Yeah, Maybe Don't Try Live Reporting In Front Of A Helicopter

July 21, 2017


This is a video of a local news reporter reporting on some area fires in front of the river that two firefighting helicopters are using to scoop buckets of water from. Things go pretty much exactly how I'm assuming everyone except this reporter and her cameraman would expect. Or maybe she was secretly hoping to find a backdoor into Oz. I would have done the same thing if I thought I stood a chance of meeting the Wonderful Wizard. I know better though. "Because he's not real?" What? No, because the Lollypop Guild had him assassinated.

Keep going for the video, but keep your speakers in check.

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Star Wars With Lightsaber Sounds Dubbed Over With Owen Wilson Saying 'Wow'

July 21, 2017


Just to prove that we really have reached the end of the internet, these are two videos of Star Wars lightsaber battles that have been dubbed with Owen Wilson saying 'wow' on top of all the lightsaber sound effects (well, in the first video they were completely replaced, which is better). It is hands down the dumbest thing I've seen today, not including my roommate's face. I can't believe somebody even came up with this, let alone took the time to make it a reality. I can't even find the time to brush my teeth before bed, and people are out there making Owen Wilson dubbed Star Wars lightsaber sound effect videos. "Don't blame your poor oral hygiene on this." I think one of my wisdom teeth has a worm living in it.

Keep going for the videos -- a shorter, better one and a longer, worse one.

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Video Of A Water Skier Solving A Rubik's Cube

July 21, 2017


This is a point-of-view video of juggler and magician Joey Fratelli solving a Rubik's Cube while water skiing. So, if you were wondering just how quickly this train of ours is approaching the end of the internet, the answer is we're already there. Gather your belongings and quickly exit the train in an unorderly fashion, pushing and screaming like you're the only person in the world who matters. And you know what? To me you are. "Awwww." We really love each other, don't we? "We sure do." Awesome, I want you to kill my roommate for me.

Keep going for the video.

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Oh Wow: Insanely Impressive Jet Flying Tricks

July 21, 2017


This is a video from a recent Russian air show in Zhukovsky of an Su-35 fighter jet performing some seemingly physics-defying moves. I kept expecting to see the pilot have to ejector-seat out and watch the plane crash down to earth. That never happened though. Still, clearly this jet has forgotten how to jet and I recommend it go back to plane school to learn how to fly again. Or run away from home and join the circus. Or bang a Transformer and settle down and raise a family. I don't know, I'm not a life coach. Not a very good one anyways. Now, forget about work and help me chug these beers.

Keep going for the whole video, but the highlights are the maneuvers at 1:35 ('Cobra Turn'), 1:56 ('Pugachev's Cobra'), 3:25 ('Kulbit'/Somersault) and 5:25 (no name but insanely impressive and I thought for sure was going to lead to a crash -- this one and the one at 3:25 are the two best in my opinion).

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Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Cat Drags Its Bed Up Stairs

July 21, 2017


This is a short video of a cat who's had enough of ground floor living and tries to drag its bed upstairs. It doesn't just try though, it's successful. Another fine example of trying hard and believing in yourself. Also, I like how the cat's pattern matches its bed. It's like a kitty camo bed. I wish my bed was camouflaged to match me. "You should bleach your sheets." You're saying I'm pale, I get it. "I was referring to the pee stains." That's not pee, that's *sniffs bed* okay yeah that's pee. Never drink Red Bull before bed.

Keep going for the video.

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Star Trek Original Series Tiki Mugs Now Available

July 21, 2017


Remember those Star Trek: The Original Series tiki mugs that were coming soon from Geeki Tiki? Well they're no longer coming soon, they're available as a six piece set from ThinkGeek for $80. For reference, that's $13.33 (repeating of course) per mug. Not a bad deal if you're into tropical tiki drinks and Star Trek: The Original Series. The collection includes Spock, Kirk, McCoy, a Gorn, Klingon and Mugato. Obviously, I'll be drinking out of Kirk since I'm the captain of this ship. "What ship?" This spaceship we're both on. "You're in a cubicle." In a far-off galaxy?! "No, right under the A/C vent in an office building on earth." Man, you suck at playing space.

Keep going for a couple more shots.

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Home Security Footage Of Tornado Winds Briefly Picking Up SUV

July 21, 2017


This is some home security footage from Kevin Karas's home in Hamburg, New York during a recent tornado. The winds were strong enough to pick up both his trailer and SUV briefly. Impressive, but I can toss cars around like that no problem. *cracks knuckles, prepares to put on Infinity Gauntlet* Behold -- ultimate power. "A latex glove you painted gold and decorated with plastic rhinestones?" Bend over and let's see how well the glue cured.

Keep going for two different versions of the video in case one doesn't work.

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Meanwhile In Russia: Driving Through A Plague Of Locusts

July 21, 2017


This is a video from Russia of a trucker driving through a plague of locusts. It's pretty much exactly how it looks like in the movies, except filmed in a quality so poor it would look bad projected on the side of a matchbook. I still remember the first video I recorded with a pager.

Keep going for the eighth plague of Egypt.

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