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'Monumentally stupid': Richmond locals furious at planned overdose memorial

A council plans to install a memorial plaque in Richmond for the hundreds of people who have died from heroin overdoses in the Victoria Street precinct.

The proposal by Yarra City Council has also angered anti-crime campaigners and some local business owners and residents, who claim rampant drug dealing and crime has ruined their neighbourhood.

Victims of Crime Commissioner Greg Davies condemned the plan as "monumentally stupid".

"A monument honouring people doing something illegal and incredibly stupid could serve as a rallying point for others considering doing the same thing," Mr Davies said.

The contentious plan is part of a $400,000 upgrade to the intersection of Lennox and Victoria Streets, which is jointly funded by Yarra City Council and the state government's Community Crime Prevention Program.

But the Department of Justice moved quickly to distance itself from the proposed tribute to those who have died from drug overdoses.


"The funding covers feature lighting, seating, tables, paving and landscaping to make the area safer.

"If council chooses to use ratepayer money for other works then that's a matter for the council," a spokesman said.

The proposal was only narrowly passed by council at a vote on July 4 and has been put out for public consultation but has the backing of Yarra mayor Amanda Stone.

"The memorial plaque is what has pricked people's interest and opposition, and we knew that would be the case, and we want to get feedback on it.

"I totally understand the negative reactions to the memorial for the people who have died. However, it's just a proposal," said Cr Stone, who is a member of the Greens.

She said it was a "human tragedy" that 34 people had died from drug overdoses in the Victoria Street precinct in 2016.

In December, the Andrews government pledged $250,000 in funding to install closed-circuit television cameras in the area, specifically at the corner of Victoria and Lennox Streets.

But councillor Stephen Jolly, who has been a proponent of safe injecting rooms, said the council's proposal was "tokenism of the worst kind".

"I don't think putting a plaque at what is ground zero for heroin and ice use in that part of the city is the right plan when what we desperately need is actual reform on drug issues."

"This is just a thought bubble for the Greens. It smacks of the kind of thing that Yarra loves doing," Cr Jolly said.

The owner of a cafe near the planned monument was furious at the proposal.

"Why are we building a monument for people who have committed what is a crime and died from their own stupidity?" he asked.

"Why not build a monument to people who have paid their taxes, done the right thing and kept their kids out of drugs." 

The period of public consultation for the scheme ends on August 11. 



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