Ephemerisle founder Patri Friedman

Party Like A Bitcoin Rock Star

Ephemerisle, a free California festival described as “Burning Man on water,” is a favorite with the cryptocurrency community.
Bill de Blasio

De Blasio Fundraisers Benefit From Manhattan Rezoning

The Midtown East proposal will allow higher skyscrapers — which means higher revenue for the New York real estate developers who collected donations for the mayor in the names of their wives and other family members.
oxycodone opioid

America’s Opioid Crisis Could Take Years To Contain

The U.S. opioid epidemic “has been decades in the making,” experts said. Here are the steps they recommended to address the issue.
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US Retailers Believe They Are Being Targeted By Hackers

Retailers in the U.S. are investing in more protections against data breaches and experiencing less of them—but are still very concerned about being targeted.
Trump at Boy Scouts Jamboree 2017

Trump Turns Boy Scouts Jamboree To Political Rally

President Donald Trump initially promised he would not talk about politics, but went on to discuss Obamacare, his win in the presidential election, and other controversial issues.

What Are The Weirdest Things Ever Launched Into Space?

NASA and other space authorities have launched some bizarre things into space in the last few decades, everything from a Buzz Lightyear figurine to a drawing of a penis.

Missile Stocks Soar, Guns Slump Under Trump

The U.S. stock market has seen a major boom since Donald Trump was elected, with the private prison, defense, finance and materials industries making big gains. Gun manufacturers and coal companies, however, have seen better days.

Supernova Explosion Brighter Than The Milky Way

The superluminous event was detected and confirmed at a distance of about 10 billion light-years, making it one of the brightest and most distant supernova ever recorded.
nasa logo

Space Shuttle Module To Be Recycled To Build NASA's Deep Space Habitat Prototype

The refurbishing work of cargo container known as Donatello multi-purpose logistic module (MLPM) is being carried out under public-private partnership between NASA and Lockheed Martin.