

Human trafficking blamed after people found dead in truck in Texas

San Antonio:  Texas police discovered a sweltering semi trailer packed with dozens of people outside a Walmart store early on Sunday morning, US time - eight were dead already; one more person would die soon; and many more are expected to have brain damage from severe heat.

"They discovered an alien smuggling venture gone horribly wrong," Richard Durbin, the US attorney for the Western District of Texas, wrote in a statement released by federal immigration authorities.

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Many found dead in truck trailer in Texas

RAW VISION: Officials called to a Walmart parking lot in San Antonio found several people dead and at least 20 others in dire condition in the back of a tractor-trailer, in what police are calling a case of immigrant smuggling.

"All were victims of ruthless human smugglers indifferent to the well-being of their fragile cargo," he added.

Texas Police Chief William McManus did not go quite so far when he spoke to reporters before dawn. But he said his homicide detectives would work with federal immigration authorities to determine "the origin of this horrific tragedy".

The truck had no working air conditioning or signs of water as it sat in the Walmart carpark off Interstate 35 in south San Antonio, about two hours from the border with Mexico in 37-degree heat, authorities said.

Surveillance footage recorded vehicles pulling up to the truck on Saturday night, taking people from the trailer and driving away, McManus said.


But at least 39 people remained locked inside, Fire Chief Charles Hood told reporters, their hearts beating rapidly and their temperatures spiking - unless they had already died.

At some point, somehow, one of the passengers got out of the trailer and asked a Walmart employee for water.

The employee "came back with the water, called the police, and we found eight dead in the back of that trailer," McManus said.

The back of the trailer was open by the time police arrived, shortly after midnight, a spokesman said.

The driver was taken into custody. Federal officials plan to file a criminal complaint against James M. Bradley jnr, 60, on Friday.

Eight were dead on the scene, and one more died in a hospital hours later, according to federal officials.

"We're very fortunate there weren't 38 people that were all locked inside the vehicle, dead," Hood said.

Some of the survivors ran into the surrounding trees, according to police, evading helicopters and foot patrols in the darkness. One person was later found nearby.

But many more remained in the truck, in dire need of help.

"They were very hot to the touch," Hood said. "Each one of them had heart rates over about 130 beats per minute."

They had been transported inside "a refrigeration truck with no refrigeration," he told CNN. "If they were to spend another night in that environment, you'd have 38 people who would not have survived."

As it was, Hood said, 30 were hospitalised - 17 in critical condition. Of those who suffered heatstrokes, a lot of them are going to have some irreversible brain damage," he said.

"We flooded downtown San Antonio and our critical hospitals with patients tonight."

At least two in the truck were school-age children, he said. A spokeswoman for US Immigration and Customs Enforcement did not specify what would happen to survivors once they left the hospital.

"All custody issues are handled on a case by case basis," she said.

While juveniles were initially reported among the dead, a police spokesman said the children survived.

Authorities tagged and numbered the bodies, and were trying to figure out their identities.

A hearse pulled into the carpark early on Sunday morning, according to the San Antonio Express-News.

Walmart customers went about their shopping when the store reopened, though a large area of the carpark remained cordoned off with police tape.

The truck was towed away later in the morning. It advertised an Iowa company - Pyle Transportation - on the side.

Brian Pyle identified himself as the owner of the company but said the driver owned the truck, managed his own deliveries and operated largely independently from his company.

"This was his very first trip," Pyle said. "It's a common thing in the trucking industry . . . He had my name on the side, and I pay for his insurance. He makes his own decisions, buys his own fuel."

Pyle declined to name the driver, who he said was from Louisville, and said he had no idea what the man was transporting.

While investigators did not know where the truck had driven from, the police chief said such operations were routine in the area - often going undiscovered in the darkness.

A San Antonio police spokesman said US Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials would take over the investigation.

In his own statement, ICE acting director Thomas Homan wrote that he had worked on a similar case 14 years ago - in which 19 people suffocated inside an abandoned milk trailer in south Texas.

"These networks have repeatedly shown a reckless disregard for those they smuggle, as last night's case demonstrates," Homan wrote.

His sentiments were echoed by Democrat lawmaker Joaquin Castro of San Antonio, who has criticised many of the Trump administration's moves toward stricter immigration policies.

"The smugglers responsible for the incident, who showed no regard for the lives of the people they were transporting, should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law," Castro wrote.

A candlelight vigil was planned at a cathedral, and Mayor Ron Nirenberg offered his sympathy.

The grisly discovery in San Antonio comes as the Trump administration is calling on Congress to increase funding for border security and to expand the wall on the southern border with Mexico.

It also illuminates the extreme risks immigrants face as they try to elude border agents in the searing northern summer heat. Some try to slip through legal checkpoints undetected, while others sneak illegally across the border. Many are fleeing violence and poverty in Latin America, advocates say.

It is unclear whether the truck smuggled the immigrants across the border or picked them up once they had crossed into the United States. According to US Border Patrol, thousands have died trying to enter the United States from 1998 to 2016, drowning in the Rio Grande, lost in the desolate ranch lands of south Texas, or collapsing from exhaustion in the Arizona desert.

Two weeks ago, Houston police discovered 12 immigrants, including a girl, who had been locked for hours inside a sweltering truck also in a carpark, banging for someone to rescue them. Three people were arrested. A Harris County prosecutor said the migrants were at imminent risk of death.

In May, border agents discovered 18 immigrants locked in a refrigerated produce truck, with the temperature set at 10 degrees celsius. . Passengers were from Latin America and Kosovo.

Border apprehensions hit a 17-year low after US President Donald Trump took office, but there was an uptick in June to 21,659 apprehensions from the month before, according to US Customs and Border Patrol's web site.

Still, that figure is down by about 53 per cent from June 2016.

Washington Post