• The Yemen Primer: A History of Violence for Anti-Violence

    The Yemen Primer: A History of Violence for Anti-Violence

    A study of Yemeni pol­i­tics and its ongo­ing civ­il war is not mere­ly local in its appli­ca­tion. Yemen pro­vides a win­dow into the com­bined elite strate­gies of balka­niza­tion and mil­i­ta­riza­tion of social strug­gle in the Mideast, North Africa, and South Asia, impart­ing lessons with a more gen­er­al pur­chase.

Inner City Voice (1975)

Inner City Voice (1975)

In the wake of the Detroit Rebel­lion, the Inner City Voice news­pa­per placed a sharp empha­sis on defin­ing the strat­e­gy and tac­tics of the ongo­ing black lib­er­a­tion strug­gle and how it might pre­fig­ure and trig­ger a sec­ond Amer­i­can rev­o­lu­tion.

Rattling Devils

Rattling Devils

The point is to place the human oper­a­tor back in the frame, to ask after those who tend­ed the machine before it was avail­able as a spec­ta­cle, and to lis­ten to how they under­stood what they were tan­gled in the midst of. 

Deprovincializing Marx: On Harry Harootunian’s Reading of Marx

Deprovincializing Marx: On Harry Harootunian’s Reading of Marx

Harootun­ian empha­sizes the ten­sion between tem­po­ral­i­ties, where anachro­nisms can dis­turb the homo­ge­neous lin­ear time of cap­i­tal­ism and the nation-state, and can ori­ent the tra­jec­to­ry of polit­i­cal moder­ni­ty in a dif­fer­ent direc­tion. These anachro­nisms con­sti­tute pos­si­bil­i­ties for derail­ing the train of his­to­ry in anoth­er direc­tion.

The Door to the Flower and the Vegetable Garden (2002)

The Door to the Flower and the Vegetable Garden (2002)

I went on migrat­ing from room to room in the house of repro­duc­tion. Then final­ly I found the door that opened into the flower and veg­etable gar­den: I real­ized the impor­tance of the ques­tion of the land. That door was thrown open for me by the new actors I was look­ing for, the pro­tag­o­nists of indige­nous rebel­lions, those fight­ing against dams or defor­esta­tion, the women of the Glob­al South. 

The Fate of the Fast against the Slow

The Fate of the Fast against the Slow

There is no doubt there­fore that stu­dents are not only work­ers but work­ers fac­ing a decid­ed­ly pre­car­i­ous future. About this only ide­o­logues brook debate these days. And yet this will not quite do. It is bet­ter to say that stu­dents join hands with work­ers as pro­le­tar­i­ans.

Organizing in the University

Organizing in the University

In a moment when the right wing is con­fi­dent and union­iza­tion is at an all-time low, it is impor­tant to gath­er forces that can debate and strate­gize.