ontario Skinheads give us so much material, we decided that, "A Cast of Stooges" will be a regular feature here on the blog. But before we begin with the actual SOS members, we thought we would start with a prospective member:

my name is jeremy crawford when u here the name u say skinhead thats feared and well respected im friends with brodie walsh anyways i lead small skinhead groups in london and sarnia ive been through thick and thin being a skinhead but i always come out on top because were more intelligent than the others i want in im 32 and i want in i want a group to call my family that i can trust with my life im 220 pds and covered in white power tattooes covered. im the poster child for skinheads im purebred german blonde hair blue eyes etc please get back to me. WPWW

Now, you might be wondering by what black magic we managed to obtain this, for lack of a better term, "application" to the Southern Ontario Skinheads. We wish we could tell you that it was as a result of hard investigative work and an inside mole feeding us information, but the reality is, Mr. Crawford left it as a comment on our blog. Honestly, it is still surprising how often this happens; a semi-literate bonehead is unable to understand the "anti" part of "Anti-Racist" and sends us queries as to how to join a particular hate group. Really, it is the lowest of the low hanging fruits, though we still really enjoy the irony found in this part:

ive been through thick and thin being a skinhead but i always come out on top because were more intelligent than the others

You don't say?

To be absolutely clear that he wants to be a member, he sent a second message five minutes later:

Jeremy Crawford 32 220 pds pure german and life long skinhead i want in i have ran little clicks and iam well respected i want in the southren ont skins get back to me at ************ or ************ get ahold of me please i would be an incredible asset to the group and i know brodie walsh

Now we debated whether or not we should publish this message since we really don't want to add anyone to their numbers, especially when they are such an, "asset." But we figure that if they want someone as blisteringly stupid as Jeremy Crawford in their ranks, they really do deserve him. Besides, given the current membership, he really does fit in quite nicely:
Now, since his name was brought up, why don't we now move on to Brodie Walsh? He too has decided to start leaving messages on the blog, though he at least knows what "anti-racist" means, though does seem to think we value what he thinks about us:

9 June 2014

Moncton Tragedy: The Racist Movement Response

We understand that many of our supporters have.... we'll say complicated relationships with the police. Regardless of how one feels about the police, we hope that our readers will at least agree that what happened on Wednesday was wrong.

On June 4, 2014, a 24 year old man who appears to have acted on his hatred towards authority figures, police in particular, is alleged to have murdered three members of the RCMP while wounding two others. He was captured a few days later. Looking at his Facebook profile, one would note just how steeped he was in the paranoia of the gun-rights extremists:

Added the day of the shootings.

One of the images he posts however was of particular interest to us:

31 May 2014

Southern Ontario Skins: A Cast of Stooges Part III (Trouble in Paradise)

The bromance between Southern Ontario "Skinhead" founder Max Hynes and his newest member Brodie "Bee Fresh" Walsh has continued through it's honeymoon period this week. Here they are wearing matching hats:

Our guess on the next SOS product placement? Beer koozies. Still, it can't be a bonehead photo without at least one person being shirtless, in this case a decidedly doughy Walsh. Really, we're surprised to see Hynes in a tank top as we had grown to suspect that he might have sensitive nipples considering the number of shirtless selfies he takes. He's back to form in the next photo though:

Max, you do understand that you don't have to feel the need to flex in every photo of yourself? It seems you're trying a little too hard.

And, uhm.... you boys know those are walking sticks right? Hard to be menacing when you look like you're into cosplay from "The Hobbit":

And this one is for you Brodie:

But not all is well in SOSville. Our previous article wasn't very well received as evidenced by the well considered, and totally not functionally illiterate, response by Mr. Brodie Walsh:

17 May 2014

Fallout from the Free Press Article

First, it looks like the Southern Ontario Skinheads have a new member:

More on Brodie Walsh later. Trust us. He's a real catch for the SOS and sure to fit right in.

Back on May 9, "The London Free Press" published an article on an event hosted by an associate of the Southern Ontario Skinheads which, while billed as a birthday party, also appeared to be a gathering of the boneheads which is sort of like the gathering of the juggalos, but with less face paint and more racism:

The reaction to the article? Not exactly unexpected.

10 May 2014

Southern Ontario Skinheads Outed

First, and in deference to our friends who actually ARE skinheads, it needs to be made clear that no one in the SOS is actually a skinhead. They've co-opted the look and, to a degree, very selected elements of the skinhead culture, but it's only window dressing. They are, and always will be, boneheads.

And now the boneheads in the SOS are known to more than the relatively small circle who are part of the Canadian racist movement or who make a point of monitoring the movement in Canada. And that is not a good thing if you are an SOS bonehead:

London skinhead party on police radar

By Jennifer O'Brien, Randy Richmond, The London Free Press
Anti-racism activists are warning about the rise of a new neo-Nazi group in Southern Ontario and a celebration planned for the Victoria Day long weekend near London showcasing their strength.

But the man hosting what’s billed online as a White Pride World Wide celebration, and who’s connected to the group, says there’s nothing to fear from either the gathering or white pride views.

“It’s just a birthday party for me and my daughter, too,” said Jared Gilkes of Dorchester, east of London.

“It’s not white power, it’s white pride. All I am about is being proud of our own race. It’s not hatred. It’s about pride in your heritage, not hate.”

Some members of the group, Southern Ontario Skinheads, have been invited because they’re friends and he has joined them on rallies.

“But I’m part of no group. I put up on my (Facebook) wall: anybody that comes leave your attitudes at home,” Gilkes said, shortly before inviting a Free Press reporter and photographer to drop by May 17.

There’s more to the new group than white pride and the long weekend gathering than a simple birthday party, warn anti-racism activists.

“In reality, it appears to be an excuse for members of the Southern Ontario Skinheads from London and Kitchener, like-minded individuals, and a contingent from the biker culture to get together,” said a spokesperson from Anti-Racist Canada.

Anti-Racist Canada, which describes itself as a non-violent collective of people battling hatred, has been monitoring the Southern Ontario Skinheads (SOS) for just over a year.

The group has at least 12 members, the spokesperson said. “Things have picked up during the last few months and there seems to be more growth.”

SOS recently handed out flyers in Kingston in April, and members posted photographs on their Facebook pages of a small run-in with police and some members of the group giving the Nazi salute.

Several members have criminal records and some were connected to Western Canada’s violent Blood and Honour, a white supremacist group involved in physical attacks on non-whites, Anti-Racist Canada says.

Provincial police said they’ve been monitoring the group for some time and know about the party.


We had access to the Facebook group announcing the gathering as well so we were able to speak to some of the questions posed by the "Free Press":

6 April 2014

Tone Deaf: Southern Ontario Skinheads Post Videos of March

Sometimes, it really is fun to watch the boneheads self-destruct all on their own. Either through infighting or through ultimately counterproductive behavior, the final result is inevitable.

Take the blowback from the failed "White Man's March" that took place last month. The event was really an unmitigated disaster no matter how those in the movement try to spin it. The only people who actually seems genuinely pleased with the outcome of the march in Canada were John Beattie, Paulie Fromm, and the mouth-breathers in the Southern Ontario Skinheads. But even this resulted in a fair amount of online bickering as Beattie, who if we are to be fair is not exactly much of a player in the Canadian scene. That didn't stop both Paulie and the SOS responded then and some other SOS members responded again later:

The crux of Beattie's concern is that he argues, in all honestly correctly, that overt links to Nazism hurts the cause of, "White Nationalists." So Beattie believes while the Neo-Nazi boneheads will one day serve the purpose of protecting the big thinkers like himself (because he actually views himself as a big thinker), they should leave the public relation stunts to folks like Kyle Hunt who organized the White Man's March.

Because certainly Kyle Hunt wouldn't have anything to do with something as distasteful as the Neo-Nazi movement, right?

Well, Beattie might have to get used to being disappointed:

So really, these guys participating in an event in which boneheads are indeed welcome shouldn't be all that much of a shock:

Managed to get the last name we were not certain about.
So, let's shift our focus back to the Southern Ontario Skinheads, shall we?

The life span of groups like the SOS are between 6 months and 3 years, though a few manage to make it to 5 years. They ultimately fail in large part as a result of the inadequacies of the membership itself. Thus far there is nothing in the SOS that lead us to conclude they will be no different. In fact, given what we've seen we think they are already setting up their own imminent collapse.

Much of the membership itself has some problems with self-control. As members of a gang SOS members derive a sense of power as being part of a larger group. And when they feel empowered, they attempt to intimidate (and threaten) their opposition into silence:



It also doesn't help that a number of the folks now in or associated with the SOS have rather extensive criminal records, including one of their more recent members:

Long term survival in groups such as the SOS require self-control and regulation. Does anyone believe the SOS are capable of these feats?

But you don't have to take our word for it. How about from the horses' mouth? In addition to the few photos they posted online, the SOS decided it would be a good idea to video their march through the streets of Kingston. Because, you know, how could that go poorly?


Complaining about the cold? Come on! Do you think Ragnar Lothbrok would complain about the cold? Some viking warriors you guys are!

The following videos are really the ones that are indicative of the mind set of the SOS membership. As you're watching these videos, we want you to consider how the average Kingston resident would react to a gang such as this walking down the street:

5 April 2014

April 2014 Bites and Bites

You know, Paulie really isn't trying anymore. Point of fact is he hasn't been trying for a few years. There was a time when he tried at least to maintain a semblance of mainstream respectability, but it looks like those times have long past.

This weekend, Paulie is speaking at a Tom Robb's Klan gathering in Arkansas. Though this in and of itself isn't exactly anything new, the subject matter of his speech has certainly become much more overt:

Diane King, eh? Uhm, wasn't Paulie married to Diane at one time? We wonder what happened (hint, we don't actually wonder what happened).

But you know, maybe we're overselling this a bit?

Or maybe not?

Closer to home, the Goudreau finally decided to respond to Luke Northmore's accusations from a few months back:

We're sure that Luke responded with the measured restraint we've come to expect from him:


24 March 2014

White Man's March and Canadian Factionalism

You know, we have to admit to having a bit of a soft spot for Sebastian Ronin of the grandiose sounding Renaissance Party of North America. Sure, he's an unjustifiably arrogant bigot with delusions of grandeur, but when he is able to provoke reactions from boneheads such as this particular Rhodes Scholar, one can't help but be just a little appreciative of the work he is doing:


Later, the masked narrator in the above video did a public reading of James Thurber's "The Night the Bed Fell" at the New York Public Library.

Ronin is a bit of a shit disturber. And he's really proud of that notoriety. When the White Man March inevitably failed and the few participant were mocked by.... well.... almost everyone who was even aware of the effort in the first place, Ronin couldn't help saying, "told you so" in as wonderfully dickish a way possible:

Ah, the New Orleans Protocol. We'll get to that again soon enough.

There's a lot more to the exchange, but we think this provides the gist of it.

Still, there was at least one Canadian who believes that the event was an unbridled success:

BTW, thanks for allowing the public to view your profile John.
John Beattie, former leader of the Canadian Nazi Party, current spokesperson for the British People's League (which exists solely as a website and YouTube channel), and fading, doddering, relic of a bygone era desperately trying to claim relevancy in a movement that has LONG passed him by, was overjoyed by the "massive" success of the march. Still, one has to keep in mind that he also has spoken of the avalanche of interest in his efforts as evidenced by the fact that his, "youtubes" have been watched by dozens of people. Still, Beattie was disappointed that there was no march held in Canada, though he didn't know at the time that there were in fact two marches.