Sunday 16 January 2011

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Thursday 13 January 2011

The Burns Unit - Since We've Fallen Out

Evict the dreary Bon Iver, invite a galley of Scottish music aristocrats (there are 2 Canadians on board), swap your choice of rural desolation to the highlands and what you get is the Burns Unit. It's hardly a supergroup because that would denote a sense of the masses entirely knowing who they were. For me the headline grabber is ex Delgados singer Emma Pollock (also aware of Future Pilot AKA and King Creosote) but she had 7 others for company for the week it took to put 'Side Show' together. That shindig took place in December 2006 but it was wasn't until late 2010 that the ideas came to fruition. 'Since We've Fallen Out' is the album's opener and this version was recorded for a session on BBC Scotland. It is a distinctively native sound, a slow drift with a lyrical core that is not unlike the Second Hand Marching Band (another large troupe of wandering minstrels). Super all the same. KD

The Burns Unit - Since We've Fallen Out

More Info: Official
Buy Songs: The Burns Unit
Year: 2010
Wednesday 12 January 2011

The Twin Atlas - It Ever Happened

I'm kinda of annoyed with myself at how I could have come to miss the Twin Atlas (after writing this paragraph I discovered I hadn't, memory collapsing here). I mean they create the perfect template for every song that I hold dear, namely indie pop nuggets with lush harmonies and fine jangling chords. Think Teenage Fanclub or our very own the Very Most and you get the drift. Well, my annoyance was sparked by the realisation that Sean Byrne with Lucas Zaleski of the Twin Atlas are no more. After 10 years and 10 LP's they've decided to call it a day so I shall never get to savour that feeling on the day of a new release, pity. That said I'm only at the start of a voyage of discovery of their back catalogue so fun times ahead. If 'It Ever Happened' (and how could this warm breeze of loveliness not be) is your bag then all 10 Twin Atlas releases can be downloaded for free from their site, a world of happiness awaits. KD

The Twin Atlas - It Ever Happened

More Info: Official
Buy Songs: The Twin Atlas
Year: 2010

Sacred Animals, Upstairs Whelan's, Jan 11th 2011

Promoters Hefty Horse go from strength to strength (they've even branched out into compilations) and last night in Whelan's, for the princely sum of €5, offered 3 really promising up and comers. First up was Carlow duo the Holy Roman Army who sound immeasurably better live than they do on record. The addition of the trumpet definitely bolsters their sound and beautifully defines Laura Coffey's soft Sarah Cracknellesque vocals. The highlight was undoubtedly their version of Pavement's 'Here' which is available on their EP of covers called 'Desecrations' which can be downloaded for free from bandcamp.

The Holy Roman Army - Here

Second band on the night We Are Losers are also generous with their music, offering their self-titled debut EP for nowt. Led by Gavin Elsted from Super Extra Bonus Party they play a lo-fi and very loud brand of 90's rock and for the most part are pretty successful at what they do.

We Are Losers - Empty Head

Sacred Animals were a totally different prospect after the white nose of We Are Losers. Led by ex Angel Pier singer Darragh Nolan theirs is a genuinely unique sound which has already gone viral within the music blog world. With a backing track playing throughout there was bound to be the odd technical hiccup but the genuine warmth between band and audience avoided any embarrassment. Drummer Marc Colbert was superb on backup but it was hard not to be drawn to Nolan's near falsetto singing which if anything appears to be blossoming as the years roll on. In what was a short set there were several spine tingling moments, 'Chosen Seed' was as spectral as expected, unrecorded new song 'As You Sleep' could be their best effort yet, 'Welcome Home' really reached for the stars and the cover of Twin Shadows' 'Castles In The Snow' felt all of their own making. Looking around the sizeable audience appeared entranced, no requests for hush as Sacred Animals had everyone in their gentle grip. Next up for the lads is a trip to Eurosonic in Groningen later this week. Can't see how we will have them to ourselves for too much longer.

Sacred Animals - Chosen Seed

Photo of Sacred Animals by John McRedmond.

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Girls - Hellhole Ratrace

No he hasn't deserted Oliver's Army, that is unless the bespeckled one has lost 30 years and gained a schloch of curly mane. This is instead San Fran duo Chris Owens and Chet White who stretch a really great idea to nearly 7 minutes. Towards the end it does tatter a tad but there's no denying the classic aesthetics inherent in 'Hellhole Ratrace'. If the Libertines had written a song this good then I'm sure the NME would have dedicated a whole issue to it and Pete would have had to, at the very least, upgrade his hat to XL. This song was the opening single taken from Girls only album to date, 'Album', which came out in 2009. KD

Girls - Hellhole Ratrace

More Info: Official
Buy Songs: Girls
Year: 2009

Last Night's TV - We Fell Out

The Last Night TV's story is something to behold, both inside (!, read on) and outside of what goes on in the studio. One of the more remarkable snippets being the fact that lead singer Spencer Bayles is in the Guinness book of records for having the biggest appendix ever removed (over 8 inches long). That's about as gut wrenching as the Leeds combo get however as they ply a distinctive indie pop template which as you'll have figured out by now is something that goes down very well in these parts. As well as being all appendix Last Night's TV also appear to be stuffed with much heart as the proceeds for their Christmas single 'Tinsel On The Town Hall' all went to charity. All told not just your average, so-so, run of the mill, middle of the road indie act. KD

Last Night's TV - We Fell Out

More Info: Official
Buy Songs: Last Night's TV
Year: 2010
Monday 10 January 2011

The Online Romance - Ladybug, Don't Smile

Unless the internet's collective search enginery are very much wrong it would appear that Portland indie popsters the Online Romance have stalled. Last update suggested a new album nearing completion with 'Ladybug, Don't Smile' being a forerunner for what was to follow. Not a peep for the longest time but a tweet last November would suggest that there are hopeful stirrings. For all our sakes let's hope the hibernation is temporary because this song is striking. Warmly produced with melodies from top to toe it has the makings of a classic pop song. On this evidence alone I'm sure we'll be more than maybe-friends for years to come.

Update: Jack from the Online Romance emailed with an update on the state of play with the album, cheers Jack!

"I realize now that we never posted the news to Twitter that we'd disbanded. (Announced it on Facebook, but neglected to do so elsewhere.) Part of the reason is because a few of us still plan to finish our abandoned album under a different name, but newer projects have taken priority for the moment."


The Online Romance - Ladybug, Don't Smile

More Info: Official
Buy Songs: The Online Romance
Year: 2011ish

Candy Flip - Redhills Road

How about this for a period piece from the Madchester era? The year was 1991 when colloquialisms like Candy Flip probably meant a lot to much of the youth of the day (look it up). Hedonism was not confined to northern Britain but it was defined there in clubs like the Hacienda. Candy Flip only existed for a short period and put out just one album 'Madstock' which contained their megahit, an acid tinged version of the Beatles 'Strawberry Fields Forever', as well as this wonderful pop tune 'Redhills Road' which also encroached on the mainstream charts. If you can see past the of its time sound you'll be rewarded with a fine chorus and all round happy demeanour. KD

Candy Flip - Redhills Road

Watch The Video To Strawberry Fields Forever

More Info: Wiki
Buy Songs: Madstock
Year: 1991

Slowwave - Pour

Slowwave are a new band from Tacoma, Washington about to release their debut EP. 'Drag Lake Sin' is a surprisingly varied piece drifting from new romanticism ('Scraphead' is particularly noteworthy) to electronica and back to more traditional indie rock templates. It may or may not help their cause to have a lead singer that sounds like Chris Martin but looking beyond the obvious it's the cloak of off kilter surrounds that most impresses. Take 'Pour' for example with its pulsing and elaborately rhythms. It starts off acoustic and moody but it's not long before the grand sonic designs reveal themselves. A great start for Slowwave, 2011 should be a big year for them. 'Drag Lake Sin' is out on the Savings N Loan label on January 25 but is already streaming on bandcamp. KD

Slowwave - Pour

More Info: Official
Buy Songs: Band
Year: 2011
Sunday 9 January 2011

Le Futur Pompiste - Five Hundred Heartbeats

The fab Shelflife label may be based all the way over in America but that doesn't stop them from tapping into some of Northern Europe's most precious musical commodities. To Champagne Riot, Burning Hearts and the Radio Dept. you can now add Finland's (they come from the same neck of the woods as Cats on Fire) Le Futur Pompiste to the list of deliciousness that call Shelflife home. The latter are certainly Stereolab aficionados, offering old synth exchanges and sultry vocals supplied by Jessika Rapo. The best part is that the chorus is really memorable, sometimes songs of this ilk can rely on their adherence to note perfect retro replication but 'Five Hundred Heartbeats' boasts a successful twin pronged approach. KD

Le Futur Pompiste - Five Hundred Heartbeats

More Info: Official
Buy Songs: Le Futur Pompiste
Year: 2010
Saturday 8 January 2011

Easter Island - Proud

Unfortunately all 5 members of Athens band Easter Island have regular shaped heads, thus making it near impossible to pull jokes about the moniker they chose for themselves. Might be a little bit harsh to do so anyway given the shimmying artistry displayed on ‘Proud’ which is the first taste from their upcoming EP called ‘Better Things’. Ok, the guitars might sound a bit like ‘Yellow’ in places but the fey boy vocals are so in touch with the jingle jangle that such comparisons are soon forgotten. As clean shaven a song as you’ll get nowadays and pretty nicely sculpted too. KD

Easter Island - Proud

More Info: Official
Buy Songs: Easter Island
Year: 2011

Video of the Week (1/11)

- Jonny -

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