- Japan: Submission to the UN Human Rights Committee on minority women and buraku discrimination
- UN: Apply Indigenous Peoples’ Fund to attend CERD and other UN human rights meetings (October – December 2017)
- Joint Communiqué: States renewed half of the members of the CERD
- “Open space for protest must be created in Okinawa”, collective voice to Japan (16 June 2017)
- HRC35 Side Event: Freedom of Expression in Okinawa, Japan (12 pm, 16 June)
- Quick glance: 2017 Election of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD)
- Newsletter E-CONNECT No. 23 is out
- Challenges of human rights defenders working against racial discrimination in the context of counter-terrorism (HRC35, 2017, OS)
- Japan’s arbitrary arrests and detention of Okinawan human rights defender (HRC35, 2017, Joint-OS)
- Multiple discrimination and violence against Dalit and Buraku women and girls (HRC35, 2017, OS)