Sunday, 2 July 2017

Drone mode activated..

And so whilst working, as I have probably stated multiple times and will do again unapologetically, I like to listen to instrumental music. Full working mode is going on and so I have little of interest to say that is not garbled mutterings of "data" or barking angrily at behaviour change theory.

This remix combines a lot of familiar loveliness and floated into my ears so ease the irritated outbursts this afternoon.

A great Nathan Fake classic remixed by the excellent James Holden.

Tuesday, 27 June 2017


Years ago I was in one of those big HMV's you used to get. You remember the ones, in a city centre, they actually carried music as opposed to just DVDs. And music in various formats too! Anyway, I was browsing and a track came on. It was electronic, a bit techno, but with a real disco edge too.

No one else seemed impressed, but my legs carried me straight to the counter - probably doing a subtle dance too.

'Scuse me. Who is this that your playing?

Err, hang on.

*Looks for CD*

Lindstrøm. Or sommat.


*Mutters to self whilst walking away "Or sommat? What a doyle."*

Needless to say this sent me scurrying to indulge myself. To then realise that I have heard many of Lindstrøm's tracks as part of mixes or compilations and enjoyed, without making the connection. Scattered mind, innit?

Here are a couple of favourites.

Monday, 19 June 2017

Inescapable tumult..

The relentless whirring of news can be overwhelming. Being able to switch it off if a relief usually. However the events of the past 4 weeks have been almost impossible to switch off even when the commentary has been silenced.

I keep coming back to music for solace. Just as I have done since I was a child.

The dark urban sounds of Burial's [post]dubstep are providing a cathartic assuaging of the most acute despair.

Friday, 19 May 2017

Joe Goddard

The eternal swoon-master, Joe Goddard, has returned with a slice of fresh, warm electronic delight.

His new album, Electric Lines travels through a diversity of funky, soulful, scratchy, grimey, bass-driven noise. And it is good.

I tend to opt for the rollicking. Clichéd Mulrine.

But the affectionate sounds of Home are happily pacifying my being.

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

From Here We Go Sublime

It is just over 10 years since The Field realised From Here We Go Sublime. And just over 10 years ago I wrote this about it:
The Field has somewhat fallen into my world from, I'm not really sure where.

And I am insanely grateful.

From Here We Go To Sublime is something I felt I almost stepped into. I felt I was wearing the sound and music as it filled my ears. It completely enveloped me from beginning to end.

I don't want to say too much on it.

Words may erode this piece of joy.
Only to add that I feel the same. I still listen to this album monthly, weekly, daily.

I want Everyday played at my funeral. Ta, future person who is organising it. Bigger thanks to Axel Willner. You'll never know...

Friday, 24 March 2017


Freaky, and arguably now retro, vibes accompanying my commute the past week.

The delightfully lurid, sexual, and bizarre sounds of Beck's 1999 album Midnight Vultures is unadulterated joy. I find it almost impossible to listen to without breaking into smiles and song.

I remember my Dad loaning this album on CD from Bradford library and then getting it copied and burned at his work for me. I must have been about 15 years old.

It still sounds as crazy and boundary defying as it did then.

Let's have some Nicotine & Gravy!

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Gesaffelstein and strength..

After being told I was "a bit combative" and knowing that if the work had come from a male, middle-class or more senior colleague that would have never been said by this particular person, I needed something that felt combative.

As if by magic Viol by Gesaffelstein appeared.

So feel empowered! And work to defy expectation and limitations placed on you. I won't feel ashamed of writing with integrity and rigour. If you want apologetic, hesitant and unquestioning deference to authority then you are working with the wrong person.

There's some midweek motivation for yer!