I Am Tired of Healthcare

The following piece is written by FW Luz Sierra. She recounts a distressful shift in the hospital that made her reconsider staying in the medical field. The healthcare system is truly a corrupted and… Continue reading

Solidarity with the victims of the Suruc massacre

We’re reposting the statement from Black Rose Anarchist Federation on the recent suicide bombing in Turkey that was attacked 300 people preparing to enter Rojava in Syria and help with the rebuilding effort. We mourn the tragedy… Continue reading

Life Under Austerity

The following piece is a repost from Jacobin. A fellow worker from New York IWW, Erik Forman, interviewed Eleni Eleftherios, a fast-food worker from Thessaloniki, Greece who is a active member of the… Continue reading

Building Workers’ Power in the United Kingdom

The following piece is a repost from libcom. It is originally published in the recent issue of the Industrial Worker, specifically in its’ Worker Power Column. It is a great piece by the… Continue reading

Centralization In Industry

The following is a repost from libcom. It is an article published by the Southern District of the IWW’s IU 120, the industrial union of timber workers during the early 1910s. It was… Continue reading


The following is a press release about the ongoing political violence against the people who live in the Colombian Pacific coast. The text is issued by CODHES and is originally in Spanish. We… Continue reading

Dismantling Our Divisions: Craft, Industry, and A New Society

The IWW is has always been centered around the debate between trade unions and industrial unions. That debate has fallen by the wayside after the 1930s when industrial unions rose on a mass… Continue reading

Agua, Fango, y Factoría

Hoy les presentamos un artículo de Monica Kostas. En su narración nos cuenta sobre una acción en su trabajo donde ella y sus compañeras decidieron escribir una carta de demandas para sus jefes,… Continue reading

15 Per Hour at UPS

The following piece is a repost by theorganizertc sharing a statement from 15 Per Hour at UPS. It reflects on an action made by organizers at Screw Ups who collected almost 100 signatures for… Continue reading

Stop Kidding Yourself: The Police Were Created to Control Working Class and Poor People

The following piece is a repost of Sam Mitrani’s piece at Labor and Working-Class History Association (LAWCHA). It provides a short historical account of the origins of law enforcement in the United States and… Continue reading