New job? Successful orientation with your new family

babysitter baking

So you got the job!  How to have a successful orientation with the child and family.

Congratulations on your new role.  There is a lot to learn each time you start with a family.   Your new family is unique, with their own values and beliefs about raising their child. Each child has their own personality, temperament and interests for you to learn about.  

It is in everyone's best interests then that your first day is not the first one where you are left in sole charge of the child or children. Children, particularly babies and toddlers use their parents as social references.  This means that they will watch their parent's faces, body language and tone of voice to decide whether a new person is a safe, friendly individual.  Remember that if you are talking about the child in front of them, children will listen.  Young children understand far more than they can speak, so make sure you use positive language and include them respectfully in the conversation.

There are a number of other factors that will also influence the child's response to you.  Each child's personality will determine how comfortable they are around new people. The social life of the family also plays a part in how children relates to new people.

For a comfortable transition for all involved, try to organise a few short (1-2hr) playdates with the parent and child before starting. This will allow you to:

Observe how the parents interact with their child.  Their methods will give you lots of ideas on how best to soothe, comfort and converse with the child yourself as they know their child's cues, likes and dislikes.  Listen to the messages that they give their child so that you can be consistent with the values shown by the parents.

Play with the child and family.  This builds trust with both parents and children as they learn about how you will interact and care.  Have a sense of fun and playfulness.  Bring along a small activity such as a bubbles to help with engaging in play with the child yourself.  No need to force the relationship, remember to keep engaging and give the child time and space to become used to you.

During this time, it is also a good opportunity to talk further with the parents about the practical things you need to know. Such as:

  • Where to find the child's belongings and other important items in the house.
  • Hygiene practices.
  • The child's routine.
  • The child's likes and dislikes.
  • Activities and parks in the area.
  • What the parents would like you to help with in the house.
  • How the parents would like to receive communication about the child's day.
  • Using the pram / car / appliances etc.

Last of all, discuss with the parents what they have told their child about having you come to help out.  Talk to the child about how you are looking forward to this and the kinds of things you look forward to doing together.  

Time invested in a good orientation is the basis for the start of strong relationships.  Enjoy your new role!

This article is brought to you by Community Care Co-operative

A not-for-profit organisation established in 1978 to promote, support and advocate for early education and care services.  We offer professional development courses, membership, consultancy and registered training to the early childhood sector, including the Certificate III and Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care. 

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