Tuesday, January 26, 2016

La Sombra Strikes Again: 2 Dead, 2 Wounded

Translated by Valor for Borderland Beat

Just two days after two municipal policemen were gunned down in Los Reyes La Paz, the same criminal group attacked four people who were in Santa Cruz Tlapacoya, leaving two dead and two wounded.

The local police received a report of an armed attack around 21:00 hours on Monday, January 25.

The patrol unit 259 moved to the street Palmira and found two people dead and two people with gunshot wounds.

The attackers came out of a white truck in order to leave a narcomanta signed by Ivan El Ingeniero, El Pantera and La Sombra.

On a red Nissan Sentra, with Edomex license plates, the attackers left the following message:

“Esto les va a pasar a todos los hijos de su puta madre de la avanzada.

Empezo la limpia putitos, alinience con el pueblo se acabó la extorsión y secuestro

Ivan El Ingeniero
La Sombra"

(Graphic Images Below)

“This is going to happen to all the sons of bitches of la avanzada (outpost/movement?)

The cleaning has begun faggots, align yourselves with the people, extortions and kidnappings are over.

Ivan El Ingeniero
La Sombra"

The signatories of the narcomanta were the same who executed the two policemen early Sunday in Los Reyes La Paz.

Edomex authorities have remained hermetic towards these attacks on the police and civilians, not even the Joint Operations Base have been enabled to try to locate the attacking group.

So far, the four victims have not been identified.  The two wounded were taken to a specialist hospital in Ixtapaluca.


  1. Chivis recapturaron al Chalelo en Nuevo Laredo hoy por la noche.

  2. Como va la cancion?:
    Sombras nada mas...
    Lara lara lara..
    Sombras nada mas....

    1. A poco si? No que no? ... Ja-Ja

    2. Y la sombra negra???

    3. La sombra roja, sombra gris, sombra blanca, sombra negra, sombra verde, sombra amarilla, cual?

    4. "Sombras nada más
      Acariciando mis manos
      Sombras nada más
      en el temblor de mi voz.
      Pude ser feliz
      y estoy en vida muriendo,
      y entre lágrimas viviendo
      los pasajes más horrendos
      de este drama sin final.
      Sombras nada más
      entre tu vida y mi vida
      Sombras nada más
      entre mi amor y tu amor"


      Recently Los Temerarios did a good version, too.




    5. Strangers in the Niigght....

    6. Too many sombras, "sombra del daily reader"

    7. 50 shades of grey, 50 shades of black, now all we needed is 50 shades of sombras, plus the prequels and the sequels...

  3. Let's try to keep the location of these events, the state in which it occurred and, even better the general area, in the headline or the body of the article. No one knows where Los Reyes/La Paz is, and "Edomex" is an abbreviation for Mexico State that many might be unfamiliar with. Say something like, "in the state of Mexico just east of Mexico City." Thank you for your work.

    1. -EDOMEX= Estado de Mexico, epn used to be the governor
      -Ciudad de Mexico=El DF, LA CAPITAL, where the federal powers congregate to rob and steal the country now headed by epn
      -la avanzada, an outpost, spearheading the movement, at the vanguard...
      --It is customary that movements like this are fueled by government paid provocateur agents, to attract the most irritated elements of the opposition and com promise them with the murders and robberies they commit...
      --manlio fabio beltrones then a 16 18 year old toy "secretaria" of army captain, CIA puppet, (doing double duty as a kgb/cuban spy informer) fernando gutierrez barrios director of the DFS...
      --"la fabis" learned from the best, fighting "communism" to end dealing charolas to other drug traffickers fully owned by the DFS...like the guadalajara cartel and amado carrillo juentes, all of whom he betrayed also...
      --I SWEAR THIS looks like the same pattern, only "la fabis" is running it from the top as a pri secretary general, heading the opposition to Genghis Chong within el PRI

    2. ^^^^^^^^^^3:20am

      I thought the article was talking about La Paz in BCS wit all thats happened there lately. Youre right though, This is not in Baja its near D.F.

    3. Why dont you translate the article then the headline will appease you haha

    4. 3:20 thanks the poster of the article for his work, and a few recommendations given respectfully, once in a while, should not offend anyone, it gets old when some wise ass mathaphakka posts all criticisms all the time like Manic Winnie, and nothing else...

    5. Wasn't Mocha Orejas from those areas? Was he in the drug running? Or just strait kidnapping and killing?

    6. El mochaorejas was a kidnapper/extortionist for Genaro Garcia Luna, director de cine y television, chief of the mexican SSP federal, and founder of AFI, corrupt for all the 30 years he worked with mexican law enforcement, with his boy luis cardenas palomino, the kidnapper assassin cousin of alfredo castillo de kagada, famous for niña Farah and being epn's commissioner of fack-ups in michoacan...
      Of course, it tales a while to become business partner of carlos slim Helú and a protected riminal mass murdering refugee on the US...

  4. Who is this group La Sombra and Ivan Ingeniero and Pantera?
    Is this someone that challenge the Tijuana organization?

  5. Wow la sombra is taking out chapos people like nothing

    1. --El chapo's people are not kidnapping people for ransom on el DF "colonias proletarias de asalariados", this is all against the corrupt police officers del DF and their sicarios...
      --see, el chapo earns a more honest living than the police agents all over mexico...
      --el chapo's customers are volunteers...
      --el chapo's workers are paid workers, they are not sent out to earn a living as bloodsuckers attacking the innoocent proles...

    2. Yea he they took out a skinny dude and a puerco.

    3. Your a dumbass. Where does it say it's Chapos people

  6. I see my light come shining
    anyday now i shall be released

    1. Front it and be cool

    2. Esta buena la
      Mota hijo?

    3. 4:41 that light it is a runaway train coming your way, choo choo...tuu tuuu!!!

    4. Nah the light comes from the sun and that's gonna be the last lil light you gonna see you know why?
      "A no sunshine where you're going"

  7. This is all chapo new allie I see chapo written all over this

    1. 6:43 TAS pero bien pendejo güey, el chapo could have 20 cops or more killed every day, 2 or four a week ain't gonna do anything for our beloved and admired chapo, it's just not the right time right now...

    2. Hey, 5HEY saying bertie boy has got it all cleared and straightened up with the "Spanish actorities", he's been cleared and released, PRI politicians demand all of bertie boy's detractors apologize and pay a fine and shit...
      --OR ALL THE SPANISH PROJECTS AND CONTRACTZZZ ON MEXICO "se los lleva la chingada" como a los de Carmen Aristegui...
      No way, josé

    3. Some BB commenters owe a lot of apologies to el bertie boy moreira now that the spanish laws have spoken, all of you red faces need to start apologizing to governor el bertie boy...

    4. This is not in tj lmao

    5. You are right,mr moreira if you are reading this and can read english I would like to say from the bottom of my hearth que vaya y chingue mucho a su madre pinche puerco ratero :)

  8. Sombra is shadow common street name for all u people that giggle when u hear this name nerds

  9. Here are some pictures you guys have not used:


  10. Google translation of narcomanta (by a guero)

    "This is going to happen to all the sons of bitches advanced.

    Started the clean Tarts, alinience with extortion and kidnapping people ran"

    1. OK pinchi güero, you tried, now compare to translation above, and keep trying...

    2. Wow... Advaned sons of bitches.. Lol

    3. Avanzada=The vanguard, at the forefront

  11. El estado de Mexico !

  12. ....little wonder this is happening. Likely extortionists operating under the banner of 'law enforcement' officials...nothing but goons with a badge, uniform and a gun...people don't blow away cops for nothing, there is (was) a serious problem there. They are fed up with the institutionalized robbery and extortion in their communities. The PGR should be in there investigating and cleaning out that cesspool of criminality. Instead where the hell are they? Out on the highway hassling tourists and tearing their cars apart looking for that dime bag of weed.. and who knows, maybe a little mordida. I counted 15 or em of course armed to the teeth, busy stopping northbound traffic on 15D at one of those oh so convenient cuota toll booths. In Michoacán community defense groups spring up in response to the lack of effective law enforcement in their communities', but what does the government do?? Terrified of losing whatever control they do have and the option of law enforcement prerogative on their terms the government instead attacks the auto defense forces. I see more of these home 'assassination squads' cropping up in other communities'...guys who do the necessary dirty work, then they fade back into the dark of night... coming soon Cuernavaca and Acapulco two more cesspools of extortion criminality.

  13. Why people talkin about Tijuana? This is in Neza (Chilangolandia) a.k.a. Mexico City by the outskirts. Neza always had pressence of La Famlia Michoacana and this looks like their modus operandi; announcing limpias and acting like the good guys.

    1. Neza is outside Mexico City.

    2. Clearly said -outskirts- for fucks sakes.

  14. La sombra sera tu final


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