Thursday, 21 December, 2006

SONG Releases

December 20, 2006

Sent to Toronto Sun editorial members:

"On Tues. Dec. 19, the Southern Ontario Newsmedia Guild filed what is known as a 'related employer' application with the Ontario Labour Relations Board regarding Sun Media.

In essence, it is a legal argument that Sun Media is playing a corporate shell game by eliminating jobs from its unionized workforce and creating a parallel non-unionized workforce to avoid union jurisdiction.

If successful, this application will block, or seriously impair, Sun Media's attempt to circumvent our collective agreements by stealing jobs from our bargaining units and putting them into a new, non-union entity.

The company has two weeks to respond after which the board will schedule a mediation hearing, likely by about February."

Maryanna Lewyckyj
Unit Chair (unit Jan. 25)
Toronto Sun editorial


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