Dance with the Brac Beach Boys

August 15, 2017


I don’t own very many records from Cayman Islands, but this is one of them. Bought in the last six months or so. From the liners:

“Here is a true Caribbean treasure – a Cayman Islands recording of a popular Cayman Islands band – recorded without electronic-gimmicks or special studio sound effects.”


“For the Caymanian, here’s a professionally recorded album of one of your own popular bands chock full of your own favorite music. What more needs to be said? It’s YOURS.”

A sweet mix of kinda lo-fi calypso, merengue, rock-steady, dance-special and c&w tunes.

price: five dollar or less
location: 2017 west coast junking

Who’ll Buy The Wine

There Goes My Everything



September 26, 2015

Here’s something you don’t see very often, at least around here. A private album of a mostly Mexican bar band doing 70s rock and pop covers. This was recorded sometime after 1975 in Salem, at Cherry Studios. The studio, which is still in business, was run at least in part by recording engineer Ron Skog. Will report back if they recall the record.

I had pretty high hopes from the cover and photos of these guys. They look totally awesome. Then on first listen seemed like kind of a bust, but has really grown on me. And for a sweet bonus they do a cover of Tumbling Dice, the opening track from The Rolling Stones classic Exile on Main St. What is up with their change to the first line of the song?

price: one dollar or less
location: thrifting salem strip mall edition

Tumbling Dice

Cambodian Tape #2

March 29, 2015


Here’s the 2nd one. From a tape titled “Groupe musicien Khmere au Canada Numero 4 Stereo”
Desperately seeking the previous three volumes. will trade. No idea how this made its way to the US but there it was on the bottom shelf surrounded by terrible looking 90s tapes by Freshy et al.

Cool 80s keyboards, drum machines etc

price: one dollar (plus one zillion dollars gas money driving to all these places)
location: “sorry we don’t have any more tapes”


Also check out my other blog Lovely On The Water for another tape from this shop.

Cambodian Tape #1

March 29, 2015


it sure has been a long time.

some mid to late 80s jams. sick cover.
please send me more.

Price: one dollar.
Location: bottom shelf of a video/grocery store. one of the last tapes left in the place.

Phased vocals

The Moguls – Ghost Slalome

October 11, 2013

this is very hard to find apparently. custom pressed in the mid-1960s, the Moguls were based in Eugene and released two 45s. haven’t heard the other one but think its instrumental surf/ski rock. tried calling one of the members to get some history but keep getting his answering machine.

it has been sold once at auction for a lot of bonedoggies hyping the nowhere near as good other side. that side is a decent surf instrumental with some unfortunate sax. but whatever the flip of this 45 is hands down THE BEST spooky ski song EVER. not that i’ve ever heard another spooky ghost ski song but god i wish i had. please send any spooky ghost ski songs my way.

Price: one dollar.
Location: bluesbooter or eugene garage sale.

Ghost Slalom

Gloria Desjarlais

September 21, 2012

Gloria Desjarlais is a Metis singer. She was recently inducted into the Manitoba Music Hall of Fame. This 45 was privately released in 1982 and recorded at Century 21 studios. A quick internet search shows no indication if this is her only release so I facebook messaged the lady who I’m pretty sure is her. Not my usual sound but this song is pretty great.

Price: one dollar or less.
Location: thrifting somewhere in canada.


Anders F Ronnblom – Ramlosa Kvarn

August 30, 2012


Second installment in Swedish finds from 2008. This record is Ronnblom’s second record whose title could translate to “Frameless Mill” The record is not really my bag and is making the journey from my room to the shop, but has a couple downerish tracks that are alright. According to the google translation of the Swedish wikipedia page, Ronnblom’s lyrics move between the ironic and vulnerable but have also been criticized for being too difficult and overly introspective. Two other tidbits – discussing influences “Grateful Dead is a pronounced beacon.” and apparently his super fans are called f-heads.


which has just been
sitting quietly
with a rose in the left
leaves no
there he goes
in the morning wet

the other song is about playing cards at night and dreaming about naked lovers. too long to type out into google translate.

Price: five euro or less.
Location: Northern Europe.

