Showing posts with label Hungary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hungary. Show all posts

Saturday, July 25, 2015

AURORA - Viszlát Iván LP

One of the few early Hungarian punk recordings to make it to vinyl, AURORA's debut album is a non-stop barrage of melody and drive. Virtually all the songs on here clock in over 3 minutes, breaking the supposed 2:20 punk-song rule, but it's still a strong listen all the way through. I still haven't managed to track down their EP on Empty Records out of Germany yet, but I've been told it's even better. I've heard earlier demo recordings on Youtube that sound really cool as well. The early Hungarian punk and hardcore stuff seemingly hasn't gotten as much reissue treatment as stuff from most other places. The bits of stuff I've seen, heard, and read are all really compelling and interesting. I'm sure it's only a matter of time, right? In the meantime, enjoy this classic LP. 

Monday, July 7, 2014

PADKAROSDA tape release!

Against the advise of every punk label runner I've ever talked to, I've gone and started a label. It's called WAKE UP AND LIVE and my first release is out now!

You may have seen me blab about them on this blog in the past, but I'll say it again - Budapest's PADKAROSDA is one of the most exciting and unique sounding bands in punk these days. My sales pitch:

PADKAROSDA is a captivating punk band from Budapest, Hungary. They’ve released 2 digital albums through bandcamp, and this is the cassette release of their second album from 2013. During an era of countless punk/hardcore bands spinning off their own versions of stylistic trends, PADKAROSDA is a unique breath of fresh air. Urgency, passion, darkness, mania, and imagination burn through their sound. It’s a sort of concept album where they paint the picture of a “mysterious city” where the real problems of Hungarian society can be found: violence in the suburbs, disappointment, lethargy… “We describe it from an observer's or an outsider's viewpoint like a vision, but it's usually ambiguous, because it's an ironic enjoyment.” I feel a strong affinity for PADKAROSA’s artistic vision, and I’m eager to spread their exciting brand of punk across the U$A! First pressing of 100 DIY punk copies. Tapes dubbed with a pro duplicator, covers printed by Econo Press. Lyrics printed in Hungarian and translated to English.

Tapes are $5 post-paid in the USA. I'll be in Europe this fall with THE NEW FLESH and will bring some copies with me.

check out both of their brilliant albums here:

Sunday, August 18, 2013


I actually discovered this one on the great Degenerik blog. PADKAROSDA is playing a unique hybrid of chorus-drenched dark punk and melodic hardcore at a galloping pace. The closest comparison I could suggest is SICKOIDS, but without the complexity. Some of these riffs get stuck in my head for days, and this band are actually doing their own thing. Interesting and blazing stuff, can't wait to hear more!

Check em out HERE!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Classic comp with some early Hungarian punk/hardcore, released by NEW WAVE Records outta France. Don't know much about the early Hungarian scene aside from bands like BIKINI and AURORA, but this comp leads me to believe there's some fascinating stuff to discover from there. Also, if anyone has a lead to a copy of the CPG 7" reissue that came out a couple years ago, pleeeease get in touch! Totally slept on that one...