Showing posts with label Latvia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Latvia. Show all posts

Friday, December 27, 2013

V/A - Underground From Spils 2

Latvian punk compilation. All material from the 90s. Lots of cool stuff to discover on here. Sorry for the short posts - I'm outta town, so these were put together in a bit of a rush, but with lots of love, of course. I would wish everyone well for the holidays, but fuck 'em. I hereby wish you all well every day!

Monday, November 25, 2013


This is quite a collection of punk, hardcore, noise, experimental, and thrash from all over the ex-Soviet Union: Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, and Armenia are all represented here. Lovingly compiled and duplicated by a fine punk in Latvia, this tape exhibits an impressive selection of unknown bands, only two of which I'd heard of previously (A.INVAZIJA and TURBO REANMACIJA). Once I decided to sit down and commit to getting through the whole thing, it was an enlightening and enjoyable journey. If you've got patience, an open mind, and a passion for purely raw and obscure punk, this tape is a fucking goldmine. 

Also worth noting- I accidentally ripped side B first, so the file begins with the right column on the tracklist above. All titles in the Cyrillic alphabet have been just labeled as "Cyrillic" in the file becasue I simply do not know how to type it. 

Monday, March 18, 2013

V/A - "Sons Of A Bitch 2" Cassette (Latvian punk)

Full-on assault of 21 of the earliest, most primitive hardcore punk bands from Latvia! Let me just come clean by saying I do not know the (probably fascinating) history of Latvian punk, and this tape was among many others like it in a box of tapes (that also rule, but I have little info about) I got from a dorky ex-tape trader. Some of the material on here is really fucking innovative and angry, and surely must be an authentic reaction to the then-recent independence from Soviet rule (1994 Russian troops withdrew, according to Wiki). If this was a Japanese comp, there would certainly be a much stronger hype for it, and more of you would download it....but all you should need to know is that this is raw and fierce as hell! All tracks are "taken from demos and live records 1993-1995," according to the liner notes. Some of my faves: SMOGS,  DILONIS, 33-X ΛETHИЙ ЛOДOHOK, ORGASM FAKERS, and THE ANGELS & LITTLE FROGS.

As I listen to this while examining the J card layout, I fear that documents like this are nearly extinct and obsolete due to this very medium that I'm using to share this tape....let's hope we can continue to document things in their "pure" forms as well as on the internet, so all this important material doesn't get lost in a galaxy-sized sea of 0's and 1's.

Interested in more Latvian punk like I am? You should visit my buddy Miso's blog - here - as he seems to know a good deal of Latvian punk (and lots of other rare stuff from that part of the world), and this website also has lots of info on Latvian punk. Also, does anyone out there have "Sons Of A Bitch 1"?