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Support Mike Williams: Indigenous Elder and Sacramento Defender

Longtime Sacramento activist and indigenous elder Mike Williams is one of three people of color who face charges stemming from the antifascist mobilization which...

Sunoco Faces Backlash After Repeated Pipeline Drilling Spills

West Whiteland Township, PA ā€“ Construction of the Mariner East 2 natural gas liquids pipeline faces several new obstacles as local authorities and the...

Eric King’s Birthday is August 2nd!

Mark your calendars, Eric King turns 31 years old on August 2nd! Get together with some friends to celebrate, eat some vegan cake, and...

St. Louis, MO: Emergency Workhouse Heatwave Protest Part Two

The police showed their true colors tonight (the 21st), brutalizing and macing protesters who merely want the city to address the current and ultimately...

The Revolutionary Horizon in the Shadow of the Plantation

In this episode of the IGD podcast, we caught up with two members of The Base in New York, to talk about the growing...

IGD St. Louis: Hundreds Clash with Cops to Shut Down Jail...

Hundreds of demonstrators converged in St. Louis at the local jail workhouse to protest ongoing horrific work and living conditions. In the days prior,...

Update on the Situation of Anarchist Prisoner Fernando BƔrcenas

After being locked in my cell in Zone 7 of the C.O.C. (Observation and Classification Center), on Wednesday, July 19, 2017, I went before...

The Fire Inside: #PrisonStrike Reportbacks and Tour

Prisoner resistance and rebellion is on the rise in the US. Last fall saw a new peak in this struggle with the largest nationally...

#DefendJ20 Banners and Events Across the US

#DefendJ20 actions are taking place across the US! Check out a list of events here and take part in the call-in campaign here. Below is...

Atlanta, GA: J20 Solidarity Banners Dropped Across City

Starting on July 20th, banners have been popping up all over Atlanta declaring support for the J20 defendants. The messages include "J20 to G20:...

Cleveland, OH: J15 Report Back on CPD, III%er, and Alt-Right Activity

On July 15th, a constellation of grassroots activist organizations converged on Willard Park in downtown Cleveland to rally and march in support of the...

Ann Arbor, MI: Rally in Solidarity with Rojava Revolution

Some two-dozen-strong rebels gathered on July 19, 2017, to celebrate and honor the five-year anniversary of the experiment (among at least 3 million people)...

DC: Banner Drop on Connecticut Ave in Solidarity with J20 Defendants

The July 20 to 27 week of solidarity continues! As afternoon rush hour started on the 20th, activists hung a banner from the Dupont Circle...

Prisoner Healthcare Appeals for Xinacthli, Robert Seth Hayes, and FAM Members

Over these last few weeks, several appeals for help have gone out from revolutionary prisoners. Xinacthli, a Chicano anarchist revolutionary who's been held in solitary...

Philadelphia, PA: Alt-Right Tries and Fails ā€“ Again

On Saturday July 15th Refuse Fascism (an anti-Trump/Pence coalition with no affiliation to our crew) held several ā€œDrive our the Trump/Pence Regimeā€ demonstrations around...

Ann Arbor, MI: 100% High Schoolers’ Drop #DefendJ20 Banner

This morning, three-stories-high above Ann Arbor's Nickels Arcade across from the University of Michigan's Diag - one of the most heavily trafficked intersections in...

All the News You Didn’t Even Know Was Going Down

How much news can we pack into one roundup? The big stories of the last few weeks is that another crappy version of Trumpcare is...

Irony, Entryism, and Tokenization: Alt-Right Tools for Hiding in Plain Sight

On August 6th, Joey Gibson will be hosting yet another rally at Portlandā€™s Waterfront Park. Gibson, whose rhetoric is rapidly descending into paranoid conspiracy...

Philadelphia, PA: Six Months On, We Will Still #DefendJ20

Six months ago, on January 20th, the spectacle of a peaceful transition of power was smashed by hundreds of brave souls who descended on...

Brooklyn, NY: Banner Drop in Solidarity with J20 On Williamsburg Bridge

This banner was spotted on the Williamsburg bridge between Brooklyn and New York, as part of the week of solidarity with J20 defendants and...

Flint Stands Up, Fights Back

Flint has been without safe, clean, affordable drinking water for 1,181 days, as of July 19th, 2017. As most are aware, Flint is a...
The emotional toll of state repression is very difficult to understand without a direct experience with it. When I say state repression, I mean an individual's direct or passive encounter with governing institutions or agents that deal with investigating, charging, or punishing an individual for their political, subversive, or...
To the compaƱer@s of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation To the compaƱer@s of the National Indigenous Congress To the compaƱer@s of the Network Against Repression and for Solidarity To the compaƱer@s of the Sixth in Mexico and the World I, Ɓlvaro SebastiƔn Ramƭrez, want to inform all the compaƱer@s that on July...
West Whiteland Township, PA ā€“ Construction of the Mariner East 2 natural gas liquids pipeline faces several new obstacles as local authorities and the public respond to a series of drilling accidents. Sunoco/Energy Transfer Partners recently voluntarily stopped construction in certain areas where horizontal directional drilling for the pipeline hadĀ contaminated...
Hundreds of demonstrators converged in St. Louis at the local jail workhouse to protest ongoing horrific work and living conditions. In the days prior, inmates asked for help and solidarity and in one viral video, were heard screaming, "Help us!, we ain't got no AC!" The majority of the...
On August 6th, Joey Gibson will be hosting yet another rally at Portlandā€™s Waterfront Park. Gibson, whose rhetoric is rapidly descending into paranoid conspiracy theorist word-soup, has taken to calling anti-fascists ā€œterrorfa,ā€ as he attempts to demonize local residents and activists alike by labeling the communityā€™s opposition to his...
by Dan Fischer Half of all wild animals on Earth have been wiped out. You may have missed the news. It came from a scientific study mentioned on page 5 of last Wednesdayā€™s New York Times. You had to flip past the usual stories of Trump regime scandals, four jewelry...