
'Electronic abuse': the big time-waster for principals

Principals are spending more time dealing with complaints from parents on social media.

Principals are increasingly forced to adjudicate spats on social media that involve "destructive comments" and "electronic abuse" that is hurled between students and parents, who use online forums to attack teachers or complain about their school.

Old computers and slow Wi-Fi putting NSW schools at risk

A new audit report says funding for technology in NSW schools has not increased since 2004.

Students at NSW public schools are struggling with out-of-date computers and slow wireless networks and the key program that provides technology to all schools has not had a funding increase since 2004 despite soaring enrolments, a new Auditor General's report reveals.

The companies shaping public education

"I've been really troubled ... about the increased presence of commercial providers in schools," says primary school ...

Private companies are gaining unprecedented access to students' personal and academic data, drafting NAPLAN questions and producing teaching and learning materials, prompting fears that businesses are dictating the focus of public education policy.

Unis reject claims they are rolling in cash

Education Minister Simon Birmingham says universities have been receiving "rivers of gold" from the taxpayer over recent ...

Australian universities have angrily rejected the Turnbull government's assertions they are receiving "rivers of gold" from the taxpayer and can easily absorb the funding cuts announced in the May budget.

The teachers paid less than carpenters

"Only someone who is very committed to early education would choose to work there for less money and longer hours than a ...

Australia is lagging significantly behind other OECD countries when it comes to the number of three-year-olds enrolled in high-quality preschool programs, and preschool leaders say a big part of the problem is low pay for early education teachers.

Word limits will 'fuel the HSC tutoring industry'

HSC English exams could be shorter and include multiple choice questions.

Leading English academics and former HSC chief examiners have warned that plans to make HSC English exams shorter and give questions word limits will make it easier for students to game the system and will "further fuel the HSC tutoring industry and its commercial gain".