

Australian women pay a high price for looking good

Vanity doesn't come cheap. There is hair to cut and colour, and hair to remove. There are eyebrows to tame and lashes to tint. There's make-up, skincare, manicures, pedicures, facials. There is skin to protect and cover in tan.

When it comes to looking good, it seems we Australians spare little expense.

We spend $22 billion a year on appearance - including personal grooming but not including cosmetic surgery or gyms and fitness - according to research conducted in 2016 by the financial comparison site, Mozo.

If we measure vanity by dollars outlaid, Queenslanders are the most committed with an average per capita spend of $989 a year. Tasmanians are the least fussed, with just $451 forked out on average each year.

When it comes to men, those over the age of 65 spend the least, while those flying the Gen Y flag spend the most.

In most categories, young people are significantly more likely to spend money on their appearance than older Australians.


The overall bill for keeping up appearances isn't split evenly between men and women.

Men fork out a little more than $7 billion annually on grooming, including $736 million on manicures.

Women outlay an eye-watering $15 billion a year. For context, that is almost double the estimated $8.5 billion all Australians spend on gyms and fitness.

And, there's another eye-watering number to consider when calculating the overall cost of looking good.

Over the course of their lives, it is estimated that women will spend roughly 3276 hours on personal grooming.

On blow-drying their hair, moisturising their body, applying make-up, removing make-up, filing their nails, painting their toenails, exfoliating their skin, shaping their eyebrows and a myriad of other activities to primp and preen.

On average, the same British research found that men will devote about a third of this time, or 1092 hours, to grooming.

American research was undertaken to explore what impact the time an individual spent on their personal grooming had on their earnings.

Grooming may be considered a "non-market activity", which economists generally view as counterproductive because it takes time away from work.

But grooming has a professional impact because of the way it communicates a person's values, identity and personality. So researchers examined American time-use data* to see whether spending more time on grooming affected a person's earnings.

For men spending more time on grooming had no impact. But for women, increased grooming time has a negative effect on their earnings. They lose 3.4 per cent of their income on average for doubling the time they spend on their appearance.

Which leads us to troubling territory. Women will spend three times as much time on their appearance as men, which has the potential to erode, rather than grow, their income, and they will fork out double the money in the process.

That's quite the triple whammy.

And when you consider that, on average, women still earn considerably less than men, that they retire with less than men and they live longer than men, it is hardly trivial.

On the whole, women don't exactly have time and money to burn. And yet, here we are pouring both precious resources into how we look.

The trouble is ascertaining how and where to draw the line. Women are conditioned, from a young age, to understand that their appearance is their currency. Women and girls are reminded often, that how they look is a focal point: so is it any wonder we spend time and money living up to that?

This is the topic author and columnist Tracey Spicer explored in her TEDx talk "The Lady Stripped Bare", which went viral online.

In it she encourages women to push back against societal expectations and reassess their beauty routines.

Plenty of women, myself included, enjoy the process of getting dressed up. Applying make-up and doing our hair isn't a ghastly ordeal we are forced into. Often, it is fun.

But is it fun enough to warrant the cost in time and money? I'm not quite sure.

* The Australian Bureau of Statistics has not conducted a time-use study for more than 10 years.

Georgina Dent is a journalist, editor and TV commentator with a keen focus on women's empowerment and gender equality.