- published: 19 Jun 2017
- views: 3385
BTC may refer to:
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Daily: Crypto Dips Every Friday? Spain adds 4,000 BTC outlets
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Earlier this year, Ryan Sherman and I headed back to San Francisco, CA to get out of suburbia for a couple of days, clear our minds, soak in some nature, find new inspiration, and enjoy the good vibes. This was our journey, take a peep. www.bttntradecollective.com Song: 2Pac feat. feat. Money B, Shock G- "I Get Around" Also Featuring Buffalo Tooth SF
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I got a hip shakin' mama
I swear she suits me to a Tee
Oh, I got a hip shakin' mama
I swear she suits me to a Tee
Well, you know she can stay out all night
But she, still's alright with me
You know she give me everything I want
And a everything I need
She's my woman
I tell ya yes indeed
I got a hip shakin' mama
I swear she suits me to a Tee
What I like about the girl
I swear she's alright with me
You know I, never want for nothing
She give me everything I need
When I want that woman
She just mine, yes indeed
I say, I got a hip shakin' mama
I swear she's alright with me
Well I'm crazy about the girl
So I swear she's alright with me
I wake up early in the morning
my breakfast is right by my bed
I wake up early in the morning
You know, my breakfast is right by my bed
You know if I want for anything else
My baby heard every word I said
And you know she suit me baby, ha ha ha
You know you suit me baby, ha ha ha
I tell she suits me baby, ha ha ha
And she suits me baby, yeah
Oh the girl she suits me baby,