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Anonymous Anonymous said...

That blog is even dumber than Redwatch Toronto. I suppose it's no coincidence that this one popped up shortly after Redwatch TO (which mostly featured articles from 1993 and pics of random people who were not Communists) was taken down. The two blogs are very much alike not only in their
pathetic reaching but also in the terrible photo editing jobs they do using Microsoft Paint.

They should just give up again and stop humiliating themselves.

8 July 2009 at 12:09

Blogger TorontoSHARP said...

"Red Watch".... at least it's amusing to see who they are going to be calling communists this time around. You'd think they might want too look into actual communist political parties in Canada.... unless this "Red Watch" is just a way to try to attack anti-racists like "Red Watch Toronto" was.

8 July 2009 at 15:25

Blogger TorontoSHARP said...

And another redwatch bites the dust

9 July 2009 at 11:28

Anonymous Anonymous said...

RE: UK Bomb Plot:

When I read this, I thought of 2 men: T. MacDonald and A. Marsden.

Thankfully I had the pleasure of being introduced to these fine gentlemen years ago. They never swaggered from their political beliefs.

It is like Polaroid, let's see what develops.

9 July 2009 at 16:36

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