

Impeach Judges For Interfering With Immigration Enforcement—Abolish the EOIR! The Case Keeps Strengthening

Once again, our imperial judiciary is claiming the right to make immigration policy. The Supreme Court subverted President Donald Trump’s authority on immigration earlier this week by preserving a lower court ruling that exempted grandparents and other relatives from Trump’s travel ban . [ Supreme Court says grandparents, relatives can enter US despite travel ban , by Ariane de Vogue, CNN, July 19, 2017]The administration did score a win when the Supreme Court reversed another part of the lower court ruling, allowing refugee ban enforcement [ Justices allow strict refugee ban but say grandparents OK, by Mark Sherman, AP, July 19, 2017]. But eventually Trump and the GOP Congress must act to reclaim immigration policy from these would-be “kritarchs”—who increasingly act as if they are the only meaningful branch of government.

My answer: impeachment. And reestablish control over the immigration bureaucracy by abolishing the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR).

It is unquestionable the Constitution grants authority over immigration policy to Congress. Article I, Section 8, Clause 4 of the Constitution gives authority over immigration to Congress via legislation. No judge may challenge this authority. To do so is usurpation of the powers of another branch of government. Furthermore, Congress has specifically stated in legislation, specifically Title 8 United States Code, Section 1252, Judicial Review, that judges may not review findings of the Executive Branch in the removability of an alien. Read more >>

For Immigration Patriot Hobbits, Trump Must AND CAN Be Reelected—Or Sauron’s Army Will Prevail!

Donald Trump has been a mixed bag so far for immigration patriots. Of course, he is not Hillary Clinton (or Jeb Bush). He has increased enforcement and tried to impose a partial Muslim travel ban. But he could have done more and he sometimes makes Politically Correct statements that he actually appears to believe. Still, the fact remains that Donald Trump is the first President since Ronald Reagan who genuinely loves his country and seeks to preserve it. His reelection must be the highest priority for immigration patriots. [ The Face of Donald Trump’s 2020 Campaign, by Katie Gluek, McClatchy, June 7, 2017] I believe it can be done—and, remember, I predicted Trump would run as an immigration patriot back in early 2015.

Re-election will be quite a challenge, given that Trump’s political opponents are engaged in a permanent campaign to delegitimize him and the “America First” policies he (sometimes) advocates. We are currently living through, as others have noted, a “Cold Civil War”, a war that began decades ago, even if most Americans only recently woke up to the fact.

Donald Trump, therefore, must see himself as a wartime president if he is to accomplish anything, including reelection. Read more >>

Pat Buchanan: Is Iran in Our Gun Sights Now?

"Iran must be free. The dictatorship must be destroyed. Containment is appeasement and appeasement is surrender."

Thus does our Churchill, Newt Gingrich, dismiss, in dealing with Iran, the policy of containment crafted by George Kennan and pursued by nine U.S. presidents to bloodless victory in the Cold War.

Why is containment

Trump Prosecuting Immigrant Health Care Fraudsters That Obama Ignored

Attorney General Jeff Sessions and HHS Secretary Tom Price announced indictments of 412 Medicare/Medicare cheats across 41 federal districts on July 13 [ Documents and resources from the July 13, 2017 National Health Care Fraud Takedown Press Conference , Department of Justice, July 13, 2017]. And this doesn’t represent all Federal Districts so there will be more to come.

It’s a significant step in draining the swamp of Medicare leeches, and as VDARE readers may expect, many of these leeches are immigrants.

Recently, Ann Coulter gave us a glimpse at the immigrant names among accused Medicare fraudsters in the Detroit area.



Ann Coulter: How Delta Airlines Wrecked American Health Care

I think I've found the core problem with health care in America. And guess what? It involves Delta Airlines!

A few weeks ago, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow was going on and on about a "single insurance provider" that pays for 49 percent of all births, as well as full health Read more >>

Why are People “Racist?” Because “Non-Racists” Cannot Answer These Questions

Can you not understand why some folks think the races are different?

Does it blow your mind how young the Alt-Right is?

Are you astonished that, for most of human history, almost everybody thought the races were different?

Do “diversity” and “multiculturalism” seem so obviously good to you, you can’t understand why anyone would be against them?

Well, it’s your lucky day. I’m what people call “racist,” and I want to help you understand.

I believe that the races are different and unequal and that racial integration is inherently problematic.

However, I am not an unreasonable person, and I pledge to drop my “racist” beliefs when the world can answer these three questions.

  • Why does every test we use to measure intelligence consistently shows the same racial differences?

IQ testing, the most reliable and universal method of measuring intelligence shows this hierarchy: northeast Asians, Europeans, Hispanics, American Indians, and blacks. That same hierarchy is shown with every other test used to measure intelligence: SAT, ACT, and PISA, to name three of the bigger ones.

  • If these intelligence tests are bogus, why does the world around us show the same hierarchies the tests do?

In average income in America, Asians are the wealthiest, then whites, then Hispanics, and then blacks. Read more >>
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