- published: 10 Aug 2016
- views: 97
The given name Eric, Erik, or Erick is derived from the Old Norse name Eiríkr (or Eríkr in Eastern Scandinavia due to monophthongization). The first element, ei- is derived either from the older Proto-Norse *aina(z) meaning "one" or "alone" or from Proto-Norse *aiwa(z) meaning "ever" or "eternal". The second element -ríkr derives either from *rík(a)z meaning "ruler" or "prince" (cf. Gothic reiks) or from an even older Proto-Germanic *ríkiaz which meant "powerful" and "rich". The name is thus usually taken to mean "one ruler", "autocrat", "eternal ruler" or "ever powerful", "warrior", and "government".
The most common spelling in Scandinavia is Erik. In Norway, another form of the name (which has kept the Old Norse diphthong) Eirik is also commonly used. In Finland, the form Erkki is also used. The modern Icelandic version is Eiríkur, while the modern Faroese version is Eirikur. Éric [eʁik] is used in French, and in Germany Eric, Erik and Erich are used.
Although the name was in use in Anglo-Saxon England, its use was reinforced by Scandinavian settlers arriving before the Norman Invasion. It was an uncommon name in England until the Middle Ages, when it gained popularity, and finally became a common name in the 19th century. This was partly because of the publishing of the novel Eric, or, Little by Little by Frederick William Farrar in 1858.
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erik mckay's sizzle reel 1:00 min
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Unforgettable | Immense | Intense | Remarkable | Intriguing | Powerful | Unstoppable is ERIK MCKAY a NYC actor for HIRE! www.erikmckay.com #justwatchme
Timmy Lelito #68 on the New Orleans Saints explains how he's gotten to where he is today and some methods that he's held onto from Erik Mckay who owns and operates No Bull Strength & Performance. http://www.neworleanssaints.com/team/roster/Tim-Lelito/8fa0083f-8ef3-46e8-b786-6590fc9f6391 https://www.facebook.com/Lelitos-Legacy-Camp-701629453203026/ http://nobullstrength.com
ROXË15 is a short film bringing a new voice to science fiction. We are raising $$ to edit this film! Become a backer at any level on INDIEGOGO: http://igg.me/at/roxe15/x/1502 DEADLINE September 30, 2013
The Lego Batman Movie is a 2017 3D computer-animated superhero comedy film, directed by Chris McKay, written by Seth Grahame-Smith, Chris McKenna, Erik Sommers, Jared Stern and John Whittington, with Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, the writers and directors of The Lego Movie, serving as its producers. The film, an international co-production of the United States, Australia and Denmark, is a spin-off installment of The Lego Movie, with its story focusing on the DC Comics character Batman as he attempts to overcome his greatest fear to stop the Joker's latest plan. While Will Arnett reprises his role as Batman for the film, the other major characters were voiced by Zach Galifianakis, Michael Cera, Rosario Dawson and Ralph Fiennes. Watch here for more amazing movie clips. facebook: htt...
Just in these two minutes, THIS THE MOST I EVER BEEN INSPIRED! THANK YOU DENZEL! . . . “I am particularly proud and happy about the young FILMMAKERS, ACTORS, singers, WRITERS, PRODUCERS that are coming up behind my generation, in particular Barry Jenkins @bandrybarry, “Young people understand, this young man made 10, 15, 20 short films before he got the opportunity to make #Moonlight so never give up." . . "Without commitment you'll never start, but more importantly without consistency you'll never finish." . "It's not easy. If it were easy, there'd be no Kerry Washington @kerrywashington. If it were easy, there'd be no Taraji Henson @tarajiphenson. If it were easy, there'd be no Octavia Spencer @therealoctaviaspencer. But not only that, if it were easy, there'd be no Viola Davis @violadav...
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