Normally we would post the whole article, however it is quite extensive and detailed so we invite our readers to go directly to the source:
Calgary’s in-your-face neo-Nazis take to the streets Full disclosure. ARC was in contact with Mr. Wingrove and provided some background information about the Movement in Calgary. We hope that we were at least a little bit helpful, but even if we weren't it is evident that Mr. Wingrove was able to provide the general public a great deal of insight into the racist movement in Calgary. Perhaps the one quibble we have with the article is with the labelling of some of the pictures. Two of the photos in the story seem to identify the subjects as Aryan Guard supporters, however they are in fact members of W.E.B. This however is pretty minor and doesn't take away from the article itself.
The article was timed to come out during the morning of the march on Saturday, which we guess is today (damn insomnia).
We have also included a link to the article in our selected bibliography on the left side of the blog.