Meet Laurel, pillar of her workplace and family circle.

Just five kilos to go, and Laurel’s weight is back down to a good place. That personal trainer program and 5:2 diet regime have paid off – so now Laurel can move on to her next goal.

Which is to start her own business as an education consultancy. In fact, she’s already written her business and marketing plan. Her boss’ll be devastated when he finds he has to recruit a new office manager-counsellor-events manager.

She’s on the hunt for some home office storage modules and a cute chair, plus a networking group and a new accountant. Or even an accounting robot.

"Next year, I start my own business. Watch this space."

That trip to Egypt or safari in Africa might have to wait. Maybe a weekend away instead?

What she won’t sacrifice is her weekly yoga class, regular pedicure, and a shopping cart filled with beautiful foods for fast, easy meals. Give her a medallion of filet steak, not a slab of chuck: she doesn’t have time to turn that into a weeknight dinner (fine cuisine is for weekends and friends).

With this many plans ahead for Laurel, there’s no end to her purchasing wants and needs – or the people she’ll discuss them with.

Key Stats

Fairfax Total Audience
Australian Reach
  • 44
    Average age
  • $166,000
    Average household income
  • 2.8
    Average household size
  • $156
    Weekly supermarket spend
Source: emma conducted by Ipsos MediaCT | People 14+ for the 12 months ending May 2017 | Nielsen Online Ratings May 2017.

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Rae Azad
Data Executive
Fairfax Media
02 8596 4113 Email Rae Azad
Adam Axiak
Audience Insights Manager
Fairfax Media
02 9282 3041
Email Adam Axiak