Republican health care plan is a disaster for Oregon’s Economy

By Kelsey Denogean of Portland, Oregon. Kelsey is the owner of Pieper Cafe and a Main Street Alliance of Oregon Member.

I love owning a small business but the potential changes in health care legislation has me worried about my business’ future prosperity.

As the owner of Pieper Cafe in Portland, I am proud to contribute to Oregon’s economy. Like many small business owners, I work long hours to grow my business and create jobs for our local community. I have been in business for 5 years and have seen my neighborhood grow and prosper. Although Portland’s economy is healthy, I am always worried about keeping the doors open and the lights on-- recently the proposed American Health Care Act (AHCA) legislation has created even more uncertainties.

Since the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was enacted, I have not had to worry about accessing affordable health insurance. Myself and four employees all receive healthcare through the expansion of the ACA. For me, having health care is a necessity. When I was 35 years old, I suffered a stroke. Under the proposed AHCA legislation, insurance companies will be able to deny individuals with pre-existing conditions, like me, health care coverage. The consequences of the legislation would force me and many other small businesses to close our doors and lay off employees.