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Anthony Scaramucci.

Scaramucci wants more gun control, and finds Trump’s climate change position “disheartening”

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New White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci is anti-gun and pro-climate-change. Which is an interesting addition to Donald Trump’s White House, as Trump has said ...

Scaramucci excoriated Trump: “a hack… anti-American… don’t like the way he talks about women”

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By now, you likely know that Donald Trump has announced a new White House communications director, and as a result, Sean Spicer has resigned. The new Trump White House communications ...

GOP Senate candidate Josh Mandel embraces far right Pizzagate conspiracy theorists

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Republican US Senate candidate Josh Mandel of Ohio today embraced two men labeled by the Anti-Defamation League as being leaders of a far right movement that traffics in conspiracy ...
senior citizens

CBO on GOP Obamacare repeal: 22m uninsured, $13k deductible, premiums soar for older

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The Congressional Budget Office released yet another analysis of yet another Republican Obamacare repeal plan, and this time the numbers are still awful. According to CBO, 22 million ...
trump macron shake large

Trump is fixated on how long French President Macron held his hand

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In his now already-infamous interview with the NYT’s Maggie Haberman, Donald Trump went off, a lot, about the fact that French Prime Minister Emmanuel Macron held his hand. Now, ...
Akie Abe

Did the Japanese Prime Minister’s wife Akie Abe pretend not to speak English to avoid Trump?

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As part of his long, confused, rambling interview with the NYT’s Maggie Haberman yesterday, Donald Trump talked about how uncomfortable he was sitting next to Akie Abe, the wife ...
baby health care

CBO: Newest GOP Obamacare repeal bill causes 32m more uninsured, doubles premiums

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The House GOP Obamacare repeal plan will cause 23 million more Americans to be uninsured. The first Senate GOP Obamacare repeal plan would cause 22 million more Americans to be uninsured. ...

The art of any deal

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Trump’s defenders, and Trump himself, like to claim that he’s a master dealmaker. I don’t buy it. A master deal maker makes good deals. Trump as president seems desperate ...

PolitiFact: There’s no Obamacare “death spiral”

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By now, we’re all familiar with the incessant GOP talking point that Obamacare is in a “death spiral.” Independent fact-checker PolitiFact looked into the issue, and ...

Only 45% of Trump voters believe Don Jr. met with the Russians, after Junior admitted it

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Public Policy Polling has a new poll out that’s depressing as hell, and a sign of just how fact-deprived Trump voters truly are. Among other findings, only 45% of Trump voters ...
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