Sunday, August 20, 2017

upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia

when?..........22.08.2017., Tuesday
where?.........Močvara, Zagreb
who?............MORT MORT MORT screamo post rock, Fra
                    STAINED HAND powerviolence, Cro
                    PATH OF CESTODA dark hc screamo, Cro
entrance?.....30 kn

VOIDFILLER live @ Cyclopen, Stockholm 30.09.2016. - video

as I mentioned Voidfiller in previous post, here is one more live footage, this time from Death Rhythm fest 2016 in Sweden which for sure looks like hell of a fun.. I like it, on 9:45 when Steve swears on Croatian: "a u pičku mater", hehe..
play it loud!..

Saturday, August 19, 2017

NO SANCTUARY festival 2017 - video



thanx to here are some videos from this years No Sanctuary, there are some rumors that this one was the last edition, so if you miss it maybe you can find at least a little bit comfort in those videos..
it seems like 2nd day was a blast with Swordwielder, Hibernation, Đornata and Voidfiller.. and, hey check out Voidfiller, there's no Steve on vocals, no problem, here is Christina from fckng Agrimonia, hell yeah!.. I would really like to know the story behind this one, was it planned or...!?..

Friday, August 18, 2017

some new 'zines... Out of the Darkness and Crowd Pleaser

it's been a while since last post about some new 'zine here.. I still owe you reviews of Čebula #3 and #4, Nula Negativ #1 and IOSC #18 which are the latest 'zines I have read and now they are already pretty outdated, so I don't know if there is any sense to write some reviews, we will see.. but in meantime there are two new 'zines appeared in neighboring Serbia, still haven't read them but you can find reviews of them on Just Can't Stand It! blog..
go check it there: CROWD PLEASER #1
                            OUT OF THE DARKNESS #1, #2

Thursday, August 17, 2017

awesome package from Sumoggu records..

earlier today mailman cheered me up with this awesome package from Sumoggu Records which I ordered few days ago.. some older things which are on my wishlist for ages + one of the best new records out there, mighty Vastation/Mutabo - split..
I'm feeling like it's my birthday right now..

just a few quick words about records - Life Possession/Gomora - split and Anaeroba - Over the Walls and Borders come on beautiful splatter vinyls, Gelo/Baka Yaro - split and Vastation side of split with Mutabo has some really awesome artworks, also there is big Mutabo poster included which for sure goes on my wall, just when I made some diy frame for it and Man in Shackless/Last Security split 7" comes in one of the nicest cover/wrapping that I ever saw, interesting thing if you consider that this split is released back in 1998..
and Mutabo from the vinyl - hey what a masterpiece.. few weeks ago when I mentioned this split in one of the previous posts I wrote that there is something in their music that reminds me of Mad Max atmosphere, well on the end of their thanx list there is stated: "Peace, Love, Anarchy ...and Mad Max" - hehe, I fckn knew it!!..

btw, check Sumoggu records (sumoggu[at], he have really a bunch of vinyls for fair prices and you can expect an easy deal and fast response from him..

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

upcoming gig in Rijeka, Croatia

when?................19.08.2017., Saturday
where?...............Podrum, Rijeka
who?..................ELECTROZOMBIES death doom crust, Chile
                          SO BEAST experimental post punk, Italy
entrance?............25 kn

Sunday, August 13, 2017

VEHEMENCE euro tour September 2017 (need help!)

10. EISENBERG @ Confirmed
11. WROCLAW / DRESDEN need help
12. KRAKOW confirmed
14. GRODNO confirmed
15. MINSK confirmed
16. VILNIUS @ XI20
20.  ROSTOCK @ the rostocker wagenplatz to be confirmed
21. HAMBURG @ Gängeviertel 
22. OLDENBURG @ kill the plastic smile festival

upcoming gig in Čakovec, Croatia

when?...........16.08.2017., Wednesday
where? Prostor, Čakovec
who?.............PATH OF CESTODA dark hc screamo, Ka
                      MIDNIGHT CLIMAX hc punk, Zg
                      U.B.T. raw hc punk, Zg
                      STAINED HAND powerviolence, Ka
entrance?.......15 kn

SEVERED HEAD OF STATE in Kraljevo (Serbia) 2003 gig report by Vojkan

 there is an interesting gig report written on Diy Conspiracy webzine about Severed Head of State gig when they were playing in Kraljevo back then in 2003.. nice reflection of how things on diy hc punk scene worked back then in small, with war stricken country..
go read it HERE..

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

upcoming gig in Varaždin, Croatia

                                              when?............05.08.2017., Saturday
                                              where?...........Ulica Krste Hegedušića 60, Varaždin
                                              who?.............U.B.T. raw hc punk, Zg
                                                                   ZVGATOR metal, Čk
                                                                   BKD oi punk, Vž
                                                                   CROWD CONTROL thrash metal, Vž

Friday, July 28, 2017

upcoming gig in Zadar, Croatia

                                                    when?................01.08.2017., Tuesday
                                                   where?...............AKC Nigdjezemska, Zadar
                                                   who?..................ILL WIND punk'n'roll, Zg
                                                                              LEFT TO STARVE sludge hc, Ka
                                                                              DROTPAD punk, Zg
                                                                              LE ISOLE DI ANARCHIA , Zd
                                                                              SO BEAST experimental post punk, Bo

Thursday, July 27, 2017

blast from the past... Undone

few months ago I made post about Outré, emotional hc band which I listened back then as a kid and the other day I again accidentally find some live footage of one other similar band - Undone and I remembered that I was spinning them on the tape countless and countless of times..
only then I realized that I was having a real emotional hardcore phase and I was listening a few such bands so I will make one or two more posts in this "blast from the past" scheme when it's about emo hc/screamo bands that I listened.. and who knows,maybe I'll do it also with some other genres, could be interesting 'cause I'm known as a nostalgic bastard..

first touch, and actually the only one 'till some more recent time when I got internet, with Undone was when I get mix tape from one "mail buddy" back then with few really interesting stuff (see the picture) and among others there were Undone and I remember that they impressed me the most.. probably because the rest of the bands I already knew or because they sounded a way different then other on this tape.. it was actually first emo hardcore band that I ever heard.. I said emo hardcore and not screamo on purpose because this was exactly what such music was called then (to be completely honest they called themselves hardcore punk, but if you wanna describe someone how they sound you would use term emo hc).. there still wasn't those black haired pop emo kids and bands which comes on everyone minds when they hear word "emo" (who knows, maybe that's the reason why later those bands are labeled as screamo, or that comes from American bands like Orchid and the likes, I don't know..)..
even, it's obviously, I'm not some expert for this genre, I know, in that time there were many similar bands, like Ivich, Jasemine and Anomie for example (yes, I did my homework, hehe), and of course Undone together with them makes interesting new noise and for sure were one of the founders of genre which is today known as "french screamo", the term with which even some bands that aren't from France nor have anything with this country gets described by..

but let's go back to Undone.. they were, as you probably realised by now, band from France (Mantes, to be more precise) playing some seriously good hc punk in which they perfectly combined fast and slow parts.. it means slow was usually intros in the songs or some down tempo interludes while most of the songs ends up in fast and intense hardcore, all that nicely completed with great vocal full of emotions and despair, sometimes more like spoken but most of the time screamed from deepest parts of lungs.. oh, how many times I jumped and screamed all over my room listening to them, especially on song Witness (because of it's heaviness) and Ashamed (because it was the fastest one) which were my favourite..
when it's about the lyrics, they are on English and are pretty good, mostly in depressing tone but very socially and politically engaged.. also covers of their releases often contains some texts, opinions about music, politics and such things written by the band members, so obviously they were a band with much to say.. one of those who provide the same attention to their music and lyrics and consider both of them equally important..
Dark Future was their LP released in 1995 and I get it recorded on above mentioned tape.. even later I get some more stuff from them this one remains somehow the best and the dearest release by them to me.. from the rest of their releases I remember that from some distos here in Croatia was available their split tape with Pau Etere which was benefit for ALF and for other I found out in times when I got internet access..
even they were short lived band they had decent discography which looks something like this:
Demo tape - 1993 (self released)
Undone 7" - 1994 (Stonehenge Records, Kleines Mädchen)
Undone / Shatter the Myth Split 7" - 1994 (Stonehenge Records, Kleines Mädchen, Autosatisfaction)
Dark Future LP - 1995 (Stonehenge Records, Kleines Mädchen)
Undone / Peu Être split tape (Opale, Le Brun Le Roux Corporation)
The Other Side 7" - 1996 (Stonehenge Records)

yesterday when I was investigating a little on the net about them, with the intention to make this post more interesting, I couldn't find much except almost the whole Dark Future on youtube but then I remembered of a great blog which I follow for already long time LA MORT D'UN(E) MODERNISTE and as I knew which kind of stuff are posted there think to myself, if I can find something about them I will find it there and of course I was right.. this guy made series of posts about french emotional hardcore punk and among others he have complete discography of Undone for download with covers, booklets and all the other interesting stuff included.. awesome.. so if you still didn't hear this great band and you are at least little bit into emotional hardcore (don't know why but even if you aren't into such kind of noise I'm sure you'll like it..) go and check it.. to me they are very interesting band and anytime I'm in the mood I'm coming back to them gladly even if today I listen something different music.. but how the old Croatian saying says - "that's all punk" and that is the most important..

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

PURA VIDA fest 26.-27.07.2017., Mochvara, Zagreb

today and tomorrow in club Mochvara in Zagreb.. entry is 30 kn for each day.. more info here..

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

NOISE & RESISTANCE festival 2017. - video


video is from go there and check some cool photos from festival..

Monday, July 24, 2017

some great fresh releases..

there was a ton of good releases this year definitely worth to empty your wallets, some older bands hit us with new recordings a bunch of new one which also deserve full attention, it's actually impossible to catch it up with all or at least with most of them.. but here are some that stuck into my eyes or ears, however you want, in last couple of months.. so let's go..

KONTATTO - Fino Alla Fine (LP)
few months after we were able to hear new single from Italian d-beat punk monsters Kontatto, in March this year they released full album which is available from Agipunk records on vinyl or on band's bandcamp in digital form..
it's their 3rd full length album and even if I like more the 1st two, this one continues the story just well and for sure is one of the best and to me personally one of the favorite releases this year..
there are even 1000 pieces of LP pressed and also there was limited edition of 100 copies (don't know if still available) on red/black splatter vinyl..

favorite tracks: Fino Alla Fine and Picci

okay this one is here in first row because of Mutabo, which slowly but for sure becoming one of my favorites when it's about some dark crusty stuff.. for Portland's Vastation I must admit didn't ever hear before but I made a quick check at the bandcamp and they are also pretty good band playing some kind of slightly death metal influenced brutal crust punk.. they even cover Nausea's Godless..
but let's go back to Mutabo, really extraordinary material by them 5 songs recorded in January this year and published on bandcamp under the name Omnia Mutantur.. there is something mystically, magically, mad max atmospheric and wild in their music, I can't describe it but check it for yourself, you won't regret it.. there are definitely visibly some influences of members ex bands such as Dažd, Nakot and Atomski Rat which was all great bands but this sound like you took all the best from mentioned ones and created this perfect form of dark and raw anarcho crust punk..
LP is released and available by Neanderthal Stench in Europe and Nero One records in the States..

favorite tracks: Levijatan and Belladonna

just after finishing their recent euro tour new album of this great d-beat crust maniacs from Sweden is released as a result of collaboration of even 10 worldwide distros: Romantic Disasters, Not Enough records, Breeding for Extinction, Mundo en Kaos records, Profane Existance, Phobia records, Distro-y records for LP, then Distro Rakkos and Mundo en Kaos for CD and Bullwhip records and Doombringer records for tape.. for now only LP is out and the cassettes and CDs are still in the pressing..
all together 11 new songs in already recognizable style by them, d-beat crust hardcore with anarcho colored lyrics, mostly songs are under 2 minutes and don't slow even a little so you maybe can get some picture about what is here about.. maybe just a little bit softer and less chaotic than on previous releases, but still they are one of my favorites of current active bands when it is about such kind of noise..
666 pieces of LP is released, 333 are on splatter vinyl, available from above mentioned records and distros or for more info visit Crutches blogspot..

favorite tracks: Burning Bridges and Guerra Social

okay, there is no need for my bragging about this one, 'cause you all know both bands and it's hard to say something new what still hasn't be said.. VOW side is recorded during 2016 in Sweden when they was having tour there and can be heard at bandcamp here: and the Hellkrusher's side is recorded back then in 2012 and contains 2 still unpublished 'till now (I think) songs by them.. I didn't still heard their side, but will hopefully pick this little gem somewhere in closer future..
7" is released by Power it Up records and can be ordered on their site.. and you can read cool review of this release on Good Guys Go Grind blog..

favorite track by VOW: Mindslaughter

LEBENDEN TOTEN - Mind Parasites (LP)
Portland's Lebenden Toten give us headache and are playing with our nerves already some 15-16 years and through all this year they are the most interesting noise punk band to me few years back there wasn't any fresh releases by them and this year they hit us with 3, this one and also with "Static" released by Iron Lung records which is actually single 7" and with self released flexi 7" named "At The Window".. there are some changes in sound, they even added synth in some songs but it's still good old noise punk with echoed vocals, distorted guitar shredding enormous doze of noise, furious and loud bass (thing that I like the most on this release), actually everything we are already used to hear from them.. LP is self released by the band and I don't have idea where you can buy it here in Europe, I know that there were few copies on Insane Society distro but it's already sold out.. maybe the good solution is to buy the tape released by Voice from Inside Tapes which includes songs from all 3 releases (Static 7", Mind Parasites LP and At The Window flexi 7").. or if nothing else, you can hear it at youtube..

favorite tracks: Inferno and Mind Parasites

HIBERNATION - In the Years of Desolation
and for the end one upcoming release for which I am really looking forward to be released is from the mighty and legendary Greek metal crust punk band Hibernation or Χειμερία Νάρκη on Greek.. album is ready and will be published till the end of 2017, it means 14 years after releasing of their last album.. also they are currently active back again with live shows and are preparing mini euro tour which will be held in next couple of days..
don't know any more details about the record, its format, etc..., and for now there is only one song available on the net (last song of the album) called Chase of the Dream and you can listen it on the youtube..