Showing posts with label Brad Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brad Love. Show all posts

13 July 2016

Michelle Erstikaitis In The News Again

It's been a while since we heard anything about Michelle Erstikaitis. Last we heard she was still in detention from a previous run-in with the judicial system and Paul Fromm was diligently visiting her behind bars (really, though he claims her as a White Nationalist P.O.W. Paulie's relationship with Erstikaitis remains inexplicable to us.... unless.... yuck!).

We'll, it looks like she is out of prison.

Or, perhaps we should say, WAS out of prison:



Paulie might have a hard time explaining this away.

Michelle Erstikaitis, 36, who was deemed a dangerous offender five years ago, appeared in a College Park courtroom Tuesday looking dishevelled and ranting about wanting “a refugee lawyer” to handle her case.

She is charged with attempted murder, aggravated assault and carrying a concealed weapon.

“I’m a Canadian citizen and I want to leave this country,” Erstikaitis said in open court.

Okay, so, what did she do exactly?

Toronto Sun sources alleged the woman initially asked for asylum but soon began shouting “ISIS is coming to kill you” and other odd things.
Officers arrived and found a guard suffering from multiple stab wounds.

“It’s alleged the woman tried to force her way into the consulate while armed with a three-inch box cutter,” said Sidhu, who added she rushed through the body scanner at the front entrance prompting a guard to react.

As the guard grabbed the woman, she allegedly slashed his throat with the razor-sharp box-cutter narrowly missing a major artery, sources say.

“He managed to avoid serious injury,” Sidhu said, adding the guard’s arm was also sliced before the woman was subdued.

Yeah, that would do it.

The article goes on to detail Erstikaitis' long and sordid history of legal problems, arrests, and her dangerous offender designation which Paulie suggested was COMPLETELY unjustifiable.


Paulie might be pleased though (or saddened) to learn that her association with him and White Nationalists was not included in her biography

Last we actually saw Erstikaitis was at the Doug Christie Memorial in Toronto where she was photographed between Malcolm Ross and Marc Lemire....

2 March 2015

Brad Love Arrested: Accused of Violating Probation

Brad Love just can't seem to stop getting into trouble. For someone who works as much as he (and Paulie) claim he does, he sure has a lot of time to harass people via mail, email, over the phone, and in person.

Maybe he should find a different hobby?


Paulie continue to presents Brad Love as a victim of a conspiracy to silence him.

An alternative theory we would posit is that Brad Love is an asshole who lacks impulse control who enjoys bullying people.

The story is covered in the local paper. It provides a little more detail than Paulie's sob story

Anti-immigrant activist arrested for allegedly violating probation

A few excerpts:

....Love allegedly made obscene comments towards members of Some Other Solutions Society for Crisis Prevention, which provides aid for people suffering from emotional and mental health issues....

....This is not the first time Love has been in the news for alleged hate offences. In 2003, Love served 18 months in an Ontario jail for violating Canada's hate crime legislation. In that case, he was convicted of sending hate mail to 17 people....

....In 2013, Love was charged with criminally harassing several individuals - including members of this newspaper and a child collecting donations for Oxfam Canada - with his extreme political views on race and immigration, mostly through letters or phone calls....

A child collecting donations for Oxfam Canada?

Big, brave, man.

1 August 2013

McCorkell and Love Update

A week ago we published an article noting the link between Malcolm Ross and the late Robert McCorkell (McCorkill), at least regarding the estate. The main focus of the article was the injunction obtained by Isabelle McCorkill (Robert's surviving sister) which has temporarily blocked the distribution of the estate outside New Brunswick; the sister is challenging the bequest, which extends until the trial, on policy grounds. It seems likely that other interested parties will intervene in support of Ms. McCorkill's efforts. Below is a copy of the injunction:

Also, a few days ago Brad Love's bail was revoked and as a result was sent back to jail. Paulie's take on the matter seems a bit melodramatic:

Malevolent State Revokes Brad Love's Bail -- Letter Writing Political Prisoner Heads Back to Prison

So what's the deal?

Earlier this week, inveterate letter writing Brad Love flew back to Ontario to turn himself in -- on Thursday. His bail has been summarily revoked after the death of his mother, who was his surety.

Mr. Love is appealing his conviction last year and 18-month sentence for "breach of probation." The lengthy probation gag resulted from his 2003 conviction under Canada's notorious "hate law", Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code. At the culmination of a series of escalating conditions, Mr. Justice Hogg (no kidding) forbad him to write to anybody, without their consent. In 2009, Mr. Love sent four packages of writings and clippings to a number of Toronto Jewish groups, having phoned and obtained their consent. This was not good enough, Last year for Ontario Court Justice Kelly Wright who said that their had not been informed consent convicted Mr. Love and sentenced him to a further 18 months in prison.

We should note that this issue appears to be separate from his more recent legal problems in Fort McMurray.

The rest of Paule's missive contains the usual rhetoric, including the claim that the letters were not of a violent nature and that Love is a political prisoner.

Given what we've learned about the letters Love has sent, Paulie and we have very different understandings about what, "not violent" means.

19 May 2013

Paulie Gloats About McKee's Release, Then Throws Temper Tantrum Over Love's Arrest

Something we've noted over the course of this blog's history is the increasing tendency of Paul Fromm (whom we lovingly refer to as Paulie) to move away from the, "genteel bigotry" he had been noted for advocating publicly in the past. He would couch his racism in euphemisms such as immigration reform and free speech advocate. Increasingly over the years his racist positions have manifested as more extreme and vulgar. This can be illustrated by some of his more recent posts on Facebook, from what tickles his funny bone....

28 April 2013

Brad Love, Michelle Erstikaitis, and Luka Magnotta

This is going to be a little bit rambling and surreal. Please bare with us.

Most of our readers are aware of who Brad Love is. For those who don't know who he is, he's a 55ish year old man who has been, for decades, mailing racist screeds to public officials. Not just one or 10 or 100, but 1000s (one wonders where he finds the time). His harassment of politicians and public officials goes back more than 20 years in fact (we will provide excerpts from an article below detailing this fact):

'Scurrilous' mail nets 20 days in jail 

Toronto Star - Toronto, Ont
Farrell Crook
Feb 16, 1993 

A Mississauga man has been jailed 20 days for mailing "scurrilous" material involving racial and ethnic minorities to two Toronto-area members of Parliament.

The Brampton judge said he was not imprisoning Love, 35, for the views he holds, but for using the mails to send two MPs scurrilous material.

15 July 2012

Brad Love Sentenced to 18 Months.

At least according to Paulie.

 The usual histrionics from Paulie on White News Now.

Back on VNN, fugitive Craig Cobb continued to delude himself while at the same time encouraging the harassment of the presiding judge:

Finally, Tom Winnicki, who has recently taken to reading us and commenting on our articles (keep it coming.... they're very funny) laments the loss of freedom, and by that we mean the loss of freedom to criminally harass people:

We'd finish this post with something witty, but it's late and this writer has spent a long day on a fishing boat. Also, the WiFi I'm catching at the camp site seems tenuous at best. Make up your own funny ending. Feel free to post it below and we'll add the best ones to the article.

29 May 2012

Brad Love Convicted

One of Paulie's buddies, Brad Love, has apparently been convicted on, "all 7 counts of 'breach of probation" yesterday. Brad Love is known for harassing groups and individuals he, for some reason or another, isn't pleased with.

We'll post more about this soon, but in the meantime, the wild histrionics of Paul Fromm:

NEWMARKET, May 28, 2012. Will the Canadian judicial system send an inveterate letter-writer back to prison for expressing his opinions in apparent contravention of a judge's probation order that might have served as a model for the Red Chinese for silencing dissent? The answer must wait until a sentencing hearing on Friday, July 13.

Former political prisoner Brad Love was convicted on all seven counts today in provincial court this morning for breach of probation. Two of the charges dealt with failure to report in person to his probation officer in Ontario after Mr. Love moved to Alberta to take a job in the oilpatch in the Spring of 2006. However, five of the charges dealt with packages of material Mr. Love had mailed to the York University Students' Union, Hillel, the League for Human Rights of B'nai Brith and the Canadian Jewish Congress in conjunction with End Israeli Apartheid Week in March, 2008.

19 May 2010

Fromm On Kyle McKee: Charismatic, Talented, Sensible and Savvy

One of the bits of news that struck as interesting is how little boneheads are talking about McKee's release. Sure, Marleau posted a message on the Blood and Honour forum's "POW" section (as of this article's publication, the thread had no responses and had been viewed by 19 people) and the folks on Nexopia posted a link to our blog, knowing Natalie S. and Marleau would see it, but that was pretty much it. Very little was mentioned initially. In fact, McKee's release seemed so unimportant that they didn't even bother mentioning it on the Aryan Guard forum:

The most recent comment was posted yesterday, but it has nothing to do with McKee and his release. When we enter the subforum, we notice that the last thing said concerning McKee was almost a month ago:

One might think if the leader of your gang was released from jail with murder charges being dropped, someone might mention something about it on the gang's forum. We guess this is yet a further indication that the Aryan Guard is all but dead (leading us to wonder what McKee will be doing now that he's out, though that's an issue for another day).

23 April 2009

Paul Fromm: "Their day will come."

Paul Fromm (pictured on the left after having beached himself on the shores of the Dominican Republic; local Greenpeace members diligently poured water over his body to keep him moist until he was finally rolled back into the ocean), who's libel appeal to the Supreme Court was just rejected with costs which will result in him having to pony up more cash, promotes himself as a free speech warrior (and, if you're FOX News, you might actually buy his claim). In addition to his anti-immigrant diatribes, Fromm has stated on his vanity Internet radio show on Stormfront, as well as some of his writing, that he has nobly thrown himself into the free speech debate for the good of all freedom-loving Canadians. In fact, he's so magnanimous that he supports free speech for not only the Aryan Guard, Marc Lemire, Tomasz Winnicki, Brad Love and a host of other righties, but also for those who disagree with him even if he finds those views objectionable.

And if you believe that we have a bridge in Pokemouche we'd like to sell you.

Fromm made a few new friends when he attended the Aryan Guard organized march this time last month in Calgary, among whom numbered Jody Issel of Saskatchewan and R.L. from Calgary (R.L., a pudgy teen with delusions of adequacy, is a minor and shall not be named). Recently, Issel posted the lyrics to a rather unimaginative entitled song, "Left Wing Scum" by a White Power music group, Day Of The Sword (who's member, Scott Stedeford, was sentenced to 30 years in prison for his involvement in bank robberies committed by the Aryan Republican Army). R.L. certainly liked the song's message (though we suspect when actually confronted with carrying out the threats therein, he would run as fast as his stubby legs would carry him). And, apparently, so does Mr. Paul Fromm:

Would Mr. Fromm like to explain what exactly he means by his statement when given the context of posted message that he's commenting on?

20 March 2009

More on the Brad Love Arrest

We received the following regarding our scoop that Brad Love was going to be/had been arrested last night from someone calling himself "White Power Toronto":

That little bird you're talking about is obviously just you making up stories. And I know you wouldn't dare post the truth to your little faggot blog. Homo. :)

The wit and wisdom of the racist right in Canada. Well, at least his spelling was correct.

So we make things up, do we? Then we suppose someone should tell the police in Toronto that they didn't arrest Brad Love on outstanding warrants, or the "Globe and Mail" reporter who covered the story (after we did, of course):

Man's speech in Toronto leads to his fourth arrest

From Friday's Globe and Mail
March 20, 2009 at 3:58 AM EDT

TORONTO — A man previously convicted of promoting hatred was arrested again last night in Toronto, after giving a speech to a small group gathered at an airport hotel.

"Well, so much for free speech and democracy," said Brad Love, 48, as he was escorted from a conference room by eight officers.

19 March 2009

Will Fromm Be in Calgary on March 21? Oh, and Brad Love Was Arrested Tonight

We received a note that Paul Fromm might be in Calgary giving a speech to supporter (likely Aryan Guard) sometime in the next few days with March 21 being the most likely time. Again, we haven't received any confirmation if this is true or now.

One thing we can confirm is that Fromm will soon be writing another missive on Stormfront about another "persecuted free speech" advocate.

More on that later.

Brad Love with Melissa Guille.