- published: 28 Nov 2013
- views: 8468
J2, J.II or J-2 may refer to:
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Jungle Storm is an expansion of Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon released on the PlayStation 2. It contains the content of Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Island Thunder along with eight new single-player missions set in Colombia and additional multiplayer maps.
Taking place just after Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Island Thunder, the Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Jungle Storm campaign is set in Bogotá, Colombia. The drug cartel that had aided and financed the FDG in their efforts in Cuba, the FARC, has initiated a number of terrorist attacks against the Colombian government who has allied themselves with the United States. After Colombia's call for help following an attack on a U.S. Embassy, America responds by deploying the Ghosts to restore order and put the cartel out of business.
Once deployed, the Ghosts mobilize to face off with a newly formed militia group called the MFLC (Movimiento de las Fuerzas Libres Colombianas), which is basically the southern equivalent of the FARC.
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon is a series of military tactical shooter video games published by Ubisoft.
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon has also been novelized by Grant Blackwood under the pseudonym David Michaels.
In the series, the player is in charge of a fictional, newly conceived squad of U.S. Army Special Forces soldiers from Delta Company, 1st Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group (5th SFG) stationed at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Except for the "1st Battalion, 5th SFG" designation, this unit is entirely fictional, as Special Forces Battalions currently only support three Companies (A, B and C). They are often referred to as "the Ghosts". Their role is not unlike other real world special operations forces, in that their operations are kept highly classified. In Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier, it is shown that the Ghost's unit has multiple designations and is part of JSOC and is also known as the Group for Specialized Tactics (or GST - where the term "Ghost" comes from) much like real JSOC units like Delta Force (1st SFOD-D or CAG) and SEAL Team Six (or DEVGRU).
Quite interesting XL J02 Jam, Jelly and Juice QI
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Review Tablet Bangho Aero J02 Intel Android 1gb Ram
Ghost Recon Jungle Storm - J02: Vapor Knife
piscine C J02 0 1080p - Premiers pas en C (programme simple, BeeOne)
TIL J02, Sesongen 2015
J02 Serreche2017
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J02 TA500J(イグニッションアナライザー)
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Håndball j02 2
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Games Lost to the Ages. Series 10: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Jungle Storm (PS2) Episode 10: Vapor Knife In this episode, we play the mission "Vapor Knife" from the game Ghost Recon Jungle Storm.
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Joey, Joey, Joey
Joey, Joey, Joe
You've been too long in one place
And it's time to go, time to go!
Joey, Joey, Joey
Joey, traveled on
You've been too long in one town
And the harvest time's come and gone.
That's what the wind sings to me
When the bunk I've bunkin' in
Gets to feelin' too soft and cozy,
When the grub they're been cookin' me
Gets to tastin' too good,
When I've had all I want
Of the ladies in the neighborhood.
She sings:
Joey, Joey, Joey
Joey, Joey, Joe
You've been too long in one place
And it's time to go, time to go!