- published: 22 Mar 2016
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"Saft" is a word for juice or diluting juice in Germanic languages.
Saft may refer to:
Insurance is a means of protection from financial loss. It is a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of a contingent, uncertain loss. An insurer, or insurance carrier (often called an "insurance company), is sells the insurance policy to customers. The customers, who are called the insured or policyholder, are the person or entity (which may be a private company or other organization) buying the insurance policy. The amount of money to the customer pays for a certain amount of insurance coverage is called the "premium". Risk management, the practice of appraising and controlling risk, has evolved as a discrete field of study and practice.
The transaction involves the insured making a payment to the insurer in exchange for the insurer's promise to compensate (indemnity) the insured in the case of a financial (personal) loss. The insured receives a contract, called the insurance policy, which details the conditions and circumstances under which the insured will be financially compensated. In the event that the insured experiences a financial or personal loss which is covered by the insurance policy, the insured makes an insurance claim to the insurer. Insurance company claims adjusters and other insurance company employees assess the claim. Insurance policies typically set out certain circumstances or actions which will void the insurance policy; if the insurance policy is voided, then the insurer may not have to pay out the claim.
Safety is the state of being "safe" (from French sauf), the condition of being protected against physical, social, spiritual, financial, political, emotional, occupational, psychological, educational, or other types or consequences of failure, damage, error, accidents, harm, or any other event that could be considered non-desirable. Safety can also be defined to be the control of recognized hazards to achieve an acceptable level of risk. This can take the form of being protected from the event or from exposure to something that causes health or economical losses. It can include protection of people or of possessions.
There are two slightly different meanings of safety. For example, home safety may indicate a building's ability to protect against external harm events (such as weather, home invasion, etc.), or may indicate that its internal installations (such as appliances, stairs, etc.) are safe (not dangerous or harmful) for its inhabitants.
Discussions of safety often include mention of related terms. Security is such a term. With time the definitions between these two have often become interchanged, equated, and frequently appear juxtaposed in the same sentence. Readers unfortunately are left to conclude whether they comprise a redundancy. This confuses the uniqueness that should be reserved for each by itself. When seen as unique, as we intend here, each term will assume its rightful place in influencing and being influenced by the other.
Group may refer to:
The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) is a U.S. nonprofit organization funded by auto insurers, established in 1959 and headquartered in Arlington, Virginia. It works to reduce the number of motor vehicle crashes, and the rate of injuries and amount of property damage in the crashes that still occur. It carries out research and produces ratings for popular passenger vehicles as well as for certain consumer products such as child car booster seats. It also conducts research on road design and traffic regulations, and has been involved in promoting policy decisions.
The Institute's front crash test differs from that of the American government's National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) New Car Assessment Program in that its tests are offset. This test exposes 40% of the front of the vehicle to an impact with a deformable barrier at approximately 40 mph (64 kph). Because only 40% of the vehicle's front must stand the impact, it shows the structural strength better than the NHTSA's full-width testing does. The IIHS began this crash test in January 1995.
Safety Insurance Group
Smart Source Media Group-Safety Insurance E-Bill
Smart Source Media-Safety Insurance VIP
Connie's Corner August Edition - Driving Safety from Diversified Insurance Group
Insurance Industry Picks Safest Cars of 2010
You're Essential to Safety Teen Driving Program
Smart Source Media: Safety Insurance
Chase Ins Group Pool Safety
LIAM: The Perfect Employee and The ROTH Safety Chute
Terrifying car crashes: New crash test revealed by Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
Safety Insurance Group Inc.
Connie's Corner August Edition - Driving Safety from Diversified Insurance Group
Advanced Insurance Group- Auto Safety
SAVA Reports | Hurricane Preparation and Safety
Colorado Restaurant Insurance Agency Safety Group Program
Chase Ins Group Pool Safety
Colorado Restaurant Insurance and Pinnacol Assurance Safety Group Plan
NO 2013 - Who else helps drive safety? - Q & A
CSB Insurance Group Driving Safety Tips
CSB Insurance Group Motorcycle Safety Tips
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Here is our second video we did for Safety Insurance! https://www.safetyinsurance.com/ This custom whiteboard animation is a professional copywriting, black/white animation, color, sound, and voiceover. A descriptive video bought to you by Smart Source Media: Whiteboard Animation - Smart Source Media Group - New York Internet Marketing Agency - Blogs - SEO - PPC - Social Media - Email Marketing - Responsive Website Design. Learn more about our custom website design, internet marketing, and explained a video services at http://www.ssourcemedia.com
Here is our second video we did for Safety Insurance! https://www.safetyinsurance.com/ This custom whiteboard animation is a professional copywriting, black/white animation, color, sound, and voiceover. A descriptive video bought to you by Smart Source Media: Whiteboard Animation - Smart Source Media Group - New York Internet Marketing Agency - Blogs - SEO - PPC - Social Media - Email Marketing - Responsive Website Design. Learn more about our custom website design, internet marketing, and explained a video services at http://www.ssourcemedia.com
The private Insurance Institute for Highway Safety here in the United States has released its list for what it considers the safest cars of 2010. 19 passenger cars and eight sport utility vehicles received top honors, with Ford, Subaru and Volkswagen leading the pack. Fewer cars made the list this year, largely because the insurance group has added a new test to determine overall car safety. VOA's Mil Arcega reports.
A whiteboard animated video we created for Safety Insurance, an Auto-Home-and Business Insurance Agency. This custom whiteboard animation is a professional copywriting, black/white animation, color, sound, and voiceover. A descriptive video bought to you by Smart Source Media: Whiteboard Animation - Smart Source Media Group - New York Internet Marketing Agency - Blogs - SEO - PPC - Social Media - Email Marketing - Responsive Website Design. Learn more about our custom website design, internet marketing, and explained a video services at http://www.ssourcemedia.com
Chase Insurance Group plans to fulfill its mission by partnering with insurance companies that recognize the same values and dedication to the service of the customer. We provide auto/car insurance, home insurance, business/commercial insurance, and life insurance for residents of Brevard and all of North Carolina.
September is Life Insurance Awareness Month, and URL Insurance Group, along with our friends at Life of the Southwest, is excited about sharing sales ideas and tips to help you share the importance of life insurance. Life of the Southwest will presenting some unique sales ideas that you can start implementing today. For those of you who deal with businesses, you will learn about "The Perfect Employee." Life of the Southwest will also show you "The ROTH Safety Chute." Watch our video to learn about new sales ideas and better ways to provide your clients with peace-of-mind
A new safety car crash test by an insurance group has found that half of the vehicles tested were rated 'marginal' or 'poor'. The test designed by the US based Insurance Institute for Highway Safety sees cars crash into a five-foot barrier on the drivers side, while travelling at 40 miles per hour. Half of the 12 small cars tested didn't meet the industry standards. The insurance group said that nearly a quarter of front-of-vehicle crashes result in serious injury or death. These type of crash tend to involve a single corner of the car, usually on the drivers side that comes into contact with vehicles or object. Report by Sarah Kerr. Subscribe to ITN News! http://bit.ly/itnytsub Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/itn Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/itn Visit our home...
SAVA Insurance Group 750 Broad St Waterford, CT 06385 www.savainsurance.com 860-437-7282
The Colorado Restaurant Insurance Agency offers Safety Group Programs. Call 303-830-2972 or visit corestaurant.org/insurance for more information.
Chase Insurance Group plans to fulfill its mission by partnering with insurance companies that recognize the same values and dedication to the service of the customer. We provide auto/car insurance, home insurance, business/commercial insurance, and life insurance for residents of Brevard and all of North Carolina.
Who else helps drive safety? – Insurance companies, environmental groups, unions? Panel Q & A
wies anfäng weiss keiner so genau
doch im grunde sucht jeder mann eine frau
wobei so mancher mann besser mit männern kann
und so manche frau lässt lieber frauen an
aber abgesehen davon läuft das meiste hetero
wobei mancheiner machts auch gerne mal so und so
manch einer muss alleine seine frau seinen mann stehn
was immer noch besser ist als sich an jemandem zu vergehn
doch zurück zum thema es geht um mann und frau
um die beziehung der geschlechter und um den gv
um alles was sie immer schon hierüber wissen wollten
und um alles was sie besser nicht hierüber fragen sollten
es geht hier um ein thema das jeden interessiert
es macht das leben angenehm und irre kompliziert
ich kann es nicht verleugnen und ich will es nicht bestreiten
es geht hier um den austausch von körperflüssigkeiten
gib mir deinen saft ich geb dir meinen
ich geb dir meinen saft gib du mir deinen
ja aber wo waren wir stehengeblieben
ach ja es geht um leute die sich gegenseitig lieben
und sex auch wenn das komisch klingt
und dem was die thematik eben noch so mit sich bringt
extatisch und moralisch oder nymphomanisch
beziehungen machen das leben dramatisch und dynamisch
ich bring es auf den punkt denn die sache hat zwei seiten
weil mann und frau sich nicht nur geschlechtlich unterscheiden
zum beispiel gibt es frauen die sind sehr feminin
lieben dann platonisch ihn und ihn
und maskulin ist das anders anzusehen
wenns um frauen geht werden männer schizophren
mit dem kopf wollen sie nur eine mit der hose alle haben
das wird zum problem mann da liegt der hund begraben
geht’s um grosse dinge oder um kleinigkeiten
oder um den austausch von körperflüssigkeiten
gib mir deinen saft ich geb dir meinen
ich geb dir meinen saft gib du mir deinen
es gibt die sexuelle attraktion die hatten wir ja schon
doch über wahre liebe verliert niemand einen ton
es scheint als wollten sich die leute viel lieber hassen
und wenn schon lieben dann leiber lieben lassen
wer gefühle investiert beziehungen probiert
hat meisten schon von anfang an angst dass er verliert
und diese angst führt dazu die liebe skeptisch zu sehn
wir wissen ja genau wie solche sachen ausgehn
wir wissen nichts und alles ist erlaubt
so lang es beiden gefällt und nicht dem einen nur die zeit raubt
die leute machen sichs hier zu oben zu schwer
und deshalb geht bei ihnen auf die dauer unten nichts mehr
es geht hier um die seelischen streicheleinheiten
durch den austausch von körperflüssigkeiten
gib mir deinen saft ich geb dir meinen
ich geb dir meinen saft gib du mir deinen
wir warn doch alle schon mal jung und wir ham schon viel probiert
und dann kommts schon mal vor das was verheerendes passiert
ich mein verheerend oder nicht ist ohnehin sehr relativ
im endeffekt ist jede erfahrung positiv
so wie bei der frau die alleinstehend ist
die den ganzen spass einer zweisamkeit vermisst
und dann weiss sie nicht wohin dann will sie nichts verpassen
und in diesem sinn geht sie aus die sau rauslassen
ihm geht es genauso denn er ist im singlefrust
und auf ihr wisst schon was ich meine hat er ganz bewusst grosse lust
mit oder ohne interessiert sie nicht die bohne
sie sind sklaven ihrer eigenen hormone
der nächste tag sie sind wach der geist ist wieder klar
und auch die erkenntnis das es nur was körperliches war
es war nur optischer reiz von oberflächlichkeiten
und ausserdem der austausch von körperflüssigkeiten
gib mir deinen saft ich geb dir meinen