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Anonymous zer0 said...

The "spelling abilities" of the people who write angry letters to this site amuses me greatly. I previously thought Francis E. Dec was the only person with an equally poor sense of grammar and punctuation. I guess I was wrong. The letter in the article looks like it was written by a twelve year-old. An ANGRY twelve year-old. Now that's sheer comedy, right there.

It also amuses me to no end that you guys have apparently actually heard of Francis E. Dec, Esquire (as visible in this post). I previously found my way here via a google search on Dec and it really made me chuckle that you're familiar with him. I'm equally glad you can apparently also understand and appreciate the humor contained in his rants, which I must admit is similar to that contained in the letter published in this post. Perhaps said letter's author also percieves himself to be the repeat target-victim of the Gangster Government's gangsterization and undetectable extermination attempts (of him)?

Oh well, have a good day and all that jazz!

24 July 2009 at 02:04

Blogger TorontoSHARP said...

you made redwatch again... and now you are famous lol


24 July 2009 at 13:31

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ARC Collective this posting made my week!! Keep up the excellent work...I for one think you are tremendously skilled in dealing with racist "shyt" and "fucken" awesome!

24 July 2009 at 15:48

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very good response ARC Collective...thank you for the laugh! These racists keep revealing their ignorance and utter lack of intelligence just by being themselves. At least it makes them easy to spot.

29 July 2009 at 09:30

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