Common Law Affidavit of Identification Card

David-Kevin: Lindsay is one of Canada's leading activists. He has invested countless hours of research at local and national archives and law libraries across Canada. He has been acting as "Agent" for many fellow-Canadians within the "Freedom Movement" in Canada. David-Kevin: Lindsay has been instrumental in locating an abundance of information which is being used in the court system and/or otherwise to expose the criminal element in our political structures, our institutions, corporations and governments.

David-Kevin: Lindsay is also one of the leaders of:
Individuals For Common Law.
Their motto is: 
"The State cannot lawfully diminish the rights of the people!" 

David-Kevin :Lindsay has created a Common Law Affidavit of Identification Card that people within the Freedom Movement are excited about as they can use it for an identification card - with a difference.

Benefits of having the Common Law Affidavit of Identification Card

The purpose of this document is to provide to the flesh and blood living man/woman an identification card that has the full force and effect of the law to support it. It is to provide you with a photo I.D. card with your signature upon it, that can be used for any purpose and which does not require you to contract with anyone or any government to utilize it!

Many people believe that this contractual situation originates with the Social Insurance Number. Many others now believe that this control originates at your birth. When your parents sign your birth certificate, the government then uses this document as a pledge to the bankers to reimburse them for the money (debt) that the banks created from nothing. This created debt represents your estimated future potential remuneration and backs the government’s future unconstitutional and unnecessary borrowing. {Of course we know the compound interest was never created and is mathematically impossible to ever repay.} One thing is certain, the corrupt powers that be are relying upon something to deny us our fundamental rights and freedoms.

This much is indisputable. And it is in the form of a legal fiction of some manner. Very briefly, the state creates a legal fiction and imposes its will upon this fiction. {Here is an excellent example of a fiction, for the "state" cannot "do" anything, only officials who form this state have the ability to perform any actions.} You, by signing for the license, SIN number, and various other contractual cards, or in some other prescribed manner, now assume responsibility for this legal fiction and are now required to ensure that this fiction complies with whatever "laws" the government promulgates, even if there are rights deprivations flowing from same. Although the government cannot lawfully deny you, a flesh and blood living man/woman his/her fundamental rights and freedoms, there is nothing stopping them from denying same to an artificial entity, an action which they perform with perfection equal to none. As a result, we, as flesh and blood living men/women, must extricate ourselves from these fictions and fictitious contracts.

But how do we so do when every card we have is in relation to a fiction?

The answer is now available!

The Common Law Affidavit of Identification Card. (CLAIC) There is no longer any need to provide a birth certificate, credit card, SIN card or any other government sanctioned legal fiction card!

An affidavit is the highest form of evidence in our common law. Everything you state in an affidavit is presumed to be true and correct unless there is proof to the contrary. The benefits of this card are enormous!

Absolute privacy! No more worrying about someone looking at your current I.D. security numbers on your cards.

– Your own personal signature upon the card for further safety identification.

A document with the full force of law to support it! Nothing has a higher value in law than an Affidavit.

– Absolutely no contracts imposed or implied in any manner! 
Security! If lost, no worries about money being taken from your accounts or other


– Easy to replace. Just call 1.888.668.7879

– Permits government officials to still convincingly I.D. you when necessary and
authorized by law to so do, and without seeing your personal credit cards etc.

– No magnetic strips!! No smart card possibilities!

– Easy to change at any time.

As a parent, you can immediately begin your child’s new sovereign life by acquiring a Common Law Affidavit of Identification Card for him/her right after birth!! Then you can update this card every couple of years as his/her appearance changes! He/she will never need a SIN number and any contractual birth certificate provided to you by the state can be cancelled!!

– 4 types of cards:

– a standard card which you can personally swear in under oath upon the Bible.

– a standard card which you can personally affirm.

– a standard card which you can have one of your parents swear in on the Bible as to the absolute truth in relation to your birth date, location of birth and other information.

– a standard card which you can have your parent affirm the same.

Just print and complete an application (see below) send it to The NoUsury Network. Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery.

Note: All the information on this card is provided by you. We have no method of verifying same. By signing above and requesting a card, you hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the issuing agent and any of its representatives and agents from any and all liability that may result from any use of your card. By requesting and receiving a Common Law Affidavit of Identification Card, you waive all liability against the makers of this Card. Should you receive a card with incorrect information, please return it to us collect, and we will replace it free of charge. This should be done before you swear in the affidavit however. Copying of this Common Law Affidavit of Identification Card without the express permission of the author is strictly forbidden.



Common Law Affidavit of Identification Card

Print this application form and mail it with payment to: The NoUsury Network, P.O. Box 9333, Ottawa, Ontario  K1G 3V1

Enclosed is a true copy of a photograph of myself taken within the past week for purposes of the Common Law Affidavit of Identification Card. (We recommend using a photo shop that provides passport quality photos.)

I also provide below, true and correct information in relation to myself, to the best of my knowledge.

Name: ________________________________________________

Current Address: ________________________________________________

City/Province: ________________________________________________

Born on (date): ________________________________________________

Born in (name of city/town): ________________________________________________

Born in (Province of birth): ________________________________________________

Phone No. and email ________________________________________________

Height: (feet, inches) ________________________________________________

Weight: (pounds) ________________________________________________

Eye Colour: ________________________________________________

Hair Colour: ________________________________________________


Please choose the applicable Affidavit you would prefer:

1. ________ a standard card which you can personally swear in under oath upon the Bible.

2. _________ a standard card which you can personally affirm.

3. _________ a standard card which you can have one of your parents swear in on the Bible as to the

absolute truth in relation to your birth date, location of birth and other information.

4. _________ a standard card which you can have your parent affirm the same.


Full name of parent: ___________________________________________________

(Only required for option 3 or 4)

Please enclose payment (cash or money order preferred)  for $175 (Canadian Funds)   payable to:
The NoUsury Network
P.O. Box 9333
Ottawa, Ontario
K1G 3V1

Should information change on your card necessitating a new card with new information,
you can renew your card with this new information for only $50, including shipping costs.